Hi all i have decided to start a tank thread of my own. I start up the reef tank on 10 of June 2017.
-Tank size: 4.5 by 2 by 1.5 feet about 100 gallons.
- ATI T5 8 Tubes
- Vectra L1 return pump
- Skimz calcium reactor
- An algae scrubber
- Nyos 160 skimmer
- 1 HP Compressor
- 2 Gyre XF230 with controller
- 6 Marine Pure Blocks
Planning to add around 4 liter of siporax slowly into the system in future
Water Parameters:
Alk: 7.2
Po4: 0.03
Mg: 1440
No3: 15
Cal: 446
Output cr cal: 480
Salinity: 1.025
Water change routine is once every two weeks.
Heres a few pics taken on 10 June 2017.
And heres a pic of current tank.
And some close up shot of my livestock.
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app