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Everything posted by Harlequinmania

  1. As far as i know, maxspec is using the same technology from Solaris which used to be the pioneer in Aquarium LED lighting.. So the products should be of certain standard..
  2. Carbon is not a MUST to have in your tank, but of course it is good to have as it will it help to removes odors, removes color, and makes aquarium water clear ect.. Try to place your clam as high as possible near to the light as it require strong lighting , whereas for anemones it require moderate flow and lighting and once it anchore into one spot just try not to move it anymore. However, do pay attention in getting one which is healthy, and if possible feed with market prawn once or twice a week.
  3. Dear Reef Clubber, As request, please indicate your interest for the second round of offical SRC Polo T-Shirt order here for the second round of SRC Polo T-Shirt order; 1. Harlequin Mania , HC0302 / Black / L / 04 pcs 2. Harlequin Mania, HC0306 / Maroon / M / 01 pcs 3. Harlequin Mania, HC0308 / Royal / XL / 01 pcs 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Price : S$ 20.00 / pcs ( Without the WWF contribution ) More information can be found here ; http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=85567 Closing date for the order is 12.03.2010, i hope to obtain the minimium of 10 pcs for the shirt to continue to enjoy the discount for the shirt for all. ** PS: Black with orange strip is the best color / combination so far with our logo, if you are not afriad of heat..
  4. Dear Reef Clubber, For those who has not collect the SRC shirt, could you arrange to collect from me from one of the venue from either of these date ; 1) Wed 10.03.10 - ( 2pm~ 4pm @ Reef Depot ( Sim Ming ) 2) Friday 12.03.10 - ( 4 ~ 6 pm) @ Marine life ( West side) 3) Sat 13.03.10 ( 2 ~ 4 pm) @ Irwanna ( East side ) 4) Sun 14.03.10 ( 1 ~ 3pm) @ Coral Farm ( To be confirm ) If you are unable to travel to the place at the time, just drop me a PM or sms and i will make some arrangement for u to collect from the shop if i have left. I am trying my best to co-ordinate the delivery / collection as easy and quick as possible but it is not easy.. ** PS: for those staying in the West or near CCK, just let me know and maybe i can send to you if it not too far from where i work and stay.
  5. Hi Jacky, Great ! Thanks for your help, since you are staying near to me ,it is easier to pass it to you for me as well. Will contact you to pass it to you these two day
  6. Spore-like reproductive cysts of enigmatic organisms called acantharians rapidly sink from surface waters to the deep ocean in certain regions, according to new research. Scientists suspect that this is part of an extraordinary reproductive strategy, which allows juveniles to exploit a seasonal food bonanza. View the full article
  7. Between the grains of sand on the sea floor there is an unknown and unexplored world. Scientists have just found new animal species on the Great Barrier Reef, in New Caledonia and in the sea off the Gullmarsfjord in the Swedish county of Bohuslan. View the full article
  8. No worry, take your time. can transfer me another day or pass it to me when you get the shirt.
  9. Sure, i will contact you guys on the collection arrangement.. Been back from oversea recently also, so need some time to sort this out .. For those whom has collected the shirt, hope you like it as much as i do..
  10. i feel black is the nicest color so far, too bad i also opt for white previously .. Anyway, i maybe making another round of smaller order soon so for those whom is interested can make their interest here. The shirt will be available for collection today afternoon onward at the Tetra Fish show held at serangoon MASS booth . more details can be found here; http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...mp;#entry884280
  11. Some photo of the shirt delivered today. Sorry for the blur pics, taken with my phone.
  12. Good news !! Partial delivery of the shirt will be arriving to my office today, prehapes those going to the serangoon CC for the show can collect from me there or MASS members station there . I will update the detail here later.
  13. Blackspot seabream is a prized fish on many tables but it grows slowly at sea, is heavily overfished and is incredibly difficult to farm. No European company had successfully bred it until one Galician company teamed up with local partner and Norwegian nutritionists to develop a new method. View the full article
  14. Biologging -- the use of miniaturized electronic tags to track animals in the wild -- has revealed previously unknown information about a wide variety of ocean animals. Biologging science is showing researchers how animals work in the furthest reaches of the ocean environs. A collection of papers on Biologging Science is being published in the scientific journal Endangered Species Research, which features a wide array of cutting-edge biologging research from around the world. View the full article
  15. The ongoing El Niño of 2010 is affecting north Pacific Ocean ecosystems in ways that could affect the West Coast fishing industry, according to scientists. Researchers report a stronger than normal northward movement of warm water up the Southern California coast, a high sea-level event in January and low abundances of plankton and pelagic fish -- all conditions consistent with El Niño. View the full article
  16. Scientists have found evidence of hydrothermal vents on the seafloor near Antarctica, formerly a blank spot on the map for researchers wanting to learn more about seafloor formation and the bizarre life forms drawn to these extreme environments. View the full article
  17. In one of the most comprehensive global studies of marine reserves, a team of natural and social scientists from the University of Rhode Island and other institutions has found that community involvement is among the most important factors driving the success of marine reserves. (2010-03-02) View the full article
  18. The barnacle, a key thread in the marine food web, was thought to be missing along rocky coasts dominated by upwelling. Now a research team has found the opposite to be true: Barnacle populations thrive in vertical upwelling zones in moderately deep waters in the Galapagos Islands. View the full article
  19. A nanoparticle growing in popularity as a bactericidal agent has been shown to be toxic to fish, according to a new study. View the full article
  20. With concern over mercury contamination of tuna on the rise and growing information about the health effects of eating contaminated fish, scientists would like to know exactly where the pollutant is coming from and how it's getting into open-ocean fish species. View the full article
  21. Plaques and tangles in the brains of Alzheimer's patients mark its slow, inexorable progression. Finding new drugs to prevent plaques is currently the best hope for sufferers. However, efficient drug screens that detect plaque formation are often impossible due to their slow formation. Researchers have now identified the sea squirt, our closest invertebrate relative, as a potential new resource for drug development. View the full article
  22. Fossil corals, up to half a million years old, are providing fresh hope that coral reefs may be able to withstand the huge stresses imposed on them by today's human activity. Reef ecosystems were able to persist through massive environmental changes imposed by sharply falling sea levels during previous ice ages, an international scientific team has found. This provides new hope for their capacity to endure the increasing human impacts forecast for the 21st century. View the full article
  23. Feeling handy? You might try DIY'ing your next piece of equipment. View the full article
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