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Everything posted by Harlequinmania

  1. Price is not too expensive but the problem is getting it to feed
  2. This is RBTA aka red bubble tip anemone . Can be found at marine life , ah beng or pinnacle at time.
  3. More photos of the sump Since I wouldn't be using much live rock, the biological filter media would be important .
  4. I bought second hand. It can be use out sump and in sump .
  5. Sharing the progress of my new 5 ft tank build in office. Always wanted to try a shallow tank for a change , and here it is. Since the 10 year old cabinet was still as solid as before, i recycle the old cabinet from a old tank , and remake the main display and sump tank to save some cost as well. Main tank ; 72" x 30" x 18" Sump tank; 70" x 28" x 16" Skimmer : JNS Cone skimmer CO-3 Calcium reactor; reef octopus Main return; 1 x ehiem 1262 , 1 x jaebo 12000 Chiller; artica 1/2 hp Lighting; yet to be decided Rocks; replica rock from madpetz
  6. Time for some long awaited update .. Didnt have much new additional for awhile except for some bits and pcs of frags from friends. Some reefer ask me about the Marine pure result and i am quite satify with it as it help bring my Nitrate further down from 0.5 to 0.3 ppm . Found a old video in my phone showing the K1 media compartment in my sump and would like to share it here , hopefully would be helpful for some of you .
  7. Pinacle still have some black clown, picasso , true percular ,platinium clown fish , sunburst anthias and corals ect..
  8. Winner for the next TOTQ will get to win himself one set of Aquacraft addictive. Thank to Reef depot and Aquacraft for sponsoring the prizes.
  9. New shipment from Marine Life ; Australian Banded Pipefish Hutchi Anthias Lyre-tail Anthias Blue-green Chromis Springer's Damselfish Goldentail Damselfish Coral Beauty Angelfish Two-spot Wrasse Hoeven Wrasse Melanurus Rainbowfish Green Multicolored Wrasse Multicolored Wrasse Orange-axil Wrasse Possum Wrasse Griessinger's Goby Tail Spot Blenny Mandarin Fish Pair Red Scooter Dragonet Candy Cane Trimma Red-spotted Trimma Striped Trimma Randall's Goby w/ Alpheus Yellow Watchman Goby w/ Alpheus Mimic Surgeonfish Striped Bristletooth Surgeonfish Ocellaris clownfish Saddleback Anemonefish Maroon Clownfish Pair Blue Throat Trigger male Warty Frogfish Porcupinefish Harlequin Sweetlips Flambouyant Cuttlefish INVERTEBRATES Spiny Astrea Snail Fenestrate Snail Black Sea Hare Giant variable Thorny Oyster Tiger Pistol Shrimp Fine-striped Pistol Shrimp Blue-eyed Hermitcrab Harlequin Shrimp Pair M-XL Donald Duck Shrimp Cleaner Shrimp Porcelaincrab Clapping Shrimp Sexy Shrimp Red-striped Hermitcrab Red Arrow Cleaning Shrimp Bubble Anemone Leathery Anemone Colored long tentacle Anemone (Purple) Hemprichs Anemone Ricordea Yuma – red, pink Green Star polyps Sand Dollar Salmacis Urchin Blue Starfish S Blue Tunicate Goldmouth Sea Squirt Red Whirl Algae Serrated Seagrapes Green Flourescent Algae Red-forking Algae
  10. You Are Running On the latest version of tapatalk right? The older version seem to be OK. If not try using the method I mention above.
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