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Everything posted by freddy777

  1. anyone knows whats wrong with my brain, t rest of my corals are soing well. any help will be appreciated!
  2. hi, looking for unique colour hammer like yellow ect...preferably branching type.
  3. yess I have can't seem to fund any too, I think I'll give it another dip tmr
  4. alsi I have other clams that are doing well but I'm afraid that it might spread should I remove t sick clam?
  5. hi all, I have a clam with PM anyone has had effective solutions other than freshwater dips and running carbon? I did a 30 min fresh water dip on it 2 days back don't know if I should do it again as it still looks bad. Any suggestions will be appreciated!:)
  6. thks for t advice guys appreciate it alot:)Thing is if I feed mysis my other fish will eat everything before it gets to him. any idea how to ensure it gets fed?
  7. hmmm ok, how long can it survive without food? will it take pallets or flakes?I'm also worried cause my damsel was slightly aggressive towards it when it entered t tank.
  8. hi all, recently I bought this melanurus fairy wrasse so t moment I placed him in t tank he immediately went missing, I know this is kinda normal but I was just worried about it not eating and also anyone knows how long will it take for it to come out?
  9. anyone want to trade anyt for this fish, bought on impulse
  10. hi, anyone knows the light requirements for red bamboo and also it is ideal to use it in t sump?
  11. sorry its in t previous post, accidentally posted
  12. hi have this few corals up for trade:)
  13. hi have this few corals up for trade:)
  14. hey I'm also looking for some anyone willing to sell/give some preferably in t east?
  15. sorry for t late reply, but ya it recently started eating t nori:)
  16. I have a blue tang about 4inch for about a month now, its feeding well and seems to be doing well, however it won't eat much seaweed when offered, just a few nibbles. is it alright for long term, currently feeding it pallets and flakes
  17. hey, Anyone here knows where I can find clams or selling their clams, been to a number of ships all don't sell?
  18. hey, Anyone here knows where I can find clams or selling their clams, been to a number of ships all don't sell?
  19. Ohh really. Yup it kinda shifted itself. But it seems less bright as before. Thks
  20. HI I got this crocea about a week ago and it has been looking like this. Anyone knows if it has PM or is thr smt wrong with it? The rest of my clams are doing well. Appreciate the responds:)
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