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Everything posted by Harlequinmania

  1. Yes nsw contain bacteria but depending as well how long the nsw has been stored and how they stored it as well which may cause the bacteria to die over time. It can only be possible to shorten your new tank cycling process provided that you are using back old filter media, sand and rocks which has already been colonise with bacteria previously else it is still safer to do a full cycling again and check the water parameter. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. For those using the new HD series, below is a setting provided from redsea. Adjust according to your tank's need and try on your own risk heehee.. RS_Reef_Spec.aip
  3. Updating this thread for the purposes of people to share their led light setting . For those using the older version of the AI or other led model, the below color setting is a good reference for setting various color temperature .
  4. Ever consider dosing kalk while using your sulphur reactor to help bring up./ balance the ph ? Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
  5. Consider buying establish fish from reefer who is selling them will help u skip this step. Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
  6. Omg... but it look tasty though lol Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
  7. 10% is not enough to bring down the nitrate and phosphate level. Like you said , best to do a 50% wc to help correct the parameters Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
  8. I already remove the duplicated post for you Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  9. Running carbon before the di will help extend the lifespan of the di resin. Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
  10. Why not put in your filter media to cycle as well? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  11. Price reduce to clear Ozone - $ 50 Orp controller - $ 50 Acrylic sock holder - $ 15 Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  12. Yes it is possible if your pump is strong enough to fluidised both reactor but best is install a valve as well to control the flow Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  13. Solid piping work. Looking forward to your return next time with the next TOTQ !!
  14. Due to the algae on your rock surface some time you need to apply two time of the glue . Once for the glue to flatten / cover the algae and the second to secure it in position. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  15. Good point on the salinity. Didn't notice that could be the cause in drop in salinity as well, I think will be more important for those running smaller tank to check their salinity regularly. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  16. Ah beng shipment today as above Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  17. Sri Lanka (11/05/2016) Acanthurus lineatus Striped Surgeon Synchoropus stellatus(MD) Red Dragonet Blenny Synchoropus stellatus Bright Red Dragonet Blenny Chaetodon meyrei(LG) Meyr`s Butterfly Halichoeres trispilus(SM) Four Spot yellow Wrasse Halichoeres leucoxanthus [sM / MD] Yellow and Purple Wrasse Halichoeres leucoxanthus [MD/LG] Yellow and Purple Wrasse Echidna Catenata Chain Moray eel Myrichthys colubrinus Black & White Eel Centropyge flavipectoralis ( MD ) Yellow Finned Angelfish Centropyge Fleavipectoralis ( LG ) Yellow Finnrd Angel Fish Centropyge multispinnis(ML) Blue Finned Angelfish Centropyge multispinnis(SM) Blue Finned Angelfish Holocanthus xanthurus SM/MD Goldenscaled Angelfish Holocanthus xanthurus Goldenscaled Angelfish Holocanthus Africanus Honey Glazed Angel Fish [sM] Holocanthus Africanus Honey Glaed Angel Fish [MD] Holocanthus Africanus Honey Glazed Angel Fish [LG] Holocanthus Africanus Honey Glazed Angel Fish [Pure Blue ] Holocanthus Africanus Honey Glazed Angel Fish [Half Blue ] Amphiprion clarki Yellowtail Anemone Fish Amphiprion clarki(SM) Yellowtail Anemone Fish Amphiprion sebae Yellow Clown Amphiprion sebae(SM) Yellow Clown Anthias squamipinnis FEMALE Red Coral Perch [sM/MD] Pseudanthias bartlettorum Bartletts Anthias Anthias squamipinnis MALE Red Coral Perch [sM/MD} Lysmata amboinensis Cleaner Shrimp Fromia monilis Red Star Fish Echinaster sepositus (LG) Green Star Fish Zebrasoma xanthurus (4-5") Purple Tang Zebrasoma xanthurus (2-3") Purple Tang Zebrasoma xanthurus (1 -2") Purple Tang Zebrasoma xanthurus (3-4") Purple Tang Zebrasoma xanthurus (5-6") Purple Tang Chaetodon larvatus [3-4"] Finger Print Butterfly Chaetodon melapterus [4-5"] Melapterus Butterfly Pomocanthus asfar [6-7"] Arabian Angel Fish Pomocanthus asfar [7-8"] Arabin Angel Fish Pomocanthus asfar [2-3"] Arabian Angel Fish Pomocanthus asfar [3-4"] Arabian Angel Fish Pomocanthus asfar [5-6"] Arabian Angel Fish Pomocanthus asfar [4-5"] Arabian Angel Fish Pomocanthus maculosus [6-7"] Half Moon Angel Pomocanthus maculosus [5-6"] Half Moon Angel Pomocanthus maculosus [JUV] Half Moon Angel � Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  18. A good refactometer is important too, recently I found out that my salinity has been too low at 1.022 after using a made in China one and comparing it with a new redsea refactometer. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  19. Got the following to clear from my store room Hailei ozoneizer - $ 80 Milwaki orp controller without probe - $ 80 4" acrylic filter sock holder - $ 15.00 Deal in the west Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  20. Sharing my apex PH chart for my CR . Base upon the chart , i would be able to set the higher and lowest limit under normal working condition of the CR and to alert me via email if it go out of range which could mean either the C02 is empty or the supply or output water line is choked which happen to me before.
  21. Look like fin rot.. it should cure over time Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  22. Adding a new wave maker for my frag tank. Really like the sweeping wave effects. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  23. The connecting zoas frag tank.. trying to fill up the whole sandbed was various zoas species Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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