Don't give up, take it as a chance for you to replace some of fish for your tank ?
What chiller are you using?.maybe time to consider a more reliable brand or compressor chiller now.
How thick is the glass of the tank you are making ? If it is 12mm it is safer to have a top and bottom bracing . The center bracing will block some light but if you keep it clean from algae growth it wouldn't affect the light penetration much. You need the center bracing to place your T5 set as well unless you are going everything to hanging .
Actually your 4 set of AI Hydra 52 is already sufficient for your tank , but of course good to have more light . Let;s the fun begin ...
I always had problem with bringing up the color for the purple sps in my tank, amd i suspect it was due to the low potassium level .
Finally decided to invest a salifest potassium test kit, and bring up the level to 400 and indeed beginning to see some postive result.
High UV and violet will bleach the LPS corals, maybe you can increase your white to about 50 and slowly increase. Your red and green is ok or even reduce if there is algae issue. You can also increase your blue to 100 slowly.
For a small nano tank, i will got for kalk , for a med size tank ( 2ft to 3ft) i will go for dosing of the three part. Larger tank ( 4ft to 6ft ), i will go for CR . And for super big tank, it will be best to use a CR with kalk.