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Everything posted by Harlequinmania

  1. Click through to see the images. Bed and Breakfast credit: R. M. Brooker, P. L. Munday and G. P. Jones Turns out, the Harlequin Filefish (also commonly known as the Orange Spotted Filefish) uses its spotty coloration and unique body form to camouflage itself as its meal. After sunset, O.longirostris locks itself onto the branches of Acropora using its prominent first dorsal fin (see photo right). The Filefish then assumes a streamlined, rigid form (see photo above) in order to masquerade itself as an Acropora branch. Note its orange dots mirroring Acropora corallites. Note its tapered pale tail mirroring the tapered pale tips of Acropora. The research was recently published in Coral Reefs journal. This behavior was observed in 22 adults and 4 newly settled recruits in Australia between November and December, 2010. Every one of the observed specimens behaved in this manner after hours. Comparable behavior has been also observed in O.halli, a close relative to O.longirostris. A meal and lodging ... Acropora are one-stop shops for the Harlequin Filefish. And in case you missed a previous blog about another fascinating Filefish species that sleeps by anchoring itself onto Acropora with its teeth, read it here. Post Script For those interested in keeping the alluring Harlequin Filefish, one word of advice: Don't. They have poor captive track records due to their dietary requirements. While some specimens have been weaned unto prepared foods such as Hikari Mysis, they are still corallivores by nature. Even in the rare event they thrive in your tank, chances are your SPS will suffer. But for aquarists with very large and mature SPS reef aquariums who have successfully maintained this species (here's looking at you, Sanjay), now you know why your Harlequin Filefish look they way they do. Scope out your Acropora colonies after dark; you just might Filefish in there! View the full article
  2. Dear Reefer , Due to the poor respond of the T-shirt printing, and many express interest on the old Polo T-short instead so as request by you, please indicate your interest here for the new round of offical SRC Polo T-Shirt order here ; Closing date : 30th July 2011 Details of thef Polo T-shirt will be as follows; Materials ; Honey comb / cotton Polo T-Shirt ( Cooling materials great for local weather..) Print : Logo embroidery on the top right hand corner . Design: Plain full color with color strip at neck collar and arm . Color : Please refer to the attachment of the catalogue. Price: $ 23.00 / pcs ( there is a price increase from the supplier from last year ) ORDER LIST Nick name: shirt Color code ( Please check pdf attachment) / Size ( S/M/L/XL ) / Quantity required 1. 2. 3. (pls fill up and update the list if you make changes yourself) ** PS : If you need more pcs in different color, please follow the list down as well .. ------------------------------ Examples as follows; ORDER LIST Nick: shirt Colour code / Size ( S/M/L/XL ) / Quantity required 1. Harlequin Mania , HC0300 / L / 01 pcs 2. Harlequin Mania , HC0302 / L/ 01 pcs 3. ABC / HC0305 / M / 01 pcs 4. 5. More information on the design can be found on previous link here ;
  3. Click through to see the images. No purchase is necessary to enter. To become eligible, hobbyists need only to sign-up for Marine Depot's email newsletter during July or August. There is a sign up box in the right column of Marine Depot's website, or you can enter via Marine Depot's 'Beat the Heat' Facebook page. If you are already a newsletter subscriber, you will be automatically entered into the giveaway. Here are the official rules. Good luck to everyone, and stay cool! Marine Depot is an Advanced Aquarist sponsor. View the full article
  4. If ancient gray whale populations migrated and fed the same as today's whales, what happened during the Ice Ages, when their major feeding grounds disappeared? Paleontologists argue that gray whales utilized a range of food sources in the past, including herring and krill, in addition to the benthic organisms they consume today. As a result, pre-whaling populations were two to four times greater than today's population of around 22,000. View the full article
  5. With the evolution of jaws some 420 million years ago, jawed animals diversified rapidly into a range of niches that remained stable for the following 80 million years, despite extinctions, habitat loss and competition, say researchers. View the full article
  6. Geo-engineering schemes aimed at tackling global warming through artificial iron fertilization of the oceans would significantly affect deep-sea ecosystems, according to new research. View the full article
  7. Click through to see the images. A Sea on the Seas <h2></h2>(The text below is provided by Living Color) Imagine cruising the Caribbean on your luxury yacht and being able to enjoy watching an exact replica of the region’s exotic marine life in your ship board custom aquarium! Or, if your tastes lie in other underwater areas, how about a 2,000-gallon aquarium habitat stocked with all the sea life that you might expect to see in the Indian Ocean, South Pacific or North Atlantic? The ship of dreams: Oceanco Alfa Nero Mega Yacht There are only a handful of ship-board aquariums in the world and Living Color has built most them. They recently designed and built an impressive 700 gallon custom acrylic aquarium exhibit for this impressive Oceanco Mega Yacht. The aquarium can be viewed from two sides and has curved acrylic windows that follow the sleek lines of the yacht’s interior. (click image to view full size CAD drawing) Using sophisticated 3D CAD software, our design and engineering team precisely rendered the aquarium and associated filtration in exacting detail. The aquarium and equipment had to be carefully positioned to ensure that the heavy load did not affect the yacht’s performance. Several unique items that must be considered when creating large aquariums for ocean going vessels. Modifications include increasing the acrylic thickness to withstand the load and changing pressures of yachts sailing on the roughest seas and integrating water tight canopies and covers to prevent the aquarium and filtration water from spilling during harsh conditions. A water-tight lid is a requirement on the high seas. Heavily reinforced metal stand and frame Live reef tanks are beautiful, but Living Color’s easily cleaned museum-quality artificial coral reefs have a unique beauty all their own. The ship’s owners are rarely on board and the crew are not experienced aquarists with little time to dedicate to aquarium care. As such, the aquarium to be designed as low maintenance, efficient and user friendly as possible so a Living Color Aquarium was the logical choice. With a 24 year history of creating award-winning aquariums, the owners were confident that they would get an amazing display tank. After the aquarium, artificial reef and LSS were built, our installation team traveled to the Netherlands to install and commission the aquarium. Living Color’s Head LSS Designer sailed on the yacht during sea trials to ensure that the aquarium would be able to stand up to the rigors of sea. The aquarium has been operating flawlessly since it’s commissioning nearly 2 years. Yacht designers and marine engineers worldwide rely on Living Color to design and build spectacular ship-board aquariums. View the full article
  8. Click through to see the images. Professor David Miller of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies (CoECRS) and James Cook University states: “This project has both practical and scientific significance. It will help us to understand how corals build reefs – and why they fail to do so when they are under stress.” Miller goes on to say: “The Pacific coral, Acropora millepora, is already the best-characterized coral at the molecular level and has yielded important insights into the evolution of all animals. The availability of the genome sequence will enable major advances in the understanding of many aspects of coral biology, including the responses of corals to climate change, ocean acidification, pollution and disease.” One of the first discoveries: Scientist found corals, despite being relatively simple organisms, have genomes of similar complexity to those of humans. The coral genome project began in 2009. via Life Scientist View the full article
  9. Click through to see the images. Professor David Miller of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies (CoECRS) and James Cook University states: “This project has both practical and scientific significance. It will help us to understand how corals build reefs – and why they fail to do so when they are under stress.” Miller goes on to say: “The Pacific coral, Acropora millepora, is already the best-characterized coral at the molecular level and has yielded important insights into the evolution of all animals. The availability of the genome sequence will enable major advances in the understanding of many aspects of coral biology, including the responses of corals to climate change, ocean acidification, pollution and disease.” One of the first discoveries: Scientist found corals, despite being relatively simple organisms, have genomes of similar complexity to those of humans. The coral genome project began in 2009. via Life Scientist View the full article
  10. Australian scientists have sequenced the genome of the staghorn coral Acropora millepora, a major component of the Great Barrier Reef and coral reefs worldwide. This is the first animal genome project to be carried out entirely in Australia, and is an important milestone in Australian biotechnology and in the study of coral reefs. View the full article
  11. Speculation that the welfare of a small, at-risk shorebird is directly tied to horseshoe crab populations is in part supported by new scientific research, according to a new study. View the full article
  12. Speculation that the welfare of a small, at-risk shorebird is directly tied to horseshoe crab populations is in part supported by new scientific research, according to a new study. View the full article
  13. Click through to see the images. Steve Robinson of Cortez Marine writes: For years we have heard a rumor of a white Cortez angelfish seen in the Mulege region of Baja Calif Sur, Mexico. The "ghost" was seen once in 2008 and not caught by an inexperienced collector. Recently a red passer angel was allegedly sighted off Loreto. The diver thought it was a hybrid. We returned to the site with 4 divers and dove for hours, not finding it. We have been chasing after an all black passer angel for some time now - jet black it was said - and with a white tail. I personally have spent three days looking for this one. When not found or proven, these sightings may be dismissed as mistaken identity by the untrained eye ... or exaggerations. We cannot be faulted for hoping them to be true, and sometimes we have wasted all day looking for them,catching neither them or anything else. It is risky looking for rare fish as failure may result in no income at all for the day. But ... for those who dare and risk and spend enough time in the water ... once in awhile you get rewarded. Such a reward has just come to pass! The "white ghost" Cortez angel was just seen this week ... and collected ...and its in our facility here in SF. It was real. HE IS REAL! Hes a changing-phase, "teenage" Cortez Angel (Pomacanthus zonipectus) ... probably a year old. That gives him another 15 years or so with good care. White reef angels are for sure rare as they are easily predated upon, especially in the smaller sizes. This guy survived long enough to grow to a stronger size and become tough enough to make it. Unlike clarions and hybrids, this fish is a once in a lifetime collection for us and one not to be repeated I'm sure. In addition to the "Ghost of Cortez," many normally pigmented Cortez and Passer Angelfish are now stateside and should soon be available at your preferred livestock vendor. 2011's collection of Passer and Cortez Angels at wholesler Cortez Marine (Hayward, CA) View the full article
  14. Click through to see the images. T h e A r t o f S c i e n c e (from Smithsonian's sites.si.edu website) </h3><h3> The Smithsonian’s National Collection of Fishes is the largest and most diverse collection of its kind, with an estimated four million individual fish specimens representing more than 70 percent of the world’s fish species. Encompassing males, females, juveniles, larvae, and even eggs, these specimens serve as a historical record of fish biodiversity and a working reference library for scientists and researchers around the world. The care, maintenance, and loan of these collections are the responsibility of a handful of museum specialists, like Sandra Raredon, who has been at the Museum of Natural History for 25 years. For most of that time, radiology has also been part of her job responsibilities. Her striking black-and-white radiographs, or x-rays, of fish, stingrays, eels, and seahorses—“anything with a backbone,” she notes—reveal the complex bone structure in a level of detail reminiscent of fine engraving. At the same time, the images (99 percent of which are digital rather than film) provide a wealth of valuable information. “Radiographs allow the study of the skeleton of a fish without dissecting or in any other way altering the specimen,” says Lynne Parenti, curator of the exciting new SITES exhibition X-ray Vision: Fish Inside Out . Forty dramatic digital prints are paired with illustrated labels that explore the scientific, environmental, and photographic relevance of each specimen. Interpretive panels describe how the study of fish skeletons, fin spines, and teeth helps scientists differentiate one species from another and examine fish anatomy and evolutionary development. Other panels document the process of scientific digital image preparation and explore the critical role of such collection data in understanding the long-term effects of climate and planetary change on diverse species. The exhibition is accompanied by a stunning book titled Ichthyo: The Architecture of Fish (Chronicle Books, 2008), which combines more than 100 photographs with essays on scientific imagery, ichthyology and biodiversity, evolution and beauty, and the significance of the Smithsonian’s collections. Visit the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES) for more information and tour schedules. Familiar reef fish ... like you've never seen before! All x-rays credited to Sandra J. Raredon, Division of Fishes, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. Viper Moray (Enchelynassa canina) Huma Huma Triggerfish (Rhinecanthus rectangulus) Long-spine Porcupinefish (Diodon holocanthus) View the full article
  15. Click through to see the images. Many hobbyists are familiar with Red Sea MAX aquariums. MAX aquariums are "plug & play" reef aquarium systems, complete with tank, stand, canopy, lighting, protein skimming, chemical and mechanical filtration, and circulation. The current MAX line consists of two sizes: a 34 gallon (130L) and a 66 gallon (250L). The New MAX S-Series Red Sea has now announced the addition of three more aquariums to their MAX lines. The new S-Series Aquariums will consist of three larger sizes: S400 (400 liters/100 gallons), S500 (500 liters/130 gallons), and S650 (650 liters/170 gallons). The S-Series differ in several significant ways from their smaller siblings: All S-Series MAX aquariums now employ sumps (including all the necessary overflow, plumbing, and return pump). The current, smaller MAX aquariums have behind-the-tank compartments. Each system is skimmed by a Red Sea C-Skim protein skimmer. All S-Series MAX aquariums are illuminated by 10 x T5 (5 x 10,000K + 5 x actinic) + LED moonlights. Read Red Sea's official brochure for the full run-down on the S-Series MAX Aquariums. Availability and Price Red Sea plans to ship the S-Series to UK shops in September, with retail availability in October. We have no word on when the rest of the world might start seeing the S-Series but will keep you updated upon wider release. Pricing is as follows: S400: £3000 S500: £3500 S650: £4000 View the full article
  16. Click through to see the images. Many hobbyists are familiar with Red Sea MAX aquariums. MAX aquariums are "plug & play" reef aquarium systems, complete with tank, stand, canopy, lighting, protein skimming, chemical and mechanical filtration, and circulation. The current MAX line consists of two sizes: a 34 gallon (130L) and a 66 gallon (250L). The New MAX S-Series Red Sea has now announced the addition of three more aquariums to their MAX lines. The new S-Series Aquariums will consist of three larger sizes: S400 (400 liters), S500 (500 liters), and S650 (650 liters). The S-Series differ in several significant ways from their smaller siblings: All S-Series MAX aquariums now employ sumps (including all the necessary overflow, plumbing, and return pump). The current, smaller MAX aquariums have behind-the-tank compartments. Each system is skimmed by a Red Sea C-Skim protein skimmer. All S-Series MAX aquariums are illuminated by 10 x T5 (5 x 10,000K + 5 x actinic) + LED moonlights. Read Red Sea's official brochure for the full run-down on the S-Series MAX Aquariums. Availability and Price Red Sea plans to ship the S-Series to UK shops in September, with retail availability in October. We have no word on when the rest of the world might start seeing the S-Series but will keep you updated upon wider release. Pricing is as follows: S400: £3000 S500: £3500 S650: £4000 View the full article
  17. A new artificial surface inspired by floating seeds could provide an alternative to the toxic paints currently used to prevent fouling on ship hulls. The artificial surface, developed by German scientists, is covered with fibers to prevent marine organisms from settling -- the same strategy used by the seeds. View the full article
  18. The use of kelp as a biofuel could provide an important alternative to terrestrial grown biofuels; however the suitability of its chemical composition varies on a seasonal basis. Harvesting the kelp in July when carbohydrate levels are at their highest would ensure optimal sugar release for biofuel production. View the full article
  19. Restricted to only one river system in Australia, the Mary River turtle could suffer multiple problems under climate change. Researchers have shown that higher nest temperatures can cause reduced swimming abilities and a preference for dangerous shallow waters in young turtles. View the full article
  20. Scientists have discovered a new way of detecting zinc in zebra fish, that could pave the way for furthering our understanding of diseases like Type 2 diabetes, prostate cancer and Alzheimer's. View the full article
  21. Click through to see the images. View the full article
  22. Click through to see the images. Simply Amazing 3,600 liter LFS Display HPAquaristik - a LFS in Germany - spared no expense with their main reef display. Their 3,600 liter (950 gallon) aquarium features LED lighting which simulates some of the most natural cloud cover and thunderstorms I've seen. But get this: During the simulated thunderstorms, it actually rains freshwater over the giant reef aquarium! Read more... seneye: Possibly the world's most feature-rich aquarium monitor A new, advanced aquarium monitor is set to premiere this summer. I know what you're probably saying to yourself: Is there really a need for another aquarium monitor? Having been granted an exclusive sneak peek, I can emphatically answer: YES! seneye not only monitors more parameters than any single device currently on the market, it does so in the most user-friendly manner. Read more about the new seneye device after the jump. Read more... The most bizarre shark you've ever seen Welcome to the other twilight zone. A commercial fisherman from the tropical Sea of Cortez has caught one strange fish: an one-eyed shark! This fish is like something straight out of a science fiction movie. Real or hoax? Read the story behind this shark (plus one more photo) after the jump. Read more... Rare skin infection contracted from aquarium bacteria 13 year old Hannele Cox of San Bernardino County, California, may lose her hand due to a simple scratch she received while working with an aquarium five years ago. Read more... Ornate Ghost Pipefish gives birth at Steinhart Aquarium One of the unique finds of the California Academy of Sciences' recent Philippine Biodiversity Expedition is a pair of rare Ornate Ghost Pipefish. Shortly after arrival the female gave birth and the staff are now working to raise what may be the world's first captive reared Ghost Pipefish. Read more... The VW Bug Artificial Reef This week's winner of the "Ain't that Cool" award goes to this artificial reef sculpted in the form of a classic Volkswagen Beetle. The eight ton concrete replica was created by English artist Jason deCaires Taylor for his Cancun Underwater Museum (Mexico). Read on for more details about this exhibit and the Underwater Museum. Read more... Living Color's 9,000 gallon cylinder artificial reef aquarium Living Color is a custom aquarium manufacturer headquartered in Florida. They have produced high end displays for many public aquariums and big-name clients throughout the years: Disney, Universal Studios, Sea World, Rainforest Café, Bass Pro Shops. Living Color shares their unique 26 feet (8 meter) tall cylinder aquarium with Advanced Aquarist. Read more... Calling all hermit crab exhibitionists: Hand-blown Glass Shells! Are your hermit crabs looking for new digs? Consider these beautiful works of art: Artist/designer Robert DuGrenier creates exquisite hand-blown glass shells for hermit crabs from his Vermont workshop. Read more... Screenshot of the upcoming seneye online interface Advanced Aquarist has received an exclusive look at how the seneye web interface will look. Multiple boxes will display data and graphs collected from the seneye Reef sensor. The layout and functionality is similar to www.igoogle.com: you can drag boxes around to fit your personal preference and enlarge any box to full-screen. Like the rest of seneye's design concept, this interface succeeds at being highly functional but very user-friendly. View a close-up of the screen after the jump. Read more... Husbandry: Fish Selection and Companionability Advanced Aquarist welcomes our newest blog writer: Matthew Stansbery! In his first blog, Matt introduces readers to his multi-part series about the considerations hobbyists should take into account when selecting livestock for their aquariums. Read more... View the full article
  23. Click through to see the images. Simply Amazing 3,600 liter LFS Display HPAquaristik - a LFS in Germany - spared no expense with their main reef display. Their 3,600 liter (950 gallon) aquarium features LED lighting which simulates some of the most natural cloud cover and thunderstorms I've seen. But get this: During the simulated thunderstorms, it actually rains freshwater over the giant reef aquarium! Read more... seneye: Possibly the world's most feature-rich aquarium monitor A new, advanced aquarium monitor is set to premiere this summer. I know what you're probably saying to yourself: Is there really a need for another aquarium monitor? Having been granted an exclusive sneak peek, I can emphatically answer: YES! seneye not only monitors more parameters than any single device currently on the market, it does so in the most user-friendly manner. Read more about the new seneye device after the jump. Read more... The most bizarre shark you've ever seen Welcome to the other twilight zone. A commercial fisherman from the tropical Sea of Cortez has caught one strange fish: an one-eyed shark! This fish is like something straight out of a science fiction movie. Real or hoax? Read the story behind this shark (plus one more photo) after the jump. Read more... Rare skin infection contracted from aquarium bacteria 13 year old Hannele Cox of San Bernardino County, California, may lose her hand due to a simple scratch she received while working with an aquarium five years ago. Read more... Ornate Ghost Pipefish gives birth at Steinhart Aquarium One of the unique finds of the California Academy of Sciences' recent Philippine Biodiversity Expedition is a pair of rare Ornate Ghost Pipefish. Shortly after arrival the female gave birth and the staff are now working to raise what may be the world's first captive reared Ghost Pipefish. Read more... The VW Bug Artificial Reef This week's winner of the "Ain't that Cool" award goes to this artificial reef sculpted in the form of a classic Volkswagen Beetle. The eight ton concrete replica was created by English artist Jason deCaires Taylor for his Cancun Underwater Museum (Mexico). Read on for more details about this exhibit and the Underwater Museum. Read more... Living Color's 9,000 gallon cylinder artificial reef aquarium Living Color is a custom aquarium manufacturer headquartered in Florida. They have produced high end displays for many public aquariums and big-name clients throughout the years: Disney, Universal Studios, Sea World, Rainforest Café, Bass Pro Shops. Living Color shares their unique 26 feet (8 meter) tall cylinder aquarium with Advanced Aquarist. Read more... Calling all hermit crab exhibitionists: Hand-blown Glass Shells! Are your hermit crabs looking for new digs? Consider these beautiful works of art: Artist/designer Robert DuGrenier creates exquisite hand-blown glass shells for hermit crabs from his Vermont workshop. Read more... Screenshot of the upcoming seneye online interface Advanced Aquarist has received an exclusive look at how the seneye web interface will look. Multiple boxes will display data and graphs collected from the seneye Reef sensor. The layout and functionality is similar to www.igoogle.com: you can drag boxes around to fit your personal preference and enlarge any box to full-screen. Like the rest of seneye's design concept, this interface succeeds at being highly functional but very user-friendly. View a close-up of the screen after the jump. Read more... Husbandry: Fish Selection and Companionability Advanced Aquarist welcomes our newest blog writer: Matthew Stansbery! In his first blog, Matt introduces readers to his multi-part series about the considerations hobbyists should take into account when selecting livestock for their aquariums. Read more... View the full article
  24. Click through to see the images. Only two short months after an eerily similar LFS bleach poisoning story Advanced Aquarist first reported, we regret to bring you yet another disturbing news of senseless fish cruelty. "When I came back, I smelt chlorine and realised all of my fish were floating at the top of the tank." According to her employer, Derrick Ng, he had reprimanded the maid for scolding his four year old son prior to the incident. Mr. Ng goes on to say "After that, I went downstairs for 15 minutes with my son to buy food. When I came back, I smelt chlorine and realised all of my fish were floating at the top of the tank. I was completely shocked and speechless. I didn't know what to do." The case of animal cruelty was one of few cases which resulted in "successful" prosecution under section 428 of the Penal Code (Mischief by killing an animal). The maid allegedly confessed to the act and was sentenced to jail for one month and fined $7,000 for her actions. The Indonesian maid is unable to pay her fine and will be repatriated after serving her sentence. via TODAYonline and SPCA Singapore Information about the ownership of Asian Arowanas: Asian Arowanas are amongst the most beautiful, prized, and expensive ornamental fish in the world. They are also classified as an endangered species and are illegal to own in many countries (such as the United States under the Endangered Species Act). However, they are not illegal everywhere. Captive breeding programs (specifically in Singapore, where this crime took place) has allowed for limited, highly controlled trade of Asian Arowanas. According to Wiki: Beginning in 1989, CITES began allowing Asian arowanas to be traded, provided certain criteria were met, most notably that they were bred in captivity on a fish farm for at least two generations. The first of these farms was in Indonesia. Later, the Singapore government's Agri-food and Veterinary Authority (then called the Primary Production Department) and a local fish exporter collaborated in a captive breeding program. Asian arowanas legally certified by CITES for trade became available from this program in 1994. Captive-bred arowanas that are legal for trade under CITES are documented in two ways. First, fish farms provide each buyer with a certificate of authenticity and a birth certificate. Second, each specimen receives an implanted microchip, called a Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT), which identifies individual animals. View the full article
  25. Click through to see the images. Only two short months after an eerily similar LFS bleach poisoning story Advanced Aquarist first reported, we regret to bring you yet another disturbing news of senseless fish cruelty. "When I came back, I smelt chlorine and realised all of my fish were floating at the top of the tank." According to her employer, Derrick Ng, he had reprimanded the maid for scolding his four year old son prior to the incident. Mr. Ng goes on to say "After that, I went downstairs for 15 minutes with my son to buy food. When I came back, I smelt chlorine and realised all of my fish were floating at the top of the tank. I was completely shocked and speechless. I didn't know what to do." The case of animal cruelty was one of few cases which resulted in "successful" prosecution under section 428 of the Penal Code (Mischief by killing an animal). The maid was sentenced to jail for one month and fined a mere $7,000 for her actions. The Indonesian maid is unable to pay her fine and will be repatriated after serving her sentence. via TODAYonline and SPCA Singapore Information about the ownership of Asian Arowanas: Asian Arowanas are amongst the most beautiful, prized, and expensive ornamental fish in the world. They are also classified as an endangered species and are illegal to own in many countries (such as the United States under the Endangered Species Act). However, they are not illegal everywhere. Captive breeding programs (specifically in Singapore, where this crime took place) has allowed for limited, highly controlled trade of Asian Arowanas. According to Wiki: Beginning in 1989, CITES began allowing Asian arowanas to be traded, provided certain criteria were met, most notably that they were bred in captivity on a fish farm for at least two generations. The first of these farms was in Indonesia. Later, the Singapore government's Agri-food and Veterinary Authority (then called the Primary Production Department) and a local fish exporter collaborated in a captive breeding program. Asian arowanas legally certified by CITES for trade became available from this program in 1994. Captive-bred arowanas that are legal for trade under CITES are documented in two ways. First, fish farms provide each buyer with a certificate of authenticity and a birth certificate. Second, each specimen receives an implanted microchip, called a Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT), which identifies individual animals. View the full article
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