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Everything posted by Harlequinmania

  1. Click through to see the images. We here at Advanced Aquarist are big fans of CORAL magazine, so it is with great excitement we announce that their sister magazine AMAZONAS will soon premiere their new English edition. AMAZONAS is a freshwater aquarium magazine. The magazine has actually been in publication for seven years but only available in Germany, hence its relative obscurity in foreign markets. This all changes in 2012! AMAZONAS will debut their English edition with the January/February 2012 issue. A brief introduction: AMAZONAS is one of the world’s legendary freshwater aquarium magazines, read by tens of thousands of tropical fish enthusiasts and now available for the first time in English. New species discoveries, awesome aquarium profiles, breeding breakthroughs, tropical nature, hands-on advice and secrets to keeping a thriving, stunningly beautiful freshwater aquarium are the focus of every sumptuously printed issue. Written by experts and illustrated with breathtaking color images, AMAZONAS is a must read for the adventuresome freshwater aquarist—a constant source of new ideas, cutting edge information and inspiration. Here are weblinks to explore AMAZONAS for yourself. WEBSITE: www.amazonasmagazine.comFACEBOOK PAGE: www.facebook.com/AmazonasMagazineTWITTER PAGE: twitter.com/#!/AmazonasMag Click on the cover image on their new website's home page and see the prototype digital edition (very snazzy!). They will also be giving away free subscriptions throughout the day to randomly selected people who "like" AMAZONAS' Facebook page and follow their twitter account. For those who don't win free subscriptions, AMAZONAS offers charter subscriptions for $29.00 USD (40% off newsstand price). The subscription also includes access to their digital edition to read AMAZONAS on the go. The first issue will land in mailboxes and hit the stands shortly. USA freshwater aquarists can purchase their copies at Barnes & Noble. Sample two-page spread of AMAZONAS (via digital edition) View the full article
  2. The latest invader of the Great Lakes -- Hemimysis anomala, or more commonly the bloody red shrimp after its bright red spots -- may become a new food source for fish, allaying concerns about how it will impact native fish populations. View the full article
  3. The latest invader of the Great Lakes -- Hemimysis anomala, or more commonly the bloody red shrimp after its bright red spots -- may become a new food source for fish, allaying concerns about how it will impact native fish populations. View the full article
  4. Engineers have developed a robot that mimics the graceful motions of jellyfish so precisely that it has been named Robojelly. Developed for the U.S. Office of Naval Research in 2009, this vehicle was designed to conduct ocean underwater surveillance, enabling it potentially to detect chemical spills, monitor the presence of ships and submarines, and observe the migration of schools of fish. View the full article
  5. Children who started eating fish before nine months of age are less likely to suffer from pre-school wheeze, but face a higher risk if they were treated with broad spectrum antibiotics in the first week of life or their mother took paracetamol during pregnancy. Recurrent wheeze is a very common clinical problem in preschool children and there is a need for better medical treatment and improved understanding of the underlying mechanisms. View the full article
  6. Click through to see the images. The secretary position requirements include attending all meetings of the Board of Directors and keep a full and complete record of the proceedings in addition to being familiar with legal documents (articles, by-laws, IRS letters, etc.) to note applicability during meetings. Board of Directors meetings are monthly online meetings with the day/time decided by the board at the annual meeting. Meetings typically last roughly 1.5 – 2 hours. Take a look at the complete job requirements at MASNA's site. If this sounds like a position you are interested in, you can either contact them through their Contact Form on their website or message them on Facebook. (via Facebook) View the full article
  7. Click through to see the images. Ret Talbot's most recent MASNA report begins: The second of five counties in Hawai'i have now voted urging the state to ban the marine aquarium trade. Many close to the debate over the marine aquarium fishery contend the vote was influenced by misinformation and misused statistics that seek to frame an ethical debate as a resource issue. The local media's response appears uncritical and potentially makes it more difficult for multi-stakeholder groups to work toward collaborative solutions that can ensure sustainability. Two of the five counties in the state of Hawai‘i have now voted to urge the State to prohibit the sale of aquatic life for aquarium purposes. Echoing action taken by the Hawai‘i County Council in early October, Kaua‘i County Council recently voted unanimously to include in the 2012 Kaua‘i County Legislative Package a proposed draft resolution urging the Legislature to ban the collection of marine life for the aquarium trade statewide. The future of the aquarium trade and fishery in Hawai'i is important for marine aquarists. I encourage you to follow Ret's excellent and highly informative Hawai'i blog series to keep up to date with the ongoing developments. View the full article
  8. Click through to see the images. This photo of a newly imported hybrid angelfish was posted at reefnews.eu. The photo has been color-corrected. View the full article
  9. A new model allows the potential presence of bluefin tuna to be tracked through daily updated maps, helping to protect endangered stocks and fight illegal fishing. View the full article
  10. A new model allows the potential presence of bluefin tuna to be tracked through daily updated maps, helping to protect endangered stocks and fight illegal fishing. View the full article
  11. Click through to see the images. Published recently in Pacific Science, researchers Randy Honebrink, Robert Buch, Peter Galpin, and George H. Burgess report on the first ever attack on a human of a cookiecutter shark, Isistius sp. To give you a bit of background: cookiecutter sharks measure no more than two feet in length when mature and they live up to their name. A cookiecutter shark bite resembles a gouge that looks just like a cookie cutter cutout from its victim. These sharks reside predominantly around islands and will attack just about anything: submarines, undersea cables, large mammals, fishes, and squid. During the day they are typically found around 2.3 miles deep and migrate to the surface at dusk. The report documents how marathon swimmer Mike Spalding came about being the first documented victim of a cookiecutter shark. At the time of the attack, Mike was attempting to swim (at night!) across the 29 mile wide Alenuihaha channel between Hawai'i and Maui. The first bite was to the chest and was relatively minor. The second one to his calf, however, was not. When pulled from the water, a 2.5 inch by 3/4 inch deep gouge was found in his calf (photo below). Mike was rushed to the hospital where the wound was taken care of with a skin graft. Bite (left), graft (center), healed (right). Deep Sea News is carrying a follow-up to this attack with an interview with Mike. It's interesting to read Mike's step-by-step account of the incident and I suggest that you head over and read the transcript in full. Thanks to Matt Wandell for bringing this news item to our attention! View the full article
  12. Click through to see the images. This incredible video was shared on TONMO's bulletin board. An octopus labors great distances out of the water towards human onlookers and leaves a crab at the onlookers' feet before returning back to his salty pond. Is this an octopus presenting an offering or simply high-tailing it out of there when he realized he was heading towards people? TONMO is an online community dedicated to octopus, squid, and cephalopod information. View the full article
  13. Hey bro, In your option , which one do you think give more accurate reading ? i have a Hanna P04 check and my Salifest always give me Zero reading, but my Hanna checker give me 20 ppm, so i had a hard time deciding which one to trust ...
  14. They are taken from local fish shop in Taiwan ? How;s the range of corals / fishes they are selling there ?
  15. A new study reveals how the effect of climate change can further impact the economic viability of current fisheries practices. View the full article
  16. A new study reveals how the effect of climate change can further impact the economic viability of current fisheries practices. View the full article
  17. Click through to see the images. With Thanksgiving a few days away, we thought a 30 minute video with incredible ambient music would be a great option if you're planning on entertaining guests. Connect your TV to your computer and put this video on full screen for your friends and family to enjoy (we've set the video for continual repeat loop)... or sneak off to your PC and find escape from family drama by diving into this mystery reef What ocean was this footage shot? Hint: Follow the fish! View the full article
  18. Click through to see the images. (1920x1200 pixels) Click the download button (above) to view the wallpaper. Right-click the wallpaper and "set as desktop background" or save the file on your computer. PREVIEW View the full article
  19. Click through to see the images. (1920x1200 pixels) Click the download button (above) to view the wallpaper. Right-click the wallpaper and "set as desktop background" or save the file on your computer. PREVIEW View the full article
  20. Suitable habitat for native fishes in many Great Plains streams has been significantly reduced by the pumping of groundwater from the High Plains aquifer – and scientists analyzing the water loss say ecological futures for these fishes are "bleak." View the full article
  21. Scientists have thrown new light on the mechanism behind the mass death of corals worldwide as the Earth's climate warms. Coral bleaching, one of the most devastating events affecting coral reefs around the planet, is triggered by rising water temperatures. It occurs when the corals and their symbiotic algae become heat-stressed, and the algae which feed the corals either die or are expelled by the coral. View the full article
  22. Researchers have achieved a 50% reduction in the amount of salt in already desalted cod, thus obtaining a final product that preserves all its sensory properties and is particularly suitable for persons with hypertension. View the full article
  23. Click through to see the images. Earlier this year, I blogged about Estherea Reef with gushing praise. Can you blame me?. Now let's get up close and personal with the thriving corals and fish who call Estherea Reef their home. Here are three recent macro-videos of this most beautiful Dutch aquarium ... a relaxing and inspiring way to unwind (or get motivated to work on your tank!) this weekend. View the full article
  24. Click through to see the images. Congratulations to Todd Gardner of the Long Island Aquarium for his success in rearing the first ever basslet (Liopropoma sp.) in captivity. Today it will be 77 days post-hatch! Sea Save has called for a boycott of Animal Planet and the Discovery Channel over ethical issues seen on the show TANKED. It's Shark Week over at ReefThreads.com. Download the podcast to hear about Alex Rose's trip aboard the Nautilus Explorer. Squid mystery in Mexican waters unraveled by Stanford biologist and a class of students. The squid migrated north looking for better food sources due to El Niño. Need an inexpensive water leak detector? Spend the weekend whipping this one up from Make:Projects and some supplies from Radio Shack. Those sneaky carpet sharks. One snuck into a desalination plant at least six months ago and has been hanging out there ever since. A helicopter pilot operating in the Pacific . The video is pretty gruesome showing whales, marlin, and rays dying as bycatch by industrial tuna fishers. Jacques Cousteau's youngest son creates online platform for divers to report on marine life. The website is called Cousteau Divers, and is an online site that allows drivers and snorkelers to connect and help monitor the life underwater. Mantis shrimps use rap to get the ladies. The rumblings are hypothesized to warn off intruders and to charm females. Dolphins need wingmen too. Research has shown that they're more successful with the ladies when they've got a buddy or two that's got their back. Florida protects tiger and hammerhead sharks. "The new rules go into effect January 1, 2012 and prohibit the commercial harvest, possession and landing of tiger and hammerhead sharks (scalloped, smooth and great hammerheads) in state waters" Over 1,500 lionfish were taken in the 2011 lionfish harvesting derbies. That's quite a few but there's plenty more where those came from unfortunately. Roomba maker is making undersea robots that can perform underwater missions for up to 9 months on a single battery charge. Looking for a biological filtration media that works under heavy bioload? MBI site member "Midnight Mariculture" is experimenting with Kaldness Media that's typically used for Discus breeding. Octopuses and squid can switch camouflage methods to remain unseen in the twilight zone. No cloaking device required. Both species of manta ray have now been added to the IUCN Red List. The giant manta Manta birostris and the reef manta Manta alfredi) are declared "Vulnerable" to extinction per IUCN's guidelines. The effects of artificial reefs on fish counts are called into question. The artificial reefs might be congregating fish and fishermen in the same place. What one hour of deep-sea vent life looks like in two minutes . Sea spiders, tubeworms, scaleworms, limpets and snails are featured in the two minute YouTube video. Researchers find life in the Dead Sea . Up until now it has been believed that the Dead Sea is too saline to support life. The sargassum fish and uses its natural looks to sneak up on its prey . View the full article
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