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Everything posted by Harlequinmania

  1. If we talk about bringing out the color of corals, actually it means more than just supplement alone. It depends on numerous important factors like the lighting spectrum, basic 3 part foundation and trace elements as well. Trace elements is just one of the important aspect of it.
  2. Aquarium artist used to bring this in, maybe you can try checking with vincent if he has still any.
  3. Latest tank video. Didnt add any new corals for awhile now except for some new fish including a Asfur angel, melanurus wrasse ect.. http://youtu.be/A0bMHcyIIJA?list=UU15Fb2iLEb1jxI45ofgI5PA
  4. Try increasing the uv setting slowly and you might get better coloration.
  5. A targeted feeder for corals which I recently got as well. Feeding my zoas
  6. Any new plan on your tank for the new year?
  7. Interesting setup . What is your next fish / invert on your list ?
  8. Ah beng sell dead rock once in awhile, but it is rather dirty and need to really clean it .
  9. The other different between the AWM and the AI director is that we can control the different types of white intensity whereas the normal AI controller doesn't allow so.
  10. The AWM can only control up to 12 unit of AI lighting whereas for the AI director, it can control up to 30 light and up to 10 tank with a single controller. After having try both controller, I would say that the director is so much easier to use / update the firm ware, and setup. Whereas for the AWM , it took me nearly two day to figure out on the setting up . I almost give up on this, and hopefully apex could improve their online instruction manual that would be much clearer in explaining the setting up.
  11. New gadets bought recently. Apex AWM for controlling all the AI and the WXM for controlling the vortex wave maker. Pretty cool to enable the wave maker to switch from tidal mode to nutrient export mode automatically.
  12. When you start to dose copper into a reef tank, the whole filter will be affected as worm, invert ect inside your live rock and refugium will start to die off which might also cause an ammonia spike. Which is also why for a FOWLR setup ,a bare bottom tank is recommended.
  13. If you need an exporter for your No3, then i would choose biopallet than refugium. Reason being if there is a need to use copper into your main tank one day ( which can be highly possible esp for a fish only tank keeping angel fish or butterfly ) , the copper will disrupt the refugium system. More importantly is an over sized skimmer to help take care of the excess bioload.
  14. Fish not feeding can be due to other reasons as well including internal infection. Try frozen or seaweed first if there is any result.
  15. Par 38 is a good light.! Consider upgrading to a better skimmer in future when the salty kick in.
  16. Haha cos this was taken after my water change lol..
  17. Yes, another tip will be removing the white section and place it against your cleaning magnet. You will see a big different when cleaning your glass..
  18. The best place to search will be sim lim square
  19. Take out that pcs of rock and hang it upside down with only the tip the anemone touching the water. The anemone will slowly detach by itself
  20. Just to share a very useful cleaning pad that I found in gaint superstore. Tested and proven against cleaning algae and doesn't scratch my glass / acrylic tank.
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