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Everything posted by Harlequinmania

  1. For those who didn't register, chaeto will be available fcfs basis Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
  2. Good choice on the lights !! I have been playing around with it too, so far no regrets. Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
  3. See the tank personally before. Really no horse run ! Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
  4. Someone selling a set here http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?/topic/138867-WTT/WTS-Delightings-4-x-39W-fixture Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
  5. Good choice on the light!! Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
  6. It will need some time for them to grow ... Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
  7. Time for those missing updates [emoji14] Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
  8. Ya it need a strong pump to tumble the media. This is the first time throughout the 10 year of my hobby that i replace traditional biological filter media in my tank with this plastic media, and so far my tank is more than a year old now and i don't see any problem, so i feel it work as it claim to be . There is no other biological filter media in my sump except live rock in the display tank.
  9. I am using the High Blow HP20 , think is about 18 litres / min
  10. Pinnacle today.. think somebody looking for yellow tang right?
  11. I used a few airstone in this chamber to fluidize the media
  12. Some recent catch from pinnacle sps shipment
  13. Doing my first water change with a new salt brand today.
  14. Thanks for the comment. Yes the replica rocks does make the whole scaping process much easier.
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