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Everything posted by Harlequinmania

  1. You either oiled it, paint it or change to stainless steel hinges. I remember vincent from Aquarium artist used to sell those, maybe you can try checking with him and see. Hope it helps
  2. Lck today Flame hawk, designer clownfish, Queen Angel, blue line Angel, flame Angel , neon goby, purple tang ect..
  3. Your school of PBT didn't fight among each other ?
  4. This is my AI light setting on Director. The idea is to gradually increase the light intensity from 14k, 18k to 20K . which 14K and 18K is good for growth while 20K is more blueish and nicer on the coral colors.
  5. Found this AI LED color temperature setting online from Reef central and find it to be very useful and would like to share with everyone here . AI Hydra Colour Temp Settings.xlsx
  6. The test kit which I am using. Think my nutrient has been too low , with only one sailfin tang and free chromis in my tank. The skimmer
  7. Didn't update this thread for awhile. Nothing much changes except keep adding new frags and corals ..heehee The refugium tank with chaeto
  8. Your equipments everything is over sized lol... Both are calcium media?
  9. Maybe you are adding new fish a little bit too fast ?
  10. Helpful algae do you mean chaeto commonly used in refugium?
  11. Looking good !! Does your flame nip on your coral?
  12. Finally the water is in. We are all excited for you lol.
  13. Who is your new tank maker this time round?
  14. Over time it maybe able to cure itself if it is well feed and taken care of.
  15. Wow wow.. look like an awesome project in the making
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