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Everything posted by Harlequinmania

  1. We are giving away our jellyfish tank after the IMM event. If u are interested come look for me when u are there Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
  2. There is a change in the talk timing. The first talk will commerce at 3pm after the discus price giving. Please come to our Src booth to register for the lucky draw.
  3. There will be 30 goodie bag up for grab which include products from microbe lift , TLF and Red Sea.
  4. The marine tank display at reef depot booth Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
  5. Click through to see the images. Christmas is fast approaching! Reef2Reef's 2012 goal is $3,000 with only $855 worth of donations collected as of December 6. Visit the Toys for Kids Christmas 2012 drive thread for more information on how you can contribute to this good cause. Any dollar amount will help, and all donations are tax deductible. 100% of the proceeds are used to purchase toys. View the full article
  6. Click through to see the images. Christmas is fast approaching! Reef2Reef's 2012 goal is $3,000 with only $855 worth of donations collected as of December 6. Visit the Toys for Kids Christmas 2012 drive thread for more information on how you can contribute to this good cause. Any dollar amount will help, and all donations are tax deductible. 100% of the proceeds are used to purchase toys. View the full article
  7. The fish display show tank from fish channel at the event is for sales. Do check them out !
  8. There will be a pair of RWS marine park and advantage cove tickets sponsored by RWS up for grab at this coming sat lucky draw after the talks. Do come down early to secure yourself a ticket before the talk commence.
  9. There will be a lucky draw after the talk on Saturday. Up to 30 Prizes include products from microbe lift, two little fish, and grand prize include a pair of tickets to RWS Marine life park and advantage cove watepark !!!
  10. 2ft jelly fish tank to give away after the event. Come with main tank, cabinet and piping. No sump. Conditon: Arrange for self collection after 10pm on Sunday. 09.12.12 Please pm me if you are keen. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
  11. Click through to see the images. Friendly tips: Watch the video in HD if your connection allows it. There is also no redeeming quality to the audio, so we suggest you mute the sound. " height="383" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640"> "> "> View the full article
  12. Yes, you can keep blue Hermit with your blood shrimp. Watch out when u feed your harlequin shrimp as it can get messy and pollute the water when they feed. Do you know their special diet? Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
  13. Click through to see the images. Published two weeks ago in the American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, researchers made an interesting find: the addition of a specific strain of probiotic bacteria to larval clownfish food and tank water immediately post-hatch yields fish with increased body weight, decreased metamorphosis time, decreased stress markers, and reduced bone deformities. If you are a fish breeder, this is very interesting news indeed! What the researchers from the Universitá Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy, did was to test a specific probiotic bacteria, Lactobacillus rhamnosus IMC 501, in conjunction with newly hatched false percula clownfish, Amphiprion ocellaris. They setup a Control group that did not receive probiotics, a group that obtained L. rhamnosus exclusively through their food, and a group that obtained the bacteria through their food and dosed into their tank water. The results were surprising and showed that the best results were when L. rhamnosus was obtained from both their rotifer food source and dosed into their tank water. According to their paper, this is the first investigation into understanding how probiotic bacteria affect larval fish development. The following benefits were found with the combination of L. rhamnosus in their food and tank water immediatey post-hatch: "twofold higher body weight in both clownfish larvae and juveniles when probiotics were supplied via live prey and added to the rearing water" "development was accelerated with metamorphosis occurring 3 days earlier in fingerlings treated with probiotic" "significantly increased gene expression of factors involved in growth and development" "probiotic treatment lessened the severity of the general stress response" "an improvement of skeletal head development was observed, with a 10-20% reduction in deformities for juveniles treated with probiotic" If you are a fish breeder, I would definitely look into probiotic treatment of your fish larvae immediately post-hatch as its effects are significant. The paper is open-access, so anyone can read it for free and it is also available as a PDF as well. View the full article
  14. Click through to see the images. The mega-estate was formerly owned by the Sultan of Brunei, one of the richest men in the world. During feeding time this Monday, an employee of the current owner (Gary Lane) discovered the pond fishes had mysteriously vanished. Police are now investigating if thieves may have scaled high fences and evaded surveillance cameras, although it is unclear whether any cameras were directed in the pond's direction. Police should also consider the possibility that wildlife such as predatory birds may have snatched the fishes, although 100+ fishes is an awful lot to consume in one binge. Then again, it's also a lot of fishes for thieves to steal. [via Otago Daily News] View the full article
  15. That is also why we have the minimum posting requirement in place for newbie in the pasa malam section.He has to obtain certain numbers of posting before he can at least try to scam again lol... Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
  16. Click through to see the images. In past blog posts, we have reported on new drug discoveries from the ocean ranging in treatments for type II diabetes to stroke recovery. Now sea anemone venom, in this case the aggregating anemone, Anthopleura elegantissima, may contain chemicals suitable for creation of new and improved insecticides. Published this month in the Journal of Federation of the American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), researchers Jan Tytgat and others studied the aggregated anemone, A. elegantissima, and found it has some unique toxins in its venom. The type of toxins isolated make them ideally suited for developing new classes of insecticides that are environmentally friendly and avoid resistance in the insects they target. "Because these toxins are aimed at important ion channels present not only in insect cells, they form the leading edge of our new biotechnology. Discovery of this useful marine toxin should provide additional incentive to preserve the fragile coral reefs where anemones thrive," said Gerald Weissmann, M.D., Editor-in-Chief of The FASEB Journal, "But, given current attitudes, I suspect there's a better chance of a sea anemone killing a stink bug than for us to reverse our inroads on ocean life." (via EurekAlert) View the full article
  17. Click through to see the images. Download your free copy today. This issue features the following articles: Red Slime, a pest common to the reefkeeping hobby is covered. Dr. Jessica Drake takes a look at the weird world of the upside-down catfishes from the genus Synodontis. The French Grunt is profiled, covering its care and keeping. Editor Dr. David Midgley presents the fifth installment of the series ‘First time at sea’, this time covering Deep Sand Bed (DSB) filters and a recent addition to his kit, an automated water top up unit. Aaron Sewell covers the major, minor and trace elements in a detailed piece on water chemistry. View the full article
  18. I am using bio pallet together with dosing Brightwell fuel which is easier to handle and so far so good. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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