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Tyler Sim

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Tyler Sim last won the day on September 7 2018

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  1. I am selling a white AI Hydra 26HD used for 1.5 years with silver DD stand. Looking to sell at $450. Anybody keen please pm me.
  2. Are the Conbred's Cherry Sour from the States?
  3. Hey guys, I have been dosing Aquaforest Components 123 to raise Ca, Alk and Mg. On the first 2 days of dose, there is clear consumption as alk drops, however, after 2 days, the alk raised from 9 to 12. I assume there is no consumption. Any ideas guys?
  4. @SubzeroLT I use the Corallife Turbotwist x3 9 watts. I keep it on 24 hours and change every 6 months. @he Understand that. I usually change every 3 to 4 weeks. 1 to 2 weeks if i feed heavily. And i change everything.
  5. @Jeebusai My front shot. Although i like it from the top better.
  6. @Mahesh Aquaforest Media allows a stacking method. Although i am not sure if their reactor and phosban reactors work similarly, I just stacked them anyway. I do see clearer water and lower nutrients.
  7. Innovative Marine Lagoon 25 Lighting: Aqua Illumination Hydra 26HD (AI26HD) Wave Mechanics: Vortech MP10 & 1 Sicce Voyager Nano 1000 Mechanical Filtration: Sponge Filter through IOS Biological Filtration: Marine Pure Rocks, Marine Pure Block & Seachem Matrix Chemical Filtration: Aquaforest Carbon, Phosminus & Zeomix (100g each) through Phosban Reactor Salt: Aquaforest Probiotic Salt Dosing Mechanics: Kamoer X4 through Skimz DLC 4 UV: Turbotwist 3x Fishes: 1 Social Fairy Wrasse, Clown Tang, Moyer's Wrasse, 2 Yellow wrasse, 2 Pajama Cardinal, 1 Black Leopard, 1 Tanakai Pygmy Wrasse, 1 Skunk Clown
  8. I am no expert in marine aquariums but I think I want to share some thoughts about an algae turf scrubber. I really do not know what defines a good algae turf scrubber (ATS) so if someone could reply me in this post, it will be good. So the thoughts go like this. Suppose an ATS is supposed to help a reefer curb the growth of algae in the main tank by outcompeting, that means that we just require the algae to growth on the turf of the ATS. Meaning that, the "best" ATS will have the fastest growth of algae in the ATS, so that algae will not grow else where within the system. Hence, the determinant will really lie upon the growth of algae and the species of algae (for which, we do not have control of). Algae requires two factors for growth, light, water and nutrients. Hence, the three things that will affect the effectiveness of the ATS would be: one, the type of light used; two, the flow of the water down the turf; and three, the amount of nutrients in the tank. Of course there are other factors to consider with regards to any product, the functionality and quality of the product but from what it seems from this post, it is a product of quality and at the same time very functional in terms of the fitting into the tank. So my point is that, the type of algae that grows in the tank determines the effectiveness of the ATS. So if the design of the ATSs are largely the same, then this ATS would be of consideration as quality and functionality meets the requirement of Lenny.
  9. Use Polyplab medic. it helps Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Oh i see. So technically, adding oxygen to the tank won't help at all but promote algae growth ah? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. What about zoa growth? Will propagate faster? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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