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  1. Would like to trade either one of my pump for smaller ones. PM me your number to discuss if you are looking to upsize.
  2. All collected, minus one large ish piece which I need for these few days. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. All collected, minus one large ish piece which I am needing for a few days. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. About 2+ big pails. Mostly medium pieces, some large pieces. FCFS but I reserve the right who I deal with. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Been with me since 2014, pellet eating. 2+ inch. You have to collect tomorrow, 2pm onwards. I have plastic bags but best if you bring a container. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. I am splitting up the rocks so you can take according to your need and budget. - S to M size $2 a piece (lots of pieces) - S to M to ML $4 a piece -ML to L $8 a piece Minimum purchase $6. If keen PM me your contact number and I will get back to you.
  7. New item: 5. H&S 150-F2001 skimmer with original Aquabee needle wheel pump. $190
  8. 1. Powder blue tang. SOLD. 2. Hailea HC-500A. SOLD. 3. Eheim 1262, since 2013. $120. 4. Live rocks, good for 4x2x2' or 3x2x2'. $50
  9. More information about these rocks: - I quarantine all my fishes, even the $1 ones. The rocks has no latent parasites, nor has it been coppered. - You can guesstimate the volume from the photos. As for the weight, I have no idea. And no you do not want your rocks to be dense and heavy. - In the forum you see people struggle with this and that algaes, or other pest like aiptasia. I can say none of those undesirables had shown up for years as I beat them all. These are truly matured rocks, you will not have to contend with new tank problems as long as you don't bring them in. If you don't bother to read the information already presented here, or you don't want to give me your number, I take it that you are not keen and I will not respond. Collection in Sembawang. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Okay may be not, but decomming nonetheless. 1. Powder blue tang, ~5", since 2014, feeding pellets and seaweed. $40. 2. Hailea HC-500A, since 2013, but very low mileage as I have not had corals for years, I am lazy to remove it but it is rarely turned on to save power. $290. 3. Eheim 1262, since 2013. $120. 4. Live rocks, good for 4x2x2' or 3x2x2'. See here. $50 Take all $430, and plus free fish. Preference will be given to those who takes all, and FCFS. If keen PM me with your phone number. Will not respond to those who hide behind anonymity.
  11. These are all real live rocks. Not some once dead rocks, cycled with bacteria and then called "live rocks" like to call here. Real live rocks have lives more than bacteria in them. I have no idea how much I have, but back in the days I spent a small fortune. This is an old picture where I have all the rocks in my display, the tank is 4x2x2' This is a current picture, the tank is 4x2x2'. The rocks in there are covered in coralline algae. I moved the rest of the rocks to sump. They get no light but are teeming with pods due to lack of predation. Priced to clear at just $50, my lost is your gain. Open to trade with Jebao dosing pump.
  12. I have a 4x2x2' with cabinet and sump. The tank is minimalist style rimless/braceless on top like those you see in some LFS showroom. 12 mm glass. The overflow of is external so it doesn't take up any space inside the tank. The cabinet is black in colour. PM me with numbers if interested. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. Looking for power head with the following flow rate. - 200-400L/H - 800-1200L/H Eheim, Hydor, Eden, Aquarium System or other good brands are fine as long as it is not Chinese brand.
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