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Everything posted by Harlequinmania

  1. It is commonly use in fish farm to sterlize the water , similar effect as using a UV but does not kick ich. Maybe you can search around for some info
  2. If you want to improve your current filtration, maybe you can consider adding ozone to the skimmer. Thid will increase ORP and clarity of the water will be beneficial.
  3. Tank update video after the recent additional of two fish. Thanks again to dnsfpl for the beautiful and healthy fishes !
  4. Nice collection of fish. Maybe you want to consider having lesser rock and more swimming space for the fish in future? Just a suggestion. .
  5. If the problem seem too serious, usually doing a major water change will rectify it .
  6. Plastic Tray from daiso that allow you to hold extra frags or corals .
  7. frag station from daiso , the hole can be drill larger to fit in the plug.
  8. 30 min is ok for the fish and coral , if you are still worried that it might last longer than that try to get a battery operated air pump.
  9. Due to better handling and collection method, potter angel has a much higher survival rate than before.
  10. That is only for backup situation when your chiller fail.
  11. What equipment are you planning for your new tank? Looking good ..
  12. My queen is one year old yeah !! Color still holding well.
  13. Get a waterproof casing so that you can take the photo underwater, you will be amazed with the different in colors.
  14. Trace element is needed for both fish and corals.
  15. Due to change of plan, selling two unit of the jaebo dosing pump. Bought from aquamarin on July 2014. One unit is brand new never been used before, whereas the second unit run only for about two months only. Brand new unit - $60.00 Used unit - $ 50.00 Get both for $100 Will give one week personal warrenty. Collection near to clementi mrt .
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