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Everything posted by Harlequinmania

  1. Unless from a reefer tank if lfs will to ship it in, the water alone will cost the shipping a hand and a leg.
  2. Salifest for most of the parameter but if you want a more accurate reading you can consider hanna
  3. try give Reef Depot a call they might be able to advise you where to get those tubing. I bought my spare from them
  4. Coral farm should have it. Saw it last few day
  5. Maybe you can try checking with joep
  6. For clown fish lover, lck still have plantium ,snowflake , black ice and other clown fish. .
  7. Some photos from coral farm. There is nice one jumbo size king and emperor angel. Lots of blue tang as well
  8. Depending on your tank size and volume of water, yes it could be possible if the filtration is not enable to handle the toxic /load when it die.
  9. Let me roll this. Came across this apps after one of the buddy share this which i feel is an awesome pcs of app for turning your smart phone into a power failure notification system through email or sms. Most importantly it's free lol.. Very useful especially going away for a short trip while no body is at home. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sqzsoft.powerfailuremonitorfree&hl=en And this https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.co.sjbcomputerconsultants.powercut.free&hl=en
  10. You can but it might shorten the life span of the pump itself
  11. That's the spirt of reefing! It is not necessary that we have to sell the frags every time.
  12. The dosing tube holder 8 channel grotech dosing pump. I just discovered that they are so confidence of the accuracy that there is no calibration function for their dosing pump lol..
  13. Preparing the new dosing solution for my dosing pump. 1) grotech part A 2) grotech part B 3) grotech part C 4) polylab amino acid color 5) mgcl with mgso 6) zeovit phol xtra
  14. I think it depend on the tds of your tape water as well, if it is less than 100 you can still skip the filtration but if it is more than 100 than its better to run thru the RO/DI
  15. Maybe it is better to switch place with your skimmer and refugium. If you are setting up a DSB in your refugium as well, the sand look abit little for it to be effective .
  16. This is a good read on running Ozone and UV in tank. http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2006-03/rhf/index.php http://www.tfhmagazine.com/saltwater-reef/feature-articles/ozone-vs-ultraviolet-comparing-two-common-sterilization-techniques-full-article.htm
  17. Maybe you can try contact aquarium artist, he should be able to help you to get the pre cut size.
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