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Everything posted by Harlequinmania

  1. Not having enough Chinook salmon to eat stresses out southern resident killer whales in the Pacific Northwest more than having boats nearby, according to hormone levels of whales summering in the waters between British Columbia and Washington. View the full article
  2. Not having enough Chinook salmon to eat stresses out southern resident killer whales in the Pacific Northwest more than having boats nearby, according to hormone levels of whales summering in the waters between British Columbia and Washington. View the full article
  3. Click through to see the images. There may be scores of distinct biogeographic regions that have yet to be adequately represented in public aquaria, much less in the aquarium trade. A great many of them lay claim to a multitude of interesting, beautiful and diverse species. The islands of New Zealand serve as a particularly good example of this. The waters surrounding this island nation are inhabited by as many as 650 fish species. Despite the country's remoteness, a surprisingly small number of its fish fauna is endemic; it really is an inter-oceanic crossroads of sorts, falling within the range of drift between East Australia, South Africa, and Japan. Hence, while it claims relatively few unique fish species, New Zealand is truly unique in that there one can find so many disparate varieties of fish occurring together. The Lord Howe coralfish (Amphichaetodon howensis) is an exceptionally handsome butterflyfish; male/female pairs are commonly observed near caves and arches near offshore islands. Photo by Ian Skipworth. Several species of small, shallow water frogfish, such as the common frogfish (Antennarius nummifer) occur in north-eastern New Zealand; these fishes are not very abundant, however, and are presumed to drift over as larvae from eastern Australia. Illustration by Tony Ayling. Smaller individuals of mado (Atypichthys latus) are known cleaners, extracting external parasites from larger fish. Photo by Ian Skipworth. The Butterfly perch (Caesioperca lepidoptera) is a planktivorous serranid that occurs in rocky reefs as well as sand flats in both coastal and offshore habitats. Photo by Ian Skipworth. Its environs lie within a latitudinal belt that stretches from the more or less tropical Kermadec Island in the north to sub-antarctic Macquarie Island in the south. The majority of fishes of potential interest to the home aquarist, however, can be found in its subtropical and temperate inshore rocky reef habitats. These rich biological communities may be further subdivided into a number of distinct habitats, from shallow tidepools to lush kelp forests. This particular brand of rocky reef not only occurs in New Zealand proper, but actually abounds within a longitudinal belt that runs from New South Wales to Lord Howe Island to the Poor Knights Islands. Whether because, or despite, the county's proximity to so many extraordinary marine habitats, interest in marine aquarium keeping appears to be weak there. One resident saltwater fish importer complains, with at least some incredulity, that out of a population of 4 million, probably no more than a 1,000 individuals keep marine aquaria. This is perhaps attributable at least in part to the New Zealand government's strictly imposed quarantine period for imported aquarium fish (3 weeks for saltwater livestock, 6 weeks for freshwater livestock), which raises retail prices considerably. Some ornamental fish and invertebrate species are prohibited altogether. As koi are no longer allowed within its borders, New Zealand's pond keepers have increasingly been experimenting with native freshwater fish species (local retailers have even begun to offer certain native species for this market). Likewise, a handful of marine aquarists there have made attempts (some quite successfully) to create attractive aquarium exhibits with locally obtained flora and fauna. Surprisingly little is known about the biology of the clown toado (Canthigaster callisternus), which was first reported in 1968. Photo by Ian Skipworth. Though the demoiselle (Chromis dispilus) spends most of its time in open water near vertical rock structures, it will occasionally rest in fronds of Sargassum weed. Photo by Ian Skipworth. The striped boarfish (Evistias acutirostris) is attractive, but needs a large aquarium as it reaches an average length of 30 to 55cm. Photo by Ian Skipworth. The common triplefin (Forsterygion lapillum) is found mainly in rocky tidepools, where it feeds on small crustaceans and worms. Photo by Ian Skipworth. Male yellow-and-black triplefin (Forsterygion flavonigrum), like others in the family Tripterygiidae, are especially territorial during spawning season. Photo by Ian Skipworth. The spotted moray (Gymnothorax prionodon) is a rather aggressive eel that inhabits deeper (20 to 80m) reefs. Photo by Ian Skipworth. The sea perch (Helicolenus percoides) is a deep water species but occasionally occurs in waters shallow enough (20m) to be encountered by divers. Photo by Ian Skipworth. These successes pose an interesting question: Could any of the species from this region ever become popular in the global ornamental fish trade? One might suppose so, given hobbyists' apparently increasing appetite for rare and unusual fishes. Subtropical and temperate aquaria in particular have steadily gained prominence, with ever more offerings of such species to be found on LiveAquaria.com and now even specialty suppliers such as Coldwater Marine Aquatics. A growing awareness of the fishes from these areas could lead to a stronger demand in the trade, which could in turn spur suppliers worldwide to distribute them. Harvest and export from New Zealand would undoubtedly serve to fill voids already existing from closures enforced in nearby areas (e.g., the Lord Howe Island group). The redbanded perch (Hypoplectrodes huntii) is one of the few New Zealand endemics. Photo by Ian Skipworth. Although the long-nosed snipefish (Macroramphosus scolopax) is found mainly in deep midwater offshore environments, it is here included on account of its potential as an extremely interesting aquarium fish. Illustration by Tony Ayling. The blue-dot triplefin (Notoclinops caerulepunctus) occurs in tidepools down to the subtidal zone, and has been observed cleaning moray eels. Photo by Ian Skipworth. The blue-eyed triplefin (Notoclinops segmentatus) is a subtropical beauty from mainland New Zealand that could be a highly popular aquarium fish, if it were made available. Photo by Ian Skipworth. Yaldwyn's triplefin (Notoclinops yaldwyni) is but one of many triplefins that are quite suitable for the home aquarium. Photo by Ian Skipworth. The slender roughy (Optivus elongatus) is a nocturnal planktivore that spends much of its time during the day under rocky overhangs and caves. Photo by Ian Skipworth. The crested blenny (Parablennius laticlavius) inhabits rock faces, where it is often associated with sea urchins. Photo by Ian Skipworth. The leatherjacket (Parika scaber) is found in a variety of colors, from near white to dark grey or brown with darker brown patches. Photo by Ian Skipworth. The adult Kermadec scaleyfin (Parma kermadecensis) has a vivid electric blue color; juveniles are equally impressive, with a golden yellow base color and thick black bars. Photo by Ian Skipworth. The spotted surgeonfish (Prionurus maculata) has a blue-gray base color with red-orange spots. Illustration by Tony Ayling. The speckled triplefin (Ruanoho whero) often shelters near stones, where it feeds on a wide variety of small benthic invertebrates. Photo by Ian Skipworth. The sweep (Scorpis violaceus) is a schooling planktivore. Photo by Ian Skipworth. The following overview is presented with the aim of contributing to such an awareness, if not a greater representation of these remarkable species in the aquarium fish trade. This multimedia work is comprised mainly of still images by photographer, diver and adventurer Ian Skipworth, video by marine aquarium hobbyist and videographer "corralimorph" (otherwise known at Aquaria Central as "coldmarine007"), and illustrations by biologist, author and artist Tony Ayling. Material in the captions borrows heavily from Collins Guide to the Sea Fishes of New Zealand by Tony Ayling and Geoffrey J. Cox. The spiny sea dragon (Solegnathus spinosissimus) has an unusual morphology and appealing yellow-orange coloration; despite its potentially high value in the ornamental fish trade, New Zealand's Northland lobster fishermen regularly cast it aside as by-catch. Illustration by Tony Ayling. The lavender lizardfish (Synodus similis) is named for its pale lavender striping. Illustration by Tony Ayling. The toadstool grouper (Trachypoma macracanthus) is strictly nocturnal. Photo by Ian Skipworth. The red mullet (Upeneichthys lineatus) is a particularly robust goatfish; while small individuals feed mainly on worms and crustaceans, large individuals feed mainly on blennies and triplefins. Photo by Ian Skipworth. The long-finned boarfish (Zanclistius elevatus) occurs near steep, sponge- and gorgonian-covered rocky slopes of offshore reefs. Photo by Ian Skipworth. Note: Fortunately for New Zealand aquarium hobbyists, there is no permit required for harvesting/keeping marine species provided they meet the size and bag limit requirements and are taken by legal means. Unfortunately for the rest of the world, these fish presently cannot be kept for sale (including barter or trade), breeding or distribution (reseeding, etc.). Would-be exporters and other stakeholders could work with New Zealand's Ministry of Fisheries, however, to relax certain restrictions (particularly those meant to protect sportfish/foodfish stocks) to allow for a well managed marine ornamental fishery. Such industries would not only create economic opportunity for a great many of its citizens, but would furthermore promote a global awareness and appreciation of its rich coastal resources. For additional regulatory information, please view the following link: http://www.fish.govt.nz/en-nz/Recreational/default.htm References Ayling, Tony and Geoffry J. Cox. 1984. Collins Guide to the Sea Fishes of New Zealand. William Collins Publishers Ltd. http://www.fishbase.org http://www.ianskipworth.com/index.shtml http://www.aquariacentral.com/forums/showthread.php?150891-Check-out-this-cold-marine-reef-tank View the full article
  4. It is normal for water to turn cloudy after adding in new sand. Just leave it for a day , and it should be clear very soon.
  5. I used to convert a 5ft marine tank to a FW tank keeping aro. Actually it is very easy, since the equipment we use for marine can be use for FW as well. Q1) how to remove the coralline algae? Those purple color one that growth on the back of the tank. - wash with freshwater and scrap away with a brush Q2) can I still use the tank for fresh water? - of course you can, but you need to give a good wash to the tank first. Q3) how to clean and ensure all my equipment(filter/pump) salt free. - wash with freshwater and soak equipment in vinger or DD EX Clean to remove any particles or coraline algae if any. Q4) how long must I recycle my tank before introduct fish? - The tank cycling process is basically the same for setting up a marine tank.
  6. Click through to see the images. The video shows the growth of corals since the aquarium's start date circa April 2011. It also proves the reefkeeping adage: "Xenias grow like weeds!" After multiple prunings throughout the year, the Xenia keep growing back with a vengeance. Green star polyps and birdsnest corals do their best to keep pace. " height="408" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="680"> "> "> View the full article
  7. Click through to see the images. The disease was first noted during the month of April of this year and has steadily progressed along the Florida coast from Palm Beach all the way to the lower Keys. The disease is specifically found on red and brown barrel sponges and symptoms start as yellowing of the sponge followed by complete disintegration after the disease has completely taken over. The two big questions are which way is the disease is progressing and what is causing it. Is it progressing north with the prevailing currents or is it progressing south? At this point scientists are tracking the outbreak and working toward a diagnosis. Their first step is determining if there are pollutants in the water that would cause the symptoms. One of the first tests that need performed is one for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). PAHs are commonly found in crude oil pollution, which could indicate polluted water possibly coming from the Gulf of Mexico. Sponges could end up exhibiting problems early as they are filter feeders. "We are trying to get a handle on the extent of how widespread the disease outbreak is right now," says Rob Ruzicka, program manager at the Fish and Wildlife Research Institute. "As far as we can tell, this is the largest event we've seen so far, at least in Florida." ... "It's totally possible that whatever is causing the disease here could spread to the rest of the Caribbean in a matter of months or a year," Ruzicka says. "We might just be witnessing the very early stages of something larger... We need to find out if it's a widespread pandemic and, if so, how much of the sponge population it is affecting." ReefRescue uploaded a video showing the various progressions of the disease from a series of diving trips: (via Broward / Palm Beach News) View the full article
  8. Click through to see the images. Read Nikon USA's article for some great tips on taking good aquarium photos. Here are some additional tips to help portray your glass box in the best possible light! Use a tripod or monopod when possible. Shooting moving objects like fish is difficult enough; You don't need more help blurring your photos by handholding your camera. Perhaps an obvious suggestion, but one that is critically important: Clean your glass/acrylic before you start your photography session. The greater transparency allows more light to reach your sensor, meaning faster shutter speeds, better (and more accurate) colors, better contrast, and more precise auto-focusing (most camera systems' AFs are based on contrast). P.S. Do not shoot photos right after you've cleaned your glass, tank, or filter. Wait a few hours for the water to clear. Experiment with different over-the-tank lighting. If you're running halides and fluorescent actinics, try turning off the actinics. If you're using an adjustable LED fixture, try different color settings. Often times, what the camera captures will be different than what your eye sees and vice versa, so lighting conditions different than what you're accustomed to may actually produce more realistic photos. Photograph subjects as close to the camera lens as possible. There is obviously a clear limit to how close you can get to a subject thanks to the glass and water. However, the farther into the tank you photograph, the worse the photo will turn out. This is due to many complications that occur when light has to travel through water ... particularly aquarium water. Shutting off circulation pumps can help with macro and specimen shots. Fish move more leisurely in low flow environments, and of course corals and invertebrates do not sway without water movement. When in doubt, shoot under-exposed. You can then post process your photos with software like Adobe Photoshop to increase brightness and contrast. It is much more difficult (sometimes impossible) to retrieve details from bright,"blown" highlights versus darker shadows. Buy or DIY a shoot-down viewing acrylic box. Have you ever wondered how some reefkeepers capture such clear and amazing top-down shots of their tanks and corals? They use viewing boxes. Check out Sanjay Joshi's Advanced Aquarist article on top-down photography. Know your animals' behaviors. Fish, for example, often have set habits like people do, so knowing their habits will help you know where and when to photograph them. If your camera has a continuous shooting mode, use it. We aren't all Ansel Adams, able to carefully prepare each perfect frame ... nor do we have that luxury (aquarium photography is a lot more dynamic and difficult than landscapes). Shoot a lot of "burst" photos and select the best of the group. Camera phones are not your friend. Yes, some camera phones are better than others. But in general, you want the best dedicated camera possible for challenging aquarium photography. Rule of thumb: The bigger the sensor size, the better. Camera phones < Consumer point-and-shoot compact cameras < Four Thirds or APS-C cameras < Digital SLRs < Full-frame SLRs. Aquarium photography is a challenging but highly rewarding discipline! If you have more aquarium photography tips to share with fellow aquarists, please post them in the comment section below. View the full article
  9. Click through to see the images. There is now less than 3 weeks to apply for the $2500 MASNA Student Scholarships. This year there are two scholarships available; one for college undergraduate students and one for college graduate students. The $2,500 MASNA Undergraduate Student Scholarship is sponsored by EcoTech Marine and the $2,500 MASNA Graduate Student Scholarship is sponsored by Doctors Foster & Smith LiveAquaria.com. To be eligible for a $2,500 MASNA Student Scholarship, an applicant must be a current/entering undergraduate or graduate student at an accredited college or university. The student must have declared a major/focus or have intent to declare a major/focus in one of the marine science disciplines. Selection will be based upon the student’s academic history and the student’s contributions and demonstrated commitment to the marine aquarium hobby. North American students, no matter where they are studying in the world, as well as students from abroad, who are studying in North America, are eligible, as long as they attend/plan to attend an accredited college or university. Additional information and the application form can be found here: http://www.MASNA.org/AboutMASNA/MASNAScholarship.aspx Additional information about MASNA can be found here: http://www.MASNA.org/AboutMASNA.aspx Questions about the MASNA Student Scholarships can be directed to Scholarship@MASNA.org. The 2012 -­ 2013 MASNA Scholarships are made possible by our generous sponsors Doctors Foster & Smith LiveAquaria.com and EcoTech Marine. View the full article
  10. Click through to see the images. Many algae, as well as land-dwelling animals, including humans, require B12, but they cannot make it and must either acquire it from the environment or eat food that contains B12. Only certain single-celled bacteria and archaea have the ability to synthesize B12, which is also known as cobalamin. Studying algal cultures and seawater samples from the Southern Ocean off Antarctica, a team of researchers from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and the J. Craig Venter Institute found a protein they described as “the B12 claw.” Stationed at the algae’s cell walls, the protein appears to operate by binding B12 in the ocean and helping to bring it into the cell. When B12 supplies are scarce, algae compensate by producing more of the protein, officially known as cobalamin acquisition protein 1, or CBA1. The team reported their findings May 31 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Cobalamin acquistion protein 1 (CBA1) appears to operate by binding vitamin B12 in the ocean and bringing it into algal cells, where the vitamin is needed to create another enzyme essential for growth, methionine synthase (MetH). However, when B12 supplies are scarce, algae produce more CBA1 to try to obtain more B12, and, as a back-up, some algae must resort to creating another enzyme, MetE, which can replace MetH but is far less efficient. (Erin Bertrand, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and J. Craig Venter Institute) Discovery of CBA1 illuminates a small but vital piece of the fundamental metabolic machinery that allows the growth of marine algae, which have critical impacts on the marine food web and on Earth’s climate. Via photosynthesis, marine algae draw huge amounts of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, from the air, incorporating carbon into their bodies. The algae provide food that sets the food chain in motion. When they die or are eaten, some of the carbon ends up sinking to the ocean depths, where it cannot re-enter the atmosphere. The discovery also opens the door for industrial or therapeutic applications. Since CBA1 is essential for marine algae growth, it could provide clues to how to promote growth of algae used to manufacture biofuels. Learning to manipulate the B12 biochemical pathways of beneficial or detrimental microbes could eventually lead to antibiotic or antifungal medicines. To discover CBA1, Erin Bertrand, a graduate student in the MIT/WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography, and her advisor, WHOI biogeochemist Mak Saito used an approach now common in biomedical research but only recently applied to marine science: proteomics, the study of the proteins organisms make to function in their environment and respond to changing conditions. Among thousands of other proteins present in the algae, they identified the novel CBA1 protein when it increased in abundance when the algae were starved of vitamin B12. They then worked with colleagues at the Venter Institute to demonstrate CBA1’s function and its presence in the oceans. An epifluorescence micrograph of a marine alga indicates that the cobalamin acquisition protein 1 is associated with the outside of the cell wall, where it appears to facilitate bringing in vitamin B12 from the ocean into the cell. (Courtesy of Chris Dupont, J. Craig Venter Institute) Bertrand, the study’s lead author, earned a Ph.D. from the MIT/WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography in September 2011 and is now a postdoctoral scientist at the Venter Institute. In addition to Saito, co-authors of the papers are Andrew Allen, Christopher Dupont, Trina Norden-Krichmar, Jing Bai and Ruben Valas of the Venter Institute. The research was funded by the National Science Foundation and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation’s Marine Microbiology Initiative program. The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is a private, non-profit organization on Cape Cod, Mass., dedicated to marine research, engineering, and higher education. Established in 1930 on a recommendation from the National Academy of Sciences, its primary mission is to understand the oceans and their interaction with the Earth as a whole, and to communicate a basic understanding of the oceans’ role in the changing global environment. For more information, please visit www.whoi.edu (Press Release Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute) View the full article
  11. Click through to see the images. HONOLULU- The State of Hawaii will receive $2,810,498 to protect shorelines, improve water quality and preserve coral reefs, Senator Daniel K. Inouye, Senator Daniel K. Akaka, U.S. Representative Mazie K. Hirono and U.S. Representative Colleen Hanabusa announced today. The money comes from two grants awarded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. This award marks the 38th year that NOAA has provided ongoing funding to the State of Hawaii to administer its federally approved coastal management program. "The Hawaiian archipelago is home to rare species of marine life and delicate coral reef ecosystems that must be maintained and protected. Our beaches and coastal zones are used by residents and visitors from around the world and it is important that we continue to invest in conservation and coastal management efforts. I would like to thank the administration for nearly four decades of helping Hawaii preserve our coral reefs and shorelines," said Senator Inouye. "Coastal zone management, coral reef conservation, and watershed protection are important in promoting the economic and environmental well-being of our state. It is our privilege to live in Hawaii, and it is our kuleana to be good stewards of our island home. Native Hawaiian culture is infused with the values of responsible stewardship and recognition of what we should use from the environment today and what we need to save for future generations. We must continue this spirit of conservation to ensure Hawaii remains the unique island paradise that it is," said Senator Akaka. "Mahalo to NOAA for its decades-long support of Hawaii's efforts to protect our shorelines, water quality, and coral reefs. We must continue to safeguard our coastal areas from erosion and inappropriate development through effective planning in order to preserve the natural resources that our residents and visitors value so highly," said Congresswoman Hirono. "As the only state completely surrounded by water, we depend on the ocean for recreation, transportation, education, culture and-as with our fishermen and farmers-our livelihood. So it is important that we continue to maintain a careful balance between human use and protecting the health of our coastal areas and coral reefs. I would like to thank NOAA for awarding these grants that will help support Hawaii's coastal management program and assist in our restoration and conservation efforts," said Congresswoman Hanabusa, member of the House Committee on Natural Resources. Of the grant money, $2,158,000 will be used to provide ongoing support of the Coastal Zone Management functions including policy analysis, legislative review, State and County Agency compliance, federal consistency, participation with the Hawaii Coral Reef Initiative, public education and outreach, public participation through the Marine and Coastal Zone Advocacy Council, development of a coastal nonpoint pollution control program County implementation of the special management area permit. The remaining $652,498 will be used to support priority management actions to protect coral reefs in the Main Hawaiian Islands including: supporting critical program staff, coordination of multi-agency efforts in priority coral reef sites, implementation of best management practices to address land-based pollution threats to reefs in priority watersheds, community action, restoration and response to invasive species, long-term coral reef monitoring, and scientific research with direct management applications. For more information please visit: http://coastalmanagement.noaa.gov/resources/partners.html http://hawaii.gov/dbedt/czm/ http://www.hcri.ssri.hawaii.edu/ View the full article
  12. Click through to see the images. Download it now! This month's issue is 35 pages in length (PDF), is a 11.3 MB download, and only costs $0.99! It comes in three formats (PDF, Kindle, and Nook) which makes it great for taking it wherever you go. Articles include: getting the most out of your T-5 lighting, fang blennies, the Red Sea, the RLSS R10-U protein skimmer, and more! See the Table of Contents for more information. The PDF version is full-color and we designed it to look great printed either single-sided or duplex (back-to-back). If you would like to see a couple example issues before purchasing, we have made a number of our older PDF issues available for free. Download a couple and check them out. The Kindle and Nook versions also included in the download are fully optimized for your eReader of choice. The layout is clean and easy to read as you would expect for reading on your device. Take a look at our January 2011 issue in Kindle / Nook format before you buy to get a feel for its layout and readability. Once you have looked through a couple example issues and like what you see, head over to http://www.advancedaquarist.com/pdf and purchase this month's issue (and a couple more while you are at it). Each issue is only $0.99. Purchasing a $0.99 downloadable issue is a great way to support Advanced Aquarist and helps keep this website and it's content free for our online readers. We also have many of our back issues in PDF / Kindle / Nook format and they can also be purchased from the PDF section of our website. We encourage you to send us your feedback. If you have any thoughts, please contact us at feedback@advancedaquarist.com. We hope you enjoy the issue! View the full article
  13. Click through to see the images. #10: Mass stranding of crown-of-thorns starfish Many people have heard about mass beaching of whales or dolphins every year, but how many of you have heard about mass beaching of crown-of-thorns starfish? Read more... #9: Tubastrea farming at the Steinhart Aquarium A 200 gallon exhibit at the California Academy of Sciences Steinhart Aquarium has proven to be quite effective at producing captive grown Tubastrea colonies via asexual budding of parent colonies. Although captive reproduction of Tubastrea has been documented since at least 1993 when Joe Yaiullo wrote about it, we hope these images inspire some folks to try their hand at a simple method for captively propagating these corals en masse for the aquarium hobby. Read more... #8: A new jellyfish company enters the aquarium market: Moon Jellyfish Sunset Marine Labs has provided jellyfish and jelly systems to aquarium service companies and zoos for the past 16 years. Now they are bringing their expertise into the marine aquarium market with tanks and jellyfish designed specifically for hobbyists. The EON tank is born! Read more... #7: Fish Tank Kings premieres this Saturday It's almost time. Nat Geo premieres their new TV show Fish Tank Kings on Saturday, May 12 @ 10:00pm, so here's our reminder to tune in or set your DVRs! Read more... #6: Dubai to build underwater hotel ... again? The gaudy spectacle that is Dubai is at it again. The city plans to build the world's largest underwater hotel. Visitors will sleep, dine, and relax in the company of Persian Gulf reef life. If this sounds like deja vu, there's a reason. Read more... #5: Monster Tasmanian giant crab now at British aquarium Affectionately named "Claude," this gigantic 15 inch wide, 15 pound Tasmanian giant crab was recently saved from the cooking pot and sold to a British aquarium by the fishermen who caught him. When cooked, he would have produced up to 160 delicious crab cakes! Read more... #4: Marlins Stadium Aquariums: Design and Installation Play ball! The newly constructed Miami Marlin's Baseball Stadium is home to the world's only on-the-field tropical marine exhibit ... two 450 gallon aquariums as a matter of fact. Living Color Aquariums shares how they designed, fabricated, and installed this 'Aquatic Home Plate Backstop.' Read more... #3: Vandals poison LFS coral tanks with copper Vandals who are clearly knowledgeable about coral biology have reportedly poisoned the holding tanks at Saltwater Fanta-seas (a LFS in Portland, Oregon) by pouring a copper solution into their system. Read more... #2: The Tank Builds of 'Tanked: Season 2' We have a sneak peek at the upcoming tank builds for Tanked's sophomore season, including a working pinball machine tank, a refrigerator tank, a giant shark tank for Tracy Morgan, and a mobile school bus tank. We have more photos after the jump. Read more... #1: Exclusive video: Fish Tank Kings visits ORA Nat Geo has granted Advanced Aquarist a world exclusive video clip. Francis of Living Color Aquariums takes his client to ORA Farms; None other than Dustin Dorton (President of ORA) gives them a tour of his facility. Read more... View the full article
  14. Click through to see the images. Atlantic reefs are not the biological hotspots and stony coral metropolises of the Indo-Pacific reefs that reefkeepers are more familiar with. Still, the 225 million year old Mesoamerican Reef possesses great beauty as Kip Evans' video shows. The Destination Reefs video series showcases the diversity of coral reefs around the world. Through these videos, Advanced Aquarist hopes we can all gain a greater appreciation of reef life beyond our glass boxes. View the full article
  15. Didn't see your tank update for soooo long..
  16. Click through to see the images. Download your free copy today. This issue features the following articles: First time Redfish contributor Pip Court covers the ever popular Dwarf Gourami. Lea Maddocks takes a look at an undescribed Australian species, the Darwin Red-Nose Shrimp. In the first of a multi-part series, Redfish's very own Editor David Midgley shares his experiences of his first foray into Reefkeeping. Marine fish expert Aaron Sewell takes an in depth look at Marine Gobies. Redfish's favourite underwater photographer Jim Dodd shares his experiences. View the full article
  17. Click through to see the images. " height="408" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="680"> "> "> View the full article
  18. Just check it out in person in Madpetz, and i must say that this must be one of the most interesting aquarium products to reach our shore this year . The ability to check PH, ammonia, temp, and lighting Par, LUX all in one testing device is interesting !! It even send you the reading via sms to your phone/email. The device also tell you when you need to replace the slide or if the ammonia level went to dangerous level in the tank.
  19. Click through to see the images. Remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) are highly maneuverable, unmanned, underwater robots that are controlled typically through a tether that attaches the robot to a controller on the surface. All of them carry at least a camera and lighting and many will carry additional equipment for water sampling, temperature recording, etc. The reason that this project is so unique is that this ROV is 100% open source. The plans are freely available for download from the OpenROV website and one can build one from off the shelf parts for as little as $750. That's huge given that the least expensive commercially available Videoray "Scout" ROV has a starting price tag of $10,000. While that is a huge price savings, it also needs to perform - and perform it does. The Scout has a maximum working depth of 76 meters (250 feet). OpenROV handily beats that depth by 25 meters with a maximum working depth of 100 meters (330 feet) which is well below the depth that divers can reach for an extended time. The unit will run for 1.5 hours off of eight "C" batteries and will travel as fast as 1 meter / second. NASA is contemplating using it at the Aquarius reef base in the Florida Keys for the NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations project (NEEMO project), the world's only undersea research station. It has huge potential for exploring in tight quarters where surveys are needed before actual human divers explore the area. Sylvia Earle, National Geographic Explorer-in-residence and former chief scientist of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric administration, says, “I champion these guys who are coming up with low cost ways to make the ocean available to everyone, not just the rarified atmosphere of scientists and industry.” She said, “I wish they were in every hardware store in the world.” Below are two excellent videos with more information on this project. The first one shows Eric Stackpole, the OpenROV project originator, getting ready to use the robot at Hall City Cave and the second one is an interview with Eric at the 2012 San Diego Makerfaire. If you build one, please tell us about it! The OpenROV sub team at Hall City Cave, getting ready to test out a prototype that will let amateur explorers look 100 meters feet down in a $750 open source machine. Will chats with Eric from OpenROV (open source remotely operated vehicles) about underwater robots that anyone can download the designs to and build with off-the-shelf parts. The robots can be equipped with lights, servos, , and then controlled with a game controller. Eric also explains how OpenROV was originally created to hunt for lost treasure. True story! (via New York Times) View the full article
  20. Scientists have developed technology for producing artificial bones from fish scales and apatite. View the full article
  21. Click through to see the images. About Flashback Fridays: Every Friday, Advanced Aquarist will repost a blog article from this week one year ago. With all the content we publish, we want to share the timeless and interesting articles for our new readers as well as regulars who may have missed the origin Let's take a trip around the world! HONG KONG | This aquarium epitomizes Asian reef tanks: immaculate and high tech. Lights are a pair of Aqua Illumination Sol LEDs. Water movement is created by Tunze 6055 in pulse mode and Ecotech MP40 in lagoon mode working together to create waves. Fair warning: you may want to mute the music. " height="383" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640"> "> "> LATVIA | Here's a lush 140L (37 gallon) reef that looks a lot bigger then it really is. The tank is lit by a DIY LED system consisting of 14 Cree XP-G White, 24 Cree XP-E Royal Blue, 12 UV Purple 405 nm - all powered by Mean Well ELN-60-48D Dimmable driver. A Vortech MP10 and Hydor Koralia Nano 1600 provide the current, and skimming is accomplished with a H&S Type A-110-F2000. " height="383" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640"> "> "> UNITED KINGDOM | This "squat" tank measures 48"L x 30"W x 24"D and is beautifully aquascaped. While still young, it's easy to see how this reef will mature into a spectacular display. " height="383" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640"> "> "> KUWAIT | You are looking at a professional 1000L (280g) acrylic aquarium. The system is "specially designed for SPS corals, with a combo of closed loop & TUNZE Turbelle water circulation system. Filtration is simply an open type (Berlin) sump with refugium, Deltec Skimmer, Deltec Calcium Reactor, Deltec Kalkwasser, Deltec UV Sterilizer, Phosban + Carbon fluidized reactors, Sfiligoi Chiller. Lighting fixture is a custom made 6*400 watt MH + 6*150 watt Super Actinic VHO. The entire system is controlled through an Aquatronica Control System. The system is mainly maintained with Brightwell, Deltec and Caribsea supplements." " height="383" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640"> "> "> CHILE | Yes - reefkeeping is alive and well in South America. No information is available on this system, so let's just enjoy the video of a truly beautiful captive reef from south of the equator. " height="383" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640"> "> "> THAILAND | Despite Thailand being home to some of the world's most beautiful natural reefs, it's still hard to resist having a reef of your own. Like the Chile tank, no details are provided on this system. It is reminiscent of healthy "old school" systems from the late 90s, with crushed corals, LPS and soft corals, and a "reef wall" aquascaping. Reminds me of the good ol' days! " height="383" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640"> "> "> GREECE | In the birthplace of democracy, mixing LPS, SPS, and soft corals creates vibrant results. Vortech pumps make yet another appearance. No further information is available. GERMANY | This Aqua Medic Percula 120 bowfront system (468L/120g) is clearly a mature reef tank, with SPS corals growing to the very top of the water. " height="383" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640"> "> "> View the full article
  22. Sealife still have golden butterfly, half moon angel, blue lip angel, clown fish, regal angel, and few AT ..
  23. Studying algal cultures and seawater samples from the Southern Ocean off Antarctica, marine biologists have revealed a key cog in the biochemical machinery that allows marine algae at the base of the oceanic food chain to thrive. They have discovered a previously unknown protein in algae that grabs an essential but scarce nutrient out of seawater, vitamin B12. View the full article
  24. How can blue whales, the largest animals on the planet, survive by feeding on krill, shrimp-like creatures that are the size of a penny? According to life scientists, it's all a matter of dimensions. View the full article
  25. Humans, fish and frogs share neural circuits responsible for a diversity of social behavior, from flashy mating displays to aggression and monogamy, that have existed for more than 450 million years, biologists have found. View the full article
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