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Everything posted by Harlequinmania

  1. Your fan is a bit small for the tank size, does it manage to drop the temperature?
  2. Did you see any ill effect on your coral or algae bloom so far? If not, you can stick to it. Usually 6 to 8 hour of full spectrum of light is enough and supplement by 10 to 12 hour of blue including the night for viewing pleasure if you wish.
  3. Maybe you can try using the underwater epoxy found at hardware shop to stop the leak. Temporary solution
  4. I don't think so.. oyster shell can be hard to clean and collect debris.
  5. Hi TS, You have to state your selling price under the pasa malam or it will be removed.
  6. If it continue to rtn. It is best to frag it at least you still have a frag of it
  7. I help you post the video. Just go to youtube copy and paste the embed link
  8. Yes. The new iPhone 6 photo quality is much better than s5 !
  9. Marine life shipment exacted from their update; Richardson Moray Eel Popeye Catalufa Solderfish - pristigenys niphonia Emperor Angelfish Bluefaced Angelfish Majestic Angelfish Bariene Tang Moorish Idol Sea Goldie Anthias Goldentail Damselfish Pavo Damselfish Melanurus Rainbowfish Lined Flasher Wrasse male Green Multicolored Wrasse Orange-axil Wrasse Cleaner Wrasse Griessinger's Goby Mini Dartgoby Mandarin Fish Pair Red-spotted Goby Wideband Prawn Goby w Pistol Shrimp Yellow Watchman Goby w Pistol Shrimp Tail Spot Blenny Ocellaris clownfish Bicolor Goatfish Clown Trtiggerfish Shortspined Porcupinefish Tassled Filefish INVERTS Sea Urchin Crab Porcelaincrab Tiger Pistol Shrimp Fine-striped Pistol Shrimp Donald Duck Shrimp Sawblade Shrimp Red Arrow Cleaning Shrimp ANEMONES Pink & Red Bubble Anemone Purple long tentacle Anemone Hemprichs Anemone CLEAN UP CREW Fenestrate Snail Blue-eyed Hermitcrab Gratilla Sea Urchin Red Tuxedo Urchin Banded Brittle Star SEAWEED Galaxuara Algae Caulerpa serrulata
  10. Pinnacle shipment arrived. Some nice zoas and sps! The elegance coral color is ultra green.
  11. Pinnacle got indo cultured sps and zoas shipment tomorrow afternoon.
  12. Some corals at iwarna. Tomorrow got Oz sps shipment . Ah beng got one jumbo size blue ring angel fish if anyone interested.
  13. You can try contact fantasy coral.
  14. You need to watch out for your ammonia level which could kill your fish . Try dosing some bacteria products to improve your bio filter
  15. From Fish Channel shipment update today ; Queen angels (M, L) - Belize Blueline angels (M) Helfrichi gobies (pair) Flame hawks
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