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Everything posted by Harlequinmania

  1. Scientists have found the possible source of a huge carbon dioxide "burp" that happened some 18,000 years ago and which helped to end the last ice age. View the full article
  2. Must be feeling very excited waiting for your new tank.. I think many of us here cant wait as well to see some of your tank photos here LOL ! You have inspire me as well thinking of switching from a mix /LPS tank to a SPS tank with angel fish.. Hmm..
  3. Damselfish are killing head corals and adding stress to Caribbean coral reefs, which are already in desperately poor condition from global climate change, coral diseases, hurricanes, pollution, and overfishing. Restoring threatened staghorn coral, the damsels' favorite homestead, will take the pressure off the other corals, according to a new study. View the full article
  4. Damselfish are killing head corals and adding stress to Caribbean coral reefs, which are already in desperately poor condition from global climate change, coral diseases, hurricanes, pollution, and overfishing. Restoring threatened staghorn coral, the damsels' favorite homestead, will take the pressure off the other corals, according to a new study. View the full article
  5. Shark attacks are most likely to occur on Sunday, in less than 6 feet of water, during a new moon and involve surfers wearing black and white bathing suits, a first of its kind study suggests. View the full article
  6. Scientists have developed a methodology to detect the influence of discharges from open water fish farms on marine ecosystems. With this methodology, based on the analysis of the isotopic signal of nitrogen in the tissue of marine macrophytes, coastal managers can select areas which are suitable for aquaculture under ecological criteria, in order to establish a safe distance between the farm and the sensitive ecosystem. View the full article
  7. Scientists have developed a methodology to detect the influence of discharges from open water fish farms on marine ecosystems. With this methodology, based on the analysis of the isotopic signal of nitrogen in the tissue of marine macrophytes, coastal managers can select areas which are suitable for aquaculture under ecological criteria, in order to establish a safe distance between the farm and the sensitive ecosystem. View the full article
  8. On board the German oceanographic ship and through various expeditions carried out between 1996 and 2008, two scientists have discovered six new gorgonia (colonial marine invertebrates made up of tubular bodied polyps with eight tentacles) in the Antarctic region, in the Eastern Weddell Sea. These discoveries reveal the great diversity of the Antarctic that is still unknown. View the full article
  9. Hi Bro, Forget to reply you yesterday, i check and feel my deltec CR but it doesnt give out the heat on the body which you mention ? Hmm.. funny ? Since it is still under warrenty you might want to call up RD to check with them and they should be able to advice you. HTH
  10. Researchers have discovered animal populations may often be under a much larger threat from parasites than previously recognized. View the full article
  11. Fish alter their movements when under threat from predators to keep closer together and to help them to blend into the crowd, according to new research. Scientists used a combined computer simulation and experimental study of group behavior to discover that shoaling fish coordinate their movements more frequently when under threat. View the full article
  12. Research of how Galapagos marine iguanas respond to El NiƱo could provide insight into how wildlife in the Gulf of Mexico will respond to the current oil spill. In emergencies, animals secrete corticosterone to help them cope. However, prolonged hormone production can also be lethal. View the full article
  13. Nine new species of handfish have been described by Australian scientists in research that highlights an urgent need to better understand and protect the diversity of life in Australia's oceans. The review brings the family to 14 known species -- six found only in Tasmania and one known from only one specimen possibly collected in Tasmania by early European explorers, yet not recorded since. It also deepens concerns about declining populations of some handfishes. View the full article
  14. Nine new species of handfish have been described by Australian scientists in research that highlights an urgent need to better understand and protect the diversity of life in Australia's oceans. The review brings the family to 14 known species -- six found only in Tasmania and one known from only one specimen possibly collected in Tasmania by early European explorers, yet not recorded since. It also deepens concerns about declining populations of some handfishes. View the full article
  15. Jiren still have some SPS left over from last shipment, 3 for 100.00 and 4 for 100.00 .
  16. HI bros, Thanks for all the info. Was looking to upgrade my existing 1/4 HP chiller as i am planing to do a new 2ft tank linking up with my existing 6ft , so was considering Dailei as the second option.
  17. Hi Steven, Just come and enjoy the evening with us, i will prepare everything .
  18. New reports are surfacing every day about the immediate impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on Gulf Coast wildlife, especially as the oil reaches the sensitive marshlands along the coast. But how will these communities be affected over time? Shells from oysters, clams, and periwinkles hold clues about the ways and rates at which harmful compounds from the spill are being incorporated into the Gulf's marine food web. View the full article
  19. Hi Guys, Just a few more day to the event, please confirm your attendant here if you are able to come and the no. of person you might be bringing along in order for me to prepare the F&B .. Hope to see you guys there.. cheers
  20. Hi guys, Anyone got any idea who is the local agent for Daeil chiller here ?
  21. Hi, Just change my system runing on Zeovit thus selling my ozonizer away since i am not be able to use it anymore; 1) Sander C-100 with Sander ORP Controller ( Probe is about 3 month old ) Price : $ 450.00 Good for 200 ~ 1000 litres marine tank, power consumption : 4.8 W thanks
  22. I feel T5 tube still offer some advantages like better lighting spectrum and coloration to the corals as compare to LEDs.. So i feel the combination with LEDs and T5 will be a great combo lessing off the great amount of heat generated by MH ..
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