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Everything posted by Harlequinmania

  1. Click through to see the images. Chaetodon xanthurus While it hasn't actually been applied (yet) to fish, it has been applied to Zebras. In case you didn't know, zebra stripes are unique to each horse. US computer scientists and biologists have exploited this fact and wrote a program that can positively identify an individual zebra from a still photo of the animal. The program is called StripeSpotter and is available for free from the Google Code repository. The way it works: Users draw a rectangle around the zebra's side, then this part of the image is automatically sliced into a number of horizontal bands and each pixel is made fully black or fully white, creating a low-resolution version of the zebra's stripes. Each band is then encoded as a StripeString, a sequence of coloured blocks with particular lengths - for example, white for two blocks, black for three, white for one - and the collection of StripeStrings forms a StripeCode, the zebra equivalent of a barcode. One could imagine that the exact same technique could be applied to fish in the wild that exhibit barcode-like scale patterns like the above Pearlscale Butterfly Fish (Chaetodon xanthurus) or even the Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus). Researchers could monitor individuals to observe their range and their habits. Another application would be within public aquaria - barcoding fish in a large display so that the aquarist staff could monitor each individual fish. We look forward to learning if and how this might be applied in the future for our fishy friends. (via New Scientist) View the full article
  2. Click through to see the images. If you find any aquarist videos you think deserves a mention in our blogs, let us know! (note: If the embedded video is choppy in Internet Explorer, click the youtube button at the bottom right of each video to watch the video in youtube. Advanced Aquarist recommends Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Apple Safari web browsers.) View the full article
  3. Click through to see the images. If you find any aquarist videos you think deserves a mention in our blogs, let us know! (note: If the embedded video is choppy in Internet Explorer, click the youtube button at the bottom right of each video to watch the video in youtube. Advanced Aquarist recommends Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Apple Safari web browsers.) View the full article
  4. Click through to see the images. Click here to view the full resolution wallpaper (1920x1200 pixels) Click to view the wallpaper. Right-click the wallpaper and either "set as desktop background" or save the file on your computer. photo by James Wiseman View the full article
  5. Click through to see the images. On the heels of yesterday's shark handling video Nina Salerosa, comes another video by Joe Romiero and 333 Productions. This 7:54 minute video short was released in 2009 and highlights shark conservation and what we can and need to be doing about it in order to change the poor shark practices that are currently going on in the world today. Only through shark conservation will we be able to save these mighty creatures. Watch Death of a Deity now: http://vimeo.com/3872323 View the full article
  6. Have a look at the Bio pellets reactor from Bulk reef supply which used the RO/DI filer as a reactor .
  7. Click through to see the images. Do you know a deserving Marine Biology (or related) High School Teacher or College Instructor? The Marine Aquarium Society of North America (MASNA) would like to hear from you. MASNA is giving away a Full Admission Ticket (including banquet, talks and trade show) to MACNA 2011 to one deserving Teacher or College Instructor along with 2 of his/her students. MACNA XXIII, Sept. 9-11, 2011 in Des Moines, Iowa is the largest & oldest marine aquarium conference in North America. MACNA is an exciting, annual event you can listen to lectures from any and every field related to reef keeping. Subjects from conservation to reef chemistry, to equipment and husbandry, there is something for everyone. Send an email to MASNA Speaks telling them why you think a particular teacher deserves this prize. Be sure to include the teachers name, the school (be sure to let us know if it is a high school or college) and the teacher's email. Teacher & Students are responsible for travel and lodging. All entries must be received by Friday April 15, 2011. View the full article
  8. Fluctuations in penguin populations in the Antarctic are linked more strongly to the availability of their primary food source than to changes in their habitats, according to a new study. This research indicates that species often considered likely "winners" of changing conditions, such as large-scale ice melting, may actually end up as the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. View the full article
  9. Fluctuations in penguin populations in the Antarctic are linked more strongly to the availability of their primary food source than to changes in their habitats, according to a new study. This research indicates that species often considered likely "winners" of changing conditions, such as large-scale ice melting, may actually end up as the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. View the full article
  10. Click through to see the images. A big thanks to all of the hobbyists, frag traders, vendors club members and sponsors who helped make the Cleveland Saltwater Enthusiasts Association All-Ohio Frag Swap on Saturday, April 9th such a fun and memorable event. Over three hundred fellow hobbyists gathered in North Olmsted, the Cleveland suburb where colorful coral frags were plentiful and the hustle-and-bustle of a busy frag swap was in full bloom. This is the second time I traveled from Buffalo to attend the annual event and I was excited to see some familiar faces as well as new hobbyists who waited in a long line to get a chance at some seriously awesome frags. For anyone who has not had the opportunity to attend a local frag swap, it's a great experience that allows you to interact face-to-face with a ton of nearby hobbyists who share the same passion for reefkeeping. Not only is it a great time to stock up on coral frags on the cheap, but it's a great way to network and maybe even win a raffle prize. Again, a big thanks to C-SEA and everyone who played a role in making this annual event such a great success. We're looking forward to another one next year! Hobbyists gathered around busy booths eager to find a special frag. A wide variety of corals being offered by Midwest Saltwater. Tank-Bred Clownfish being offered by Booyah Aquatics. View the full article
  11. Noise pollution has been shown to cause physical and behavioral changes in marine life, especially in dolphins and whales, which rely on sound for daily activities. Now a new study found that squid, octopus and cuttlefish exhibited massive acoustic trauma in the form of severe lesions in their auditory structures following exposure to low frequency sound. View the full article
  12. Scientists have developed a method to rapidly measure thousands of cells and quickly determine the presence of viruses. View the full article
  13. You have to leave your empty tank there, and fastest you can only pick it up after one day depending on the time you bring there.
  14. Click through to see the images. We are pleased to announce that we have updated our downloadable issues to December 2010 with January and March 2011 editions being available in the coming weeks. One noticeable update to these editions is that instead of just a PDF version, we are also including a Kindle and Nook version as well. The issues are now in a ZIP format and once downloaded, you will need to unzip them in order to read them. The download size will of course be larger, but we feel that adding them as one download instead of two or three make it easier for everyone. The PDF issues are in the same format that we've provided them in the past: full color 8"x10"'s with a cover photo, table of contents, and all of the articles that "work" in a print publication. This means that we have not included articles that are only YouTube videos or podcasts. The Kindle (mobi format) and Nook (ePub format) editions are for the avid eReaders in our audience. Once the downloaded files are unzipped, the appropriate file can be transferred to your eReader of choice using your USB cable or similar and then read at your leisure. They have been specifically formatted to work well on that particular device meaning the format is much simplified with an included cover photo, table of contents, and articles. Once noticeable issue with the eReader version is that large tables might not show up properly if your text size is too large. The font size can be adjusted to accomidate this issue. It should be noted that the PDF version can be read on either device as well. Each downloadable issue will cost $0.99 and will contain all three versions of the magazine issue. Get them now from our downloads section. Questions or comments? Let us know in the comments below. View the full article
  15. you can try checking with Orsony i think he is letting go.
  16. You can try checking out with Aquarium artist or Irwanna .
  17. Click through to see the images. For all of you shark lovers, this video is a must-see. Joe Romeiro of 333 Productions has produced an amazing shark handling video entitled Nina Salerosa that's available on YouTube. The video showcases sharks in their natural glory with Expert Handler Cristina Zenato handling the sharks throughout the 4 minute video. Of particular interest, at the 2 minute mark Cristina places a shark into a tonic immobility state and she is able to easily manipulate the shark into standing on its head in the palm of her hand. I highly recommend you watch it in full-screen mode as it's just breathtaking and the music is beautiful (click the four-way arrow in the bottom-right corner of the video). Enough talk -- watch the video below! View the full article
  18. <br /><br /><br /> Hi Kelvin most of the answer to your question can be found in the forum under the dieases and treatment section or by just simply doing a search here as well.
  19. Click through to see the images. Three reef aquarium videos to kick off Spring Craving some underwater eye candy? Trying to find inspiration? Or perhaps you're just looking to procrastinate a bit. Advanced Aquarist has your cure. Here are some of the best new reef videos posted on youtube this week. Read more... Kessil Lighting Debuts A150W LED Aquarium Light in Three Spectrums Advanced Aquarist has received a press release for Kessil's new compact LED aquarium pendant lighting system. The A150W will be available in three different spectrums: a 10,000K "Sky Blue," and 15,000K "Ocean Blue," and a 20,000K "Deep Ocean Blue." Read more... The Basin Tank Reef Aquarium of Kyle Verry Here at Advanced Aquarist, we like to showcase unusual and unique aquarium builds and this one definitely fits that category. I've never actually seen a hobbyist tank quite like this one. Read more... How I beat dinoflagellates, and the lessons I learned I thought I'd share how I finally beat dinoflagellates in my 176 gallon reef aquarium. I know many reefkeepers struggle with dinoflagellates - and often get frustrated to the point of calling it quits (I know I was on the verge!). Hopefully my experience can help. Read more... New Tunze nanostream on the horizon I've confirmed with multiple sources that Tunze will introduce a new nanostream at Reefstock 2011 (March 12). The new Turbelle nanostream - currently designated 6095 - will the most powerful nanostream yet. Read more... Rare White Tang on display at World Wide Corals WWC has posted a video of a rare White Tang over at our friends, www.reef2reef.com. Amelanistic Zebrasoma flavescens are extremely rare, and totally white specimens are even rarer (most xanthic specimens still retain some random pigmentation). Read more... Hawaii HB580 "Aquarium Ban" Legislation AMENDED HB580, introduced to prohibit the collecting and selling of aquatic life for aquariums, has been dramatically revised from its original scope and no longer directly targets the aquarium trade. Read more... Win a Copy of the 2010 Print Editions of Advanced Aquarist! In celebration of publishing our next book, we are giving away a copy of the 2010 Print Editions (both Books I and II). Read on for details on how to enter to win! Read more... Construction begins on US’s largest (and only) coral reef research center Nova Southeastern University has issued a news release announcing construction is underway for the United States' first dedicated coral reef research center. The planned facility is massive (86,000 square-foot), with a build cost of $30 million. Read on for NSU's news release. Read more... The Spanish Flag turns up at Absolutely Fish Absolutely Fish in Clifton, NJ has obtained one of the rarest tropical grouper/basslets available in our hobby: The Spanish Flag (Gonioplectrus hispanus)! Read on for video of this rare gem. Read more... View the full article
  20. Click through to see the images. If you find any aquarist videos you think deserves a mention in our blogs, let us know! (note: If the embedded video is choppy in Internet Explorer, click the youtube button at the bottom right of each video to watch the video in youtube. Advanced Aquarist recommends Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Apple Safari web browsers.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTS-y8HGiBI Bonus Dive Video: View the full article
  21. Click through to see the images. If you find any aquarist videos you think deserves a mention in our blogs, let us know! (note: If the embedded video is choppy in Internet Explorer, click the youtube button at the bottom right of each video to watch the video in youtube. Advanced Aquarist recommends Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Apple Safari web browsers.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTS-y8HGiBI Bonus Dive Video: View the full article
  22. Click through to see the images. On Thursday, April 14, the NOAA and the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) will be hosting a free webinar on their new NOAA Data-in-the-Classroom Module on ocean acidification. It's a 90 minute webinar from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM EST and it's free to sign up at the NSTA Learning Center website. "This web seminar will provide a brief science overview ocean acidification, its impacts to marine life, and provide new in-depth tools to teach it in the classroom. We will introduce the new NOAA Data-in-the-Classroom Module on ocean acidification, consisting of five scalable lesson plans, aimed for High School science educators, based on increased levels of student engagement and interaction, plus classroom demos to showcase simple concepts behind ocean acidification." For additional information about the webinar and how to register, head over to the NSTA Learning Center website. View the full article
  23. A scientist uses vetiver grass to save coral reefs near Guam. View the full article
  24. That is what this is forum is about, to share the knowledge of reefing how we can best take care of those live stocks we bought, and being responsible for every fish and corals we keep .
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