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Everything posted by Joboh

  1. Hi F&M, mind sharing how to diy a frag?
  2. It will discompose and add phosphate to the tank if not remove or eaten!
  3. What is the ID of the green color fish picture together with fire fish?
  4. No problem for calcium reading. Think I have to switch to FM pro kit for phosphate testing to have a piece of mind.
  5. Salfert test kit always shows undetectable phosphate since The 1st test. I really doubt the reading is correct.
  6. Intended to go down after work. Hope they still open after 7pm. Can't they just update the operating hour on their facebook for our convenience and avoid making waste trip!
  7. Thanks. Look like my yellow tang which kana HLLE has to be left in the DT.
  8. No water change is needed for fishless cycling. I reckoned the cycle should be completing soon base on your low nitrite reading.
  9. Anyone place caulerpa and chaeto together? Will that cause caulerpa to turn white or sexual?
  10. I raised the skimmer higher in the sump by placing it on brick to reduce the bubbles. Work perfectly.
  11. You are welcome. That just my experience, I am still learning as well. Do test your ammonia and nitrate daily during tank cycling. Happy reefing.
  12. Thanks Ken and PCW for your reply. It's more assuring after your reading your opinion and advise. Seem like I can't add mandarin as my current chromis and tang is also eating the copepods. I do have plenty of amphipods but they only come out from rock after light off. Btw, There is some Dino in DT and 2 small patches of cyano in the sump. I am struggling whether to add a reactor to reduce phosphate as i want my tank to be as simple as possible. Any advise?
  13. Throw half a market prawn will be more effective.. Chop it up will speed up the decomposition.
  14. I dose 1 vial of biodigest everyday and my tank is cycled by 7th day. Reefmarket is now having promotion. You may want to check it out.
  15. Nice scaping. Dose bacteria to speed up the cycle.
  16. My humble tank. Cycle completed on 31st July 2016.
  17. Hello fellow marine hobbyist, I would like to know whether my current basic setup can keep up with the bio load? Tank size: 4x2x2 with 25-30kgs of Caribbsea rock Sump: 3x1.5x1.5 Skimmer: BM C7 Bio Media: 2 cubes of marine pure 8x8x3 palm size macro algae in sump No mechanical filter Dosing bio digest n bioptim every 10 days during water change (2 big pails) Water parameter: Nitrate 10ppm, phosphate undetectable using salifert. Fishes: 5 clowns, 3 anthias, 1 Atlantic blue and 1 yellow tang, 1 flame and 1 Koran angel and 7 chromis. Around 15 LPS and Soft corals. Thinking of adding 2 mandarin 2 wrasse in near future. Thanks in advance for your kind comments and advices.
  18. Is reef booster on sale too?
  19. Just try every alternative day and they will eat eventually. All my fishes including chromis eat nori.
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