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Everything posted by Harlequinmania

  1. Scientists have developed new methods for studying how environmental factors and climate affect giant kelp forest ecosystems at unprecedented spatial and temporal scales. View the full article
  2. Australian scientists have reported the first known detrimental impact of southern hemisphere ocean warming on a fish species. View the full article
  3. In just 10 weeks, a team of Canadian researchers has succeeded in "barcoding" 28,000 moth and butterfly specimens -- or about 65 percent of Australia's 10,000 known species -- held at CSIRO's Australian National Insect Collection in Canberra. View the full article
  4. Australian scientists have reported the first known detrimental impact of southern hemisphere ocean warming on a fish species. View the full article
  5. The mass extinction of marine life in our oceans during prehistoric times is a warning that the same could happen again due to high levels of greenhouse gases, according to new research. View the full article
  6. A new study finds that while fertilizer has been the dominant source of nitrogen pollution in Caribbean coastal ecosystems for the past 50 years, such pollution is on the decline. But now, sewage-derived nitrogen is increasingly becoming the top source of such pollution in those areas. View the full article
  7. A new study finds that while fertilizer has been the dominant source of nitrogen pollution in Caribbean coastal ecosystems for the past 50 years, such pollution is on the decline. But now, sewage-derived nitrogen is increasingly becoming the top source of such pollution in those areas. View the full article
  8. Click through to see the images. As reported by the NY Daily News, the corals were sold to the construction industry for their high calcium carbonate content (commonly used as an industrial binding material). Harvest for the construction industry would entail indiscriminate, large-scale coral harvest, unlike the selective harvest for the aquarium trade. Still, this news should serve as a reminder for us to be more conscientious with our coral purchases. Buy captive grown whenever possible; With the number of proven, beautiful specimens available these days, there really is very little - if any - reason to purchase wild, reef-building coral colonies. via NY Daily News View the full article
  9. Click through to see the images. In 1899, Irving Colburn began experimenting with making flat sheets of glass that eventually led to patents on the process. After an unsuccessful business venture attempting to commercialize the technology, he sold the patents to Toledo Glass in Toledo, Ohio where he continued to develop the process. On November 25, 1913 the first successful run of the equipment heralded in a new age in glass working. In a salute to Irving, let's look back at a few aquariums featured in Advanced Aquarist: The Basin Tank Reef Aquarium of Kyle Verry The following 75 gallon aquarium is the creation of Kyle Verry and is the next iteration of his Volcano Tank that he tore down in late 2010 to create this new tank design. The tank is rimless, measures 48" x 24" x 12", and the main feature of the tank is a central raised "basin" of rock that appears to be fed water from a submerged aquarium pump. Feature Aquarium: The 246 Gallon Reef Aquarium of Sonny Harajly When designing this aquarium, Sonny had openness and negative space as the top priority. This aesthetically looks better, and allows for a more natural and pleasant display. All too often reefers are quick to stack massive amounts of rock and corals into an aquarium. Philippe Grosjean's Unique Dropoff Reef Aquarium Take a look at this uniquely designed reef aquarium. This is a tank shape you don't see every day! It's a bi-level tank with a deep section on the right side that affords some uniquely designed aquascaping possibilities. (via Wikipedia) View the full article
  10. Click through to see the images. On April 20, 2011, Advanced Aquarist reported on the second annual Lionfish Derby (as well as the threats lionfish pose in the Atlantic). The first round commenced this past weekend on Long Key, successfully removing 531 non-native lionfish from Caribbean waters. Two more rounds remain: August 20 in Key Largo and November 5 in Key West. This year's first round removed almost as many lionfish as all three rounds from last year's tournament. While it is encouraging to see greater participation in this year's derby (resulting in the removal of more lionfishes), the increased catch also reminds everyone how fast the Indo-Pacific Lionfish are breeding in the Atlantic. The purposes of the Lionfish Derby are both to remove invasive Lionfish as well as promote public awareness of this growing ecological problem. NOAA's National Marine Sanctuaries press release: May 16, 2011 Contact: Karrie Carnes 305-809-4694 More than 500 Lionfish Removed in Second Annual Middle Florida Keys Roundup Divers successfully removed 531 invasive lionfish from Florida Keys waters on May 14, during the first event of the Second Annual Florida Keys Lionfish Derby Series in Long Key, Fla., organized by Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF). Ten teams of divers competed for $3,350 in cash and prizes in the categories of most, largest and smallest lionfish in the first of three lionfish derbies planned for 2011. Team "Strategery" of Key Largo netted $1,000 for most lionfish with their haul of 158 fish collected in the single day event. Team "Full Circle," Islamorada, won $500 for largest lionfish with a 14-inch fish, while Team "Key Lime Good Time" of Miami took home $500 for the smallest lionfish at 2 1/2 inches. Many teams took prizes in multiple categories. Click here for complete derby results. Researchers from the U.S. Geological Society collected tissue samples from lionfish caught at the derby to learn more about lionfish genetics, growth and impacts to native marine life. Derby attendees sampled cooked lionfish appetizers and viewed fillet demonstrations. The Long Key derby was sponsored by the City of Layton and Divers Direct. The remaining 2011 lionfish derbies are scheduled August 20 and Nov. 5 in Key Largo and Key West respectively. Teams of up to four divers may register at www.reef.org/lionfish/derbies. Growing populations of lionfish off the southeast U.S. and Caribbean are impacting native reef fish communities and could hamper stock rebuilding efforts. Lionfish have no known predators and consume commercially and ecologically important fish species. The Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF) is a 501 c (3) marine conservation organization dedicated to protecting and preserving marine environments. REEF has been leading lionfish research, education and control efforts throughout the invaded region. For more information visit www.REEF.org. Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary protects 2,900 square nautical miles of critical marine habitat, including coral reef, hard bottom, sea grass meadows, mangrove communities and sand flats. NOAA and the state of Florida manage the sanctuary. Visit us online or on Facebook. View the full article
  11. Despite being colorblind, the cuttlefish can change its skin color to blend into the background with great skill. In a new study, a team of researchers used hyperspectral imaging tools to model what the cuttlefish predator "sees" before and after cuttlefish camouflage. View the full article
  12. Researchers have described a new species of land crab that documents the first crab extinction during the human era. The loss of the crab likely greatly impacted the ecology of the Hawaiian Islands, as land crabs are major predators, control litter decomposition and help in nutrient cycling and seed dispersal. Their disappearance was caused by the arrival of humans to the islands and resulted in large-scale changes in the state's ecosystem. View the full article
  13. Scientists have uncovered startling new evidence of the destructive impact of global climate change on North America's largest Arctic delta. View the full article
  14. Click through to see the images. In April, Advanced Aquarist reported on public hearings and a conference call to discuss imposing quotas for soft coral collection in Florida. Currently, there is a 50,000 octocoral (soft coral) colony quota in place for federal waters, managed by the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council. There is no quota set for state waters. The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council intends to remove octocoral from its Coral and Coral Reef Fishery Management Plan, and the FWC has agreed to manage the fishery in both state and federal waters. The FWC is now considering an annual quota of 70,000 colonies for state and federal waters combined. What does this mean for the aquarium trade? In practical terms: nothing. 70,000 colonies is above what is currently being harvested, so supply of Caribbean soft corals should be unaffected by the new proposed quota. The FWC is still considering lowering the quota since the federal quota of 50,000 colonies has never been reached. The FWC will present recommendations on June 8 and 9. There is an estimated 8 to 29 billion octocoral colonies in the Florida Keys alone, so whatever quota (if any) is imposed, the aquarium trade's impact on coral reefs is negligible. via Sun Sentinel View the full article
  15. Click through to see the images. In April, Advanced Aquarist reported on public hearings and a conference call to discuss imposing quotas for soft coral collection in Florida. Currently, there is a 50,000 octocoral (soft coral) colony quota in place for federal waters, managed by the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council. There is no quota set for state waters. The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council intends to remove octocoral from its Coral and Coral Reef Fishery Management Plan, and the FWC has agreed to manage the fishery in both state and federal waters. The FWC is now considering an annual quota of 70,000 colonies for state and federal waters combined. What does this mean for the aquarium trade? In practical terms: nothing. 70,000 colonies is above what is currently being harvested, so supply of Caribbean soft corals should be unaffected by the new proposed quota. The FWC is still considering lowering the quota since the federal quota of 50,000 colonies has never been reached. The FWC will present recommendations on June 8 and 9. There is an estimated 8 to 29 billion octocoral colonies in the Florida Keys alone, so whatever quota (if any) is imposed, the aquarium trade's impact on coral reefs is negligible. via Sun Sentinel View the full article
  16. I had tried using a normal Skimz FR for Bio pallets . The FR still work but it will required frequent cleanly of the mesh inside the FR due to the "cloak" form by the bacteria film when the Bio pallets melt . I have given it up to use on a Bio pallets and use it to run my carbon instead and it serve me well all these months till date.
  17. Billions of years before life evolved in the oceans, thin layers of microbial matter in shallow water produced enough oxygen to support tiny, mobile life forms. View the full article
  18. The study shows how the effects of fishing and climate on marine fish populations in the Mediterranean Sea act synergistically and cannot be disentangled. Researchers can show why the effect of climate variations on Mediterranean fish stocks depends on its population structure. The lost of population structure may increase their sensitivity to climate variations. View the full article
  19. The study shows how the effects of fishing and climate on marine fish populations in the Mediterranean Sea act synergistically and cannot be disentangled. Researchers can show why the effect of climate variations on Mediterranean fish stocks depends on its population structure. The lost of population structure may increase their sensitivity to climate variations. View the full article
  20. Click through to see the images. On May 2, Advanced Aquarist reported about the first ever Mauritius Flasher Wrasse to land in the United States. This recent photo shows the male Paracheilinus piscilineatus with much stronger coloration after recovering from the long trek from the Indian Ocean to the United States. The wrasse is now adjusting to life in Jim's huge reef aquarium in Nebraska (alongside Cirrhilabrus earlei wrasses). View the full article
  21. One more week and counting down to Aquarama. Should be seeing alot of nice and exotic shipment this week.
  22. What error message did you encounter ? Let me know so that i could check on it.
  23. Click through to see the images. The two week survey of 33 reef sites in Bali documented 953 species of reef fish and 397 species of coral. In addition to the new species they discovered, the team of scientists also reported good news pertaining to overall reef health. Ketut Sarjana Putra, the acting Executive Director for Conservation International-Indonesia states, "Compared to twelve years ago, we observed an increase in healthy coral reef cover in the area surveyed, indicating a recovery phase. That is why it needs serious protection and management, to complete the revitalization. The new fish species have not been named yet, but they were in the genera of Siphamia, Heteroconger, Apogon, Parapercis, Meiacanthus, Manonichthys, Grallenia and Pseudochromis. Unfortunately, Advanced Aquarist was unable to source the photo of the newly discovered Pseudochromis, but the pictorial collage (above) shows the other eight potentially new species, including the new rosette-shaped Euphyllia sp. View the full article
  24. Click through to see the images. The two week survey of 33 reef sites in Bali documented 953 species of reef fish and 397 species of coral. In addition to the new species they discovered, the team of scientists also reported good news pertaining to overall reef health. Ketut Sarjana Putra, the acting Executive Director for Conservation International-Indonesia states, "Compared to twelve years ago, we observed an increase in healthy coral reef cover in the area surveyed, indicating a recovery phase. That is why it needs serious protection and management, to complete the revitalization. The new fish species have not been named yet, but they were in the genera of Siphamia, Heteroconger, Apogon, Parapercis, Meiacanthus, Manonichthys, Grallenia and Pseudochromis. Unfortunately, Advanced Aquarist was unable to locate a photo of the newly discovered Pseudochromis, but the collage (above) shows eight of the nine potentially new species, including the rosette-like Euphyllia sp. View the full article
  25. Click through to see the images. Both Liopropoma aberrans and Jeboehlkia gladifer are extreme deep water Atlantic species (we're talking 150+ meter / 500+ feet). Both specimens were collected using a deep sea submersible and are being sold on consignment through AquaTouch (Phoenix, AZ, USA). In March, Reefbuilders blogged about the first ever collected Liopropoma aberrans available to the aquarium industry. This specimen was reportedly destined for Blue Harbor, Japan. The L.aberrans AquaTouch is selling on consignment may be (and is likely) the same specimen. Jeboehlkia is a monospecific genus, and virtually no information is available about them. This is a small species; $7999.00 buys you no more than an 4cm (1.5in) of fish. It should be noted Fishbase lists Jeboehlkia gladifer as a subtropical species. The genus Liopropoma is far better documented; These reef basslets are amongst the smallest members of the grouper family and are found throughout both the Pacific and Atlantic. Other species (Swissguards, Cave Basslets, et al.) in this genus are hardy and good candidates for captivity, although they tend to be on the higher end of the price spectrum due to their reclusiveness and deeper-water occurrences. There are several other rare and expensive deep water Liopropoma, most famous of which are L.carmabi (Caribbean) and L.aurora (Hawaii); However, none come close to the rarity and price of L.aberrans. Like Jeboehlkia gladifer, not much information is available on Liopropoma aberrans, but it's a fairly safe bet that the husbandry of L.aberrans is similar to other Liopropoma. Now the question is: who's crazy passionate enough to be the first to own these species? AquaTouch also has in stock two specimens of the Caribbean deep water Lipogramma klayi basslets - for the comparatively bargain price of $999.00 each. Liopropoma aberrans ($8999.00) Jeboehlkia gladifer ($7999.00) via Reefbuilders View the full article
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