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Everything posted by Harlequinmania

  1. Click through to see the images. Research published this week in Current Biology by researchers Temple, Pignatelli, and others has shown that cuttlefish have highly acute vision when it comes to visualizing polarized light in their environment. Up until recently, it was believed that cuttlefish could only visualize down to about 10-20 degrees of difference in polarization. However this new research has shown that they are sensitive all the way down to approximately 1 degree of polarization. This new minimum was deduced through showing cuttlefish movies through a specially modified LCD computer screen. According to the Science Daily article: "We modified LCD computer monitors to show changes in polarization instead of changes in colour, and then played videos of approaching objects and watched for changes in skin colour patterns to determine if the cuttlefish could see small changes in polarization contrast," said Dr Sheby Temple. "Cuttlefish change colour all the time and respond to the slightest movement so they are an excellent model." "Not only is this the most acute [light polarization] discrimination measured behaviourally in any animal, but it provides a high enough resolution to be relevant to real world visual tasks." states Dr. Temple. "For animals that can see it, the polarisation of light adds another dimension to vision, analogous to adding color to a black and white image" mentioned Dr. Temple. "Whilst some animals use the orientation of the electric field vector [light polarization] for navigation and orientation, the ability to discriminate angular differences in [polarization] has been implicated in object recognition for predator / prey detection as well as signalling and communication." To conclude their research paper, Dr. Temple's group modeled what underwater scenes might look like with this polarization component added to it in the way of additional colors so that they could visualize it. What they found was that polarization added significant information to the visual display leading them to believe that there is much more information in the polarization dimension than thought before. Thanks to Dave Moulton for bringing this article to our attention! View the full article
  2. Researchers have disproven the secondary outbreak hypothesis in the Central Pacific. One of the greatest biological threats to tropical coral reefs can be a population outbreak of crown-of-thorns (COT) sea stars (Acanthaster planci). Outbreaks can consume live corals over large areas, a change that can promote algal growth and alter reef fish populations. View the full article
  3. Researchers have disproven the secondary outbreak hypothesis in the Central Pacific. One of the greatest biological threats to tropical coral reefs can be a population outbreak of crown-of-thorns (COT) sea stars (Acanthaster planci). Outbreaks can consume live corals over large areas, a change that can promote algal growth and alter reef fish populations. View the full article
  4. Evolutionary biologists have shed light on the early events leading to photosynthesis, the result of the sequencing of 70 million base pair nuclear genome of the one-celled alga Cyanophora. They consider this study the final piece of the puzzle to understand the origin of photosynthesis in eukaryotes. View the full article
  5. Adding ocean acidification and deoxygenation into the mix of climate change predictions may turn "winner" regions of fisheries and biodiversity into "losers," according to new research. View the full article
  6. Adding ocean acidification and deoxygenation into the mix of climate change predictions may turn "winner" regions of fisheries and biodiversity into "losers," according to new research. View the full article
  7. Parasites and pathogens infecting humans, pets and farm animals are increasingly being detected in marine mammals such as sea otters, porpoises, harbor seals and killer whales along the Pacific coast of the US and Canada, and better surveillance is required to monitor public health implications, according to a panel of scientific experts from Canada and the United States. View the full article
  8. Parasites and pathogens infecting humans, pets and farm animals are increasingly being detected in marine mammals such as sea otters, porpoises, harbor seals and killer whales along the Pacific coast of the US and Canada, and better surveillance is required to monitor public health implications, according to a panel of scientific experts from Canada and the United States. View the full article
  9. Click through to see the images. Feasts your eyes on this Eastern Australian Scolymia sold by German high-end retailer White Corals. Tell me it isn't intoxicating. Tell me you don't want it. Reefkeepers are rightfully attracted to the beauty of Scolymia australis; There are few (if any) corals that can challenge a Scolymia's color palette and patterns. Aquarists have demonstrated ongoing willingness to pay beau coup dollars for the top specimens. White Corals sold their Scolymia for $1,000, and I can personally recall no fewer than two dozen Scolymia which sold for well over $500 USD. But are Scolymia australis suitable for captivity? Are they smart or ethical choices for our aquariums? We have read far too many reports of Scolymia doing well (great polyp extension and active feeding) for many months only for them to slowly whither away for no apparent reason. And this experience is repeated by many seasoned reefkeepers with thriving aquariums. A few long-term success stories exist, but they currently seem the exception rather than the rule. Is there a secret to the husbandry for Scolymia australis, or are they "Flowerpot 2.0" - a species that fares poorly in captivity for unknown reasons? As conscientious aquarists, these are vital questions we need to honestly address. Scolymia australis is a slow growing LPS coral that reproduces sexually. As such, they are under real threat from over-collection. We either need to share information and educate everyone on what it takes to keep these corals in captivity for the long term, or else we need to acknowledge the non-sustainability of this species and teach other hobbyists to resist the temptation of purchasing Scolymia australis (like we did with Flowerpots), at least until we've developed a broader knowledge base for their long-term care. View the full article
  10. Click through to see the images. Back in March 2011 we covered how a series of research teams were attempting to create a robotic version of an octopuses tentacle that could be used for underwater salvage, maintenance, and other activities. Back then it was more of a concept. Now the research has progressed enough that the teams believe that they will have a working robotic animal based on this concept completed by year end. This project is estimated to cost 13 million dollars. The robotic arm has been constructed by scientists at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna near the coast of Tuscany, Italy. In order to grip things underwater, the tentacle has been constructed out of rubber and silicone wrapped around a steel cable mechanism. This construction technique will allow the arm(s) to squeeze into tight spots. Lead researcher Cecillia Laschi states in the below video that "we designed this special braid which provides this flexibility but also the possibility to elongate the arm and shorten it. It has suckers that are very important in the animal for grasping......So we put our artificial tactile sensors under the suckers so that the robot can perceive contact when grasping objects." In addition to underwater operations, British surgeons want to adapt the technology for use in endoscopic surgery. (via The Daily Mail) View the full article
  11. Click through to see the images. Talk about a tank build! As mentioned, Thierry Henry is planning to install this massive 5,500 gallon aquarium into his £6 million London home and is willing to spend £250,000 to do it. For those of you who don't know who Thierry Henry is, he is a world class French footballer (soccer player) that currently plays as forward or striker for the New York Red Bulls soccer team and has been with them since 2010. Thierry Henry controlling the soccer ball. When completed, the aquarium will span four stories and will be built in four sections to give it the illusion of being one massively tall tank. The current planned dimensions for each of the four tanks will be 15 feet long by 3 feet wide. It is also estimated that the systems will be able to house a combined total of 300 fish and will cost £12,000 a year to run, with the bill for fish food reaching £2,500 per year. He will reportedly have about 2,000 different species of fish that he can choose from for his aquariums: smaller breeds of shark and rays to clownfish, yellow tangs, blue tangs and parrot fish. Each of the four aquariums will be built out of Perspex acrylic and each will have their own filtration system making the aquariums easier to take care of than one massive system. Obviously with his schedule he will not be maintaining this himself. Instead he will be paying an aquarium service £50 an hour for weekly inspections and tank maintenance. Thierry Henry joins a long list of celebrities that have recently joined the large aquarium craze. Madonna, the Beckhams, Cher and Premier League footballers Stephen Ireland, Joe Hart and Micah Richards, all have large aquariums. In particular, Stephen Ireland's 13ft long aquarium cost him £100,000 to install. We look forward to following how this tank build progresses. (via Marine Habitat Magazine, The Daily Mail) View the full article
  12. Click through to see the images. From five corals that settled on their rock in 1996, CRF has successfully grown over 20,000 corals for transplantation to reefs in need. In John Carlin's "fincast," Ken Nedimyer describes the contributions of aquarists and the aquarium industry to CRF's conservation efforts, which include captive propagation techniques, financial support, contributing time for dives, and raising public awareness. Ken Nedimyer The Coral Restoration Foundation should be at the top of the list for anyone searching for a NGO to support. You will not only be supporting an organization doing effective conservation work but also an organization that has deep roots in the aquarium hobby. Visit CRF's website to learn how you can help. And to those who perpetuate the myth that the aquarium industry does not care about conservation, take notice. Instead of demonizing a hobby that shares the same desire for conservation, try working with us (and science) for the betterment of reefs everywhere. About The Coral Restoration Foundation: The Coral Restoration Foundation Inc (CRF) is a 501 c (3) non-profit conservation organization created to develop off-shore coral nurseries and reef restoration programs for critically endangered coral reefs at local, national, and international levels. The mission of CRF is to develop affordable, effective strategies for protecting and restoring coral reefs and to train and empower others to implement those strategies in their coastal communities. Since inception, CRF has pioneered novel offshore coral nursery and restoration techniques, and has collaborated closely with other organizations to further develop strategies and methods with threatened species of corals. We are driven by action and results, and firmly believe that by directly incorporating the community into environmental field programs and daily operations we can significantly improve the success of restoring and preserving these aquatic treasures for current and future generations. Our Goals: • Education: To expand interested communities’ knowledge and awareness of the social and environmental benefits of coral reefs, as well as various issues influencing coral survival. • Partnerships: To facilitate and encourage partnerships for the purpose of research, restoration, and understanding of coastal resources and coral reefs. • Public Participation: To reach and engage various user groups into supervised community–based programs for restoration, that will lead to longterm community stewardship of coral reefs. • Restoration: To restore coral reef ecosystem services by replanting structure building corals and to utilize reef restoration to unite our goals education, partnerships, and public participation into action. View the full article
  13. Click through to see the images. Bali is a tourist haven ... and for good reason: In addition to the world-renowned culture topside, the coral reefs at Bali teem with life. A 2011 research expedition counted an astonishing 953 species of reef fish and 397 species of coral in a mere two week survey, including 9 new species! It is little surprise that Bali is a major exporter of livestock to the aquarium trade. Chances are, every reefkeeper has at least one animal from Bali in their aquariums. We had access to literally hundreds of Bali videos and selected the best ones to share with you. Every one of these videos is incredible and unique, so we hope you find time to view them and bear witness to Bali's beauty. " height="408" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="680"> "> "> Sadly, beauty and abundance is a double-edged sword. Tourism development and frequent poaching of fish and invertebrates/corals (often times with destructive techniques like dynamite and cyanide) remain constant pressures on this island's ecology. Over the past two decades, the Indonesian government has recognized the value of conserving their coral reefs with no-take zones, outlawing dynamite and cyanide fishing everywhere, and fostering mariculture programs. However, enforcement has proven difficult. While significant strides have been made to protect their natural resource, as much as 25% of its fisheries are still lost to illegal activities every year. Continued vigilance is necessary to ensure Bali remains one of the worlds premiere reef locations. As a marine aquarist, please buy from reputable dealers to prevent "blood corals and fish" from entering the aquarium trade. It is my strong belief that all wholesalers and livestock retailers should share information about the chain of custody of the animals they handle; Aquarist should insist on transparency. Let's all make our demand drive a more sustainable, ethical, and responsible supply chain. I dare you to tell me Bali is not worth our conservation efforts after watching these videos. " height="408" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="680"> "> "> " height="408" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="680"> "> "> " height="408" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="680"> "> "> " height="408" style="width: 680px;" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="680"> "> "> View the full article
  14. Click through to see the images. The folks over at Pacific Island Aquatics have been getting some really gnarly fish in lately including a pair of Mauritus Flasher Wrasses, a True Personifier Angel and even a Gem Tang, perhaps the most sought after surgeonfish on the planet. It was just reported that they captured a Hawaiian fish and can't quite identify what species it is. Based on the photo, we can observe that it has the mouth of a grouper and the scales and form of a cardinal, but for all we know it could be neither. Do you have any guess as to what it is? Be sure to leave your comments below! View additional photos and discussion on Pacific Island Aquatic's facebook page. " height="405" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="680"> "> "> View the full article
  15. In a delicate operation at sea, healthy staghorn coral were transplanted to a threatened reef off the Broward County coast. View the full article
  16. In a delicate operation at sea, healthy staghorn coral were transplanted to a threatened reef off the Broward County coast. View the full article
  17. Click through to see the images. The New England Aquarium is home to a 200,000 gallon cylindrical tropical marine aquarium (23 feet deep, 40 feet wide) showcasing Caribbean coral reef life. The huge aquarium - appropriately dubbed the "Giant Ocean Tank" - features a spiral ramp to give visitors 360 degree views as they ascend/descend. Aquarium officials will temporarily relocate the 800 inhabitants of the Giant Ocean Tank in preparation for the renovation, which includes replacing the windows, adding an education center at the top, installing media systems to connect divers (with mics and helmet cams) with visitors, and building additional platforms for additional vantage points. Construction will begin September 2012 with the entire renovation slated for completion in late June 2013. The New England Aquarium will remain open during their renovation. View the full article
  18. Finally, we can still see Hawaii shipment coming to our shore. http://www.coralmagazine-us.com/content/proposed-bills-hawaii-aquarium-fishery-dead-2012
  19. Produced by a multitude of mollusk species, nacre is widely used in jewelry and art. It is inlaid into musical instruments, furniture and decorative boxes. Fashioned into buttons, beads and a host of functional objects from pens to flatware, mother of pearl lends a lustrous iridescence to everyday objects. View the full article
  20. The Government of Bangladesh recently declared three new wildlife sanctuaries for endangered freshwater dolphins in the world's largest mangrove ecosystem – the Sundarbans, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society whose conservation work helped pinpoint the locations of the protected areas. View the full article
  21. The Government of Bangladesh recently declared three new wildlife sanctuaries for endangered freshwater dolphins in the world's largest mangrove ecosystem ? the Sundarbans, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society whose conservation work helped pinpoint the locations of the protected areas. View the full article
  22. Fish oil is an underused ingredient in the food industry because of its association with a strong odor and aftertaste. A new study shows that fish oil can be added to goat cheese to deliver high levels of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids without compromising taste or shelf-life. View the full article
  23. By absorbing about a third of human-made carbon dioxide, the ocean decelerates global warming. However, when dissolved in seawater, carbon dioxide reacts to produce carbonic acid, causing seawater pH to decrease. It also diminishes the concentration of carbonate ions, thereby putting organisms forming their shells and skeletons from calcium carbonate at risk. Apart from plankton, algae, mussels and snails, stony corals are among those particularly endangered: Their skeletons consist of aragonite, the most soluble form of calcium carbonate. View the full article
  24. Click through to see the images. According to research published this week in Coral Reefs by Kerry and Bellwood, large reef fish (snappers, coral trout, sweetlips, etc.) favor very specific habitats on coral reefs and that these preferences could have dire consequences on the fish as climate change takes place. Coral trout under an artificial overhang. What these researchers did was to setup 17 video cameras around Lizard Island in North Queensland to record first-hand where these particular fish spent a lot of their time. They evaluated massive corals (bommies), branching corals, and tabling corals and monitored where the fish were located based on the coral cover morphology. They found that all of the fish very much preferred tabling corals over all of the other structures in the area. This preference could have some serious consequences given that tabling corals are found to be much more susceptible to climate change compared to other coral. "Like human beings, fish have strong preferences on where they like to hang out -- and it appears that they much prefer to shelter under overhanging tablecorals. This tells us quite a bit about how important these corals are to the overall structure of the reef and the large reef fish that live there," says James. "The reason for the fishes' preference is not yet clear -- but possibilities include hiding from predators such as sharks, shading themselves from ultraviolet sunlight, or lying in ambush for prey." ... "If they die back as a result of bleaching or disease, or are destroyed by storm surges, this would strip the reef of one of its main attractions, from a coral trout's viewpoint." Kerry and Bellwood also wanted to learn what specifically these fish liked about tabling corals so they built a number of different structures to investigate these preferences. One type of structure had no roof. Another type had a transparent roof. The final type had a roof that was painted black. By far the fish preferred the black roof structure. Based on this observation, they believe that the data suggests that the fish are using the structures to hide from larger predators like sharks, use them as ambush locations, or prefer to stay out of the direct sunlight. (via ScienceDaily) View the full article
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