2.5 x 2 x 1.5 two side Crystal glass with cabinet and sump tank- 280
Skimz SN143 pump up graded using SN 147 -120
Skimz MBR 127 - 220
AI prime HD - 150
Chiller Hailea HS 66A -180
Wavemaker jecod RW 4 2pcs - 20 each
Skimz Quietpro DC pump QP 4.0 - 90
RBTA 4 pcs each 20 take all 60
Life rock about 15kg take all for 30
Priority will be given to those who can clear the live stock and tank first....deal in the West 670449
Contact me at 93683521
Most equipment 1yr plus
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app