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Everything posted by Harlequinmania

  1. Click through to see the images. We love seeing "new" species introduced to the aquarium trade, and we find it especially cool that the Blue Hypnea (Hypanea pannosa) is not just another designer coral or fish. H.pannosa is an abundant shallow-water macroalgae that is widely distributed throughout the tropics and subtropics. The color of this species spans the rainbow - brown, orange, red, green, purple, blue, etc. - depending on genetics and environmental conditions (namely lighting). ORA recommends strong lighting to maintain the gorgeous blue coloration of their newest propagated product. Might we see a macroalgae craze? PPE Watermelon Picasso Hypnea? In all seriousness, macroalgae needn't be relegated to refugiums. There are a lot of macroalgae that are very attractive and would make for good decorative pieces in the display tank. We'd love to see more species imported and grown within the hobby. As a side note: Hypnea pannosa is actually an edible species that is sometimes prepared in salads or Hawaiian poke, though we don't recommend eating livestock from captive aquariums. ORA Farm describes their Blue Hypnea, coming soon to your LFS and e-tailer: Blue Hypnea (Hypnea pannosa) is an iridescent blue ornamental algae. Though similar in appearance to Ochtodes sp. algae from the Caribbean, this species originates from Micronesia and has slightly different morphology. Blue Hypnea grows in very dense, matted clumps that loosely anchor to coarse substrates. It is not a particularly fast growing algae so containing its growth is not difficult. We recommend moderate to high, full spectrum lighting for optimum coloration and growth. View the full article
  2. If I have my main tank too low, the viewing will be affected since it is mounted on to the wall. I hope to have a longer sump, but due to space constraint for other equipments, have to give up the idea. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
  3. Giving away the following, however please note that the bulb for UV light need to be replace and the aquatronica set may need some servicing which i didnt use for quite some time. items on FCFS basis , and collection at CCK .
  4. Clearing storeroom and got these item to sell ; 1) Miwakee ORP controller - $ 100 2) I-Aquatic waste collector - $ 50.00 Deal at CCK or clementi MRT .
  5. Look out for it under pasa malam. You can get good deal there at time. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
  6. Click through to see the images. #10: Imitating Natural Light Quality, Intensity, and Dosage in a Reef Aquarium - Do We Really Want To? By Dana Riddle When it comes to reef aquariums, Mother Nature has always been the de facto benchmark aquarists aspire towards. Dana investigates in great detail the quality and quantity of light over natural reefs in order to lay the groundwork to answer the age-old question: what is the best light for captive corals? #9: Coral Feeding: An Overview By Tim Wijgerde, Ph.D. At present, several factors which influence the growth of scleractinian corals in aquaculture have been identified. These are known as light, water flow, water quality, and nutrition. This article will focus on nutrition, and describe the various ways in which corals feed. It will summarize the latest scientific findings about this topic, and present practical information on how to maximize coral feeding rates in the aquarium. This will promote efficient, sustainable coral aquaculture, and help the aquarist to maintain healthy corals at home. #8: Corals of the Genus Sarcophyton: The Toadstools By James Fatherree, M.Sc. Overall toadstools are attractive, hardy, and easy to propagate, making it easy to see why they are a long-time hobby favorite. #7-1: PAR Meters and LEDs - How Accurate are the Measurements? A Comparison of Three Meters and Lux to PAR Conversion Factors for LEDs By Dana Riddle How do PAR meters stack up to one another? Dana delves into the data comparing and contrasting three light meters and gives us his take on the results. #7-2: LED Lighting Tests: Maxspect Razor, Aquatic Life Expert Series, and Tao-Tronics By Sanjay Joshi, Ph.D. Continuing in the same vein as my previous LED lighting tests, this article presents data on light intensity and spread along with spectral plots for several new LED fixtures. #6: Feature Aquarium: Bryn Roberts' 360-gallon reef aquarium By Bryn Roberts Conventional reefkeeping wisdom says live corals should not coexist with big angelfish and butterflyfish. Don't tell that Bryn Roberts. With careful selection of fish, corals, and invertebrates, Bryn pushes the boundaries of "reef safe." Large, colorful coral colonies thrive in the presence of rare angels and butterflies. #5: Chloroquine: A "New" Drug for Treating Fish Diseases By Jay Hemdal While not a panacea or miracle drug, chloroquine is experiencing resurgence in popularity for use in fish-only aquariums and quarantine systems to treat a variety of problems ranging from Cryptocaryon to Aiptasia anemone infestations. #4: Feature Aquarium: Paul Bruns 427 Gallon Sunroom Reef By Paul Bruns There are reef aquariums, then there are REEF AQUARIUMS. Paul Bruns' 427 gallon captive reef is a true masterwork of aquascaping, husbandry, technology, and technique. #3: LED Lighting Tests: Ecotech Radion Pro, Aqua Illumination Hydra, GHL Mitras 6100HV and 6200HV By Sanjay Joshi, Ph.D. LED lighting has come a long way and the new generation of LED fixtures is delivering on the promise of LED technology, and control features. As usual, the users need to consider their own applications to determine the best one for the situation. Hopefully this data will be helpful in making your decisions. #2: Product Review: Ecotech Marine Radion XR30w Pro By Leonard Ho It's been a little over a year since Ecotech Marine introduced the Radion LED light. The Radion made big waves with aquarists and quickly ascended to mass popularity. In January 2013, Ecotech Marine began shipments of their latest and most powerful incarnation of the Radion platform: the XR30w Pro. Advanced Aquarist takes a closer look at the Pro. #1: Coral growth under Light Emitting Diode and Light Emitting Plasma: a cross-family comparison By Tim Wijgerde, Michaël Laterveer With the advent of new technology, aquarists are able to customize light spectra with great flexibility. However, our knowledge of how light spectrum affects aquarium life, including corals, is still limited. Here, we show the effects of two light spectra, emitted by Light Emitting Diode (LED) and Light Emitting Plasma (LEP), on the growth of ten commercially important scleractinian corals. It appears that the effect of spectrum is highly species dependent, and that most efficient coral growth is invariably attained at low irradiance. The results from this study can be used to optimize sustainable coral aquaculture. View the full article
  7. Yap , already cater for that as well. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
  8. LCK still have a few show size French angel, one grey angel, scribble , yellow tang, purple tang, and many large size AT
  9. Hi james, thanks for sharing.. Maybe you accidentally enable the BBCode before ? So is it ok now ? If anyone had similar issues, please share here.
  10. You can try checking out Madpetz, they carry all sort of RO/DI accessories and tubing.
  11. Preparing of the Rock. I " Cook" all the rock with two round of RO/DI water with a little bit of lanthanum chloride in a big tube to help remove any residue or phosphate that might be present in the rock. Let the cooking begin ...
  12. Preparation of Rocks Decided to use Dry Rock this time round instead of live rock for the fear of pets and it is easier to set it in place before water go in. However i will have to live with the " ugly look " until the rock mature . Some of the rock pics Special thanks to MadPetz Ken who gave me this special DIY rock below of his
  13. Sump Design The original Idea / concept of my sump tank design come about when i first saw the Dream Box by Royal Exclusive. Although i like the filter sock and chamber design , i modified the design to replace some filter sock section to bio tower where i could hold cotton wool for first stage of waste removal, the Filter sock will then remove the rest of the debris on the second stage of mechanical filtration . I hope this will also reduce the frequency i need to wash the filter sock. Dream Box sump by Royal Exclusive above The second section of the sump i incorporate the biological filtration section using moving bed filter media which consist mainly of K1 and Hex X bio media. I prefer this to static biological media since it self clean and seem to work better than traditional Bio media. My Sump Design
  14. After doing a detail study of the whole fish room again, i decided to move back my sump tank back below the main tank to save space . Revised detail layout of the fish room
  15. Tank Design and concept I would like to share a little bit about the concept of this tank design. Having survive a few mishap in my reefing days, where there is instances of either your main pump get jam / spoil , tank temperature went up too high or too low or even a power failure we suffer a partial or full tank crash. To avoid all these, i tried to plan this tank system with key reliable equipment all with a back up ( I.e; using two return pump instead of one ect.. )to avoid the Murphy's Law . Together with the aid of monitoring and backup system like the battery pack, cooling fan , computer ect i could get notified before damage is even done to the reef tank.
  16. Time for some new updates Design rendering of the living room feature wall with the Aquarium.
  17. Selling one pair of Popeye Catalufa Soldier fish, size is about 4" and 3" . Both have been very stable eating frozen and pallets. Looking at $ 380.00 for the pair. Please PM me to deal. Collect at CCK Photo reference from live aquaria to show the species.
  18. Your tank is very blue .. Need more red color coral LOL..
  19. Click through to see the images. #10: One gallon "Reefbowl" still going strong Many reefkeepers have heard about Brandon Mason's remarkable Reefbowl pico aquarium: a living reef grown in a one gallon glass vase. Brandon started this miniscule ecosystem in 2006; It's now 2013, and the Reefbowl still thrives. #9: The amazing Avatar-themed aquarium There are themed aquariums, then there are THEMED AQUARIUMS. This Avatar-inspired creation is simply breathtaking. A combination of live plants, driftwood, and floating islands sculpted from polystyrene faithfully recreate the fictional moon of Pandora. Oh yeah, there's an underwater waterfall! #8: If you thought big bristleworms were scary ... Let 'liquidguru' introduce you to the bobbit worm. These predatory polychaetes (segmented worms) can grow to a mind-boggling 10 feet (3 meters) in length, but that's not even their scariest part! The business end of bobbit worms are armed with sharp pincers designed to snare and slice. #7: Night-dive video guaranteed to WOW you Global Dive Media shot and produced the single most awe-inspiring night dive video we have ever seen. The crazy nocturnal night life of the muck of Anilao is as bizarre as it is beautiful. We promise you you'll see a lot of stuff you've never seen before in your life. #6: The world's most awesomest garden eel aquarium? Sumida Aquarium in the Tokyo Sky Tree Town complex opened only 18 months ago but already boasts some of the world's most impressive aquatic displays. This garden eel exhibit is done on a massive scale so visitors can appreciate a big community of wormy fish ... 634 eels to be exact. #5: Nature aquariums are truly throughtful art The Green Machine is a UK aquarium shop specializing in planted aquariums. While we usually avoid blogging commercially-affiliated content, TGM's aquascaping work is truly spectacular and merits recognition (much like ADG's work in the United States). Case in point: Here is a comprehensive video detailing James Findley's latest nature aquarium, the "Crimson Sky Aquascape." #4: Mindstream Aquarium Monitoring System aims to dramatically change how aquarists measure aquarium parameters Mindstream is one of the most exciting new devices to cross our desks in a long time. This upcoming device is a total aquarium monitoring system that automatically takes measurements of multiple aquarium parameters such as pH, dKH, ammonia, NO2, NO3, Ca, Mg, salinity, oxygen, and temperature ... yeah, basically everything you'd ever test for. And it does this without test reagents or strips, and transmits data wirelessly to boot! Mindstream provides Advanced Aquarist with the first detailed look behind their monitoring system. #3: Dream kitchen for the modern reefkeeper Aquafront was commissioned last April to design integrated aquariums for luxury kitchen designer Poggenpohl. One of the results of this partnership is this modern kitchen reefkeepers dream of. #2: Axolotls are real life gremlins Axolotls are amphibians often kept by aquarists because they remain in their adorable juvenile form for their entire natural lives ... unless they come in contact with secret elixirs that can change them into little monsters. I know. It's beginning to feel like Halloween week all over again, but we assure you these topics are just a coincidence. #1: The ultimate betta fish aquarium This has got to rank as one of the (if not the) best betta exhibits ever. At ZooBotanica 2013 fair, a Polish zoological and botanical trade show, members of a local aquarium society presented this glorious multi-level aquatic betta terrace. DefiniteAquascapeTV captured equally incredible video of an adventurous male betta navigating (base jumping!) its way from the top terrace down to the bottom. View the full article
  20. Madpet do carry carribean sea miracle muds. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
  21. Thanks for sharing. Almost wanted to visit here when I was there last week. So overall do u think is worth a visit? Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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