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Everything posted by Harlequinmania

  1. Did you do your water test? Esp amonia level?
  2. They eat algae and detritus in your tank. if you want them to grow in numbers, there mustn't be many fish that will eat it I.e : mandarin dragnet.
  3. Good ideal. Where is a good place to have this ? Pasa malam section?
  4. When you do your water change do you use normal tape water or Ro/DI water? If you are using normal tape water, there will be silicate and possible nutrient present which causes the algae issues.
  5. I observed too that lower salinity has some impact on the coloration esp angelfish. I would keep it at 1.020 to 1.025 somewhere close to the water from LFS so that fish get aclimize faster and easier.
  6. I have been looking around as well and seem like whole SG no stock for salifest potassium test kit now. Those redsea test kit I found at QianHu is already expired, so I guess we will just have to wait.
  7. Zoas grew very fast, you just have place a few type of Zoas frag around your rock leaving space in between and let it grow to fill up the space in between.
  8. You need to culture rotifer or pods in order to feed the baby . You can also try rising baby brine shrimp to feed the seahorse. Fortunately, rotifer and pods can be rise easily with the correct food .
  9. Notice recently that the corals is growing really fast. ..
  10. Second battery backup for my two vortech MP10WES. One for my frag tank and one for my LPS tank
  11. ORP is the term usually used in this hobby which mean Oxidation Reduction Potential. Which is usually used as a gauge / measurement of the cleanliness of the water and it;s ability to break down contaminants in our tank water . Generally, the higher the ORP level, the greater it's ability the water is able to destroy contaminates in the water which is why it is often used with the Ozonizer and ORP controller to prevent overdose which might cause tank causality.
  12. If you want to make do your setup without chiller , you have to try to minize the heat being introduce into the water I.e; return pump , skimmer pump and position where you place you tank ect. It can be done with some proper planning.
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