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Everything posted by Harlequinmania

  1. http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/05/29/0219156304345ddc36f8dc6c884524fe.jpg[/img
  2. Yes, there is some free tickets but already all given out to supporter of the forum I think it is best to check with freshnmarine directly for the discount.
  3. Cos i am in the Aquarama committee lol . Thurs till sat afternnon is open for trade visitor only, public day is sat noon onward. More information here ( http://aquarama.com.sg/visitor-registration)
  4. I saw a nice pair of black ice at iwarna booth not sure if it is for sales though. Maybe you can check with them
  5. Yes Bro, how can I forget your lovely fishes lol.. Both of them are extremely healthy and active. See if I can manage to snap a few photos of them one day.
  6. Some of the food like reef roid and coral vitalizer do no need to be refrigerated but my room is running on aircon most of the time so I feel should be OK.
  7. Unfortunately we can see Ich in the water with our naked eyes.
  8. You can try checking out with madpetz for the artifical rock. Price is pretty reasonable I feel.
  9. I kept a pair before, very interesting to see them swimming around and hunt for foods. Best is to keep in a species tank and relatively easy to keep in my own opinion. I feed with freshwater ghost shrimp and live mysis. When you see them feed, you will understand why it can't be train to eat pallets. However their life span is relatively short unless you can breed them like jelly fish. Coral farm used to bring them in and marine life once in a while.
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