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Everything posted by Harlequinmania

  1. Click through to see the images. The first annual 2012 Marine Aquarium Conference of Illlinois (MACI) is being held at the Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles, IL on March 11th, 2012. Marine Geek and Chicago Marine Aquarium Society proudly present a new exciting conference featuring a full day of speakers, a workshop, kids activities and a huge show floor with your favorite vendors, local fish stores and frag shops display and selling their goods and livestock. We will have a special Build-a-Reefball workshop. For a small fee, attendees can build their own Reefball and then proudly show it off in their aquarium! Presented by Uberfrags. The list of guest speakers include LiveAquaria's Kevin Kohen, Shedd Aquarim George Parsons of the She'd Aquarium, Two Little Fishies own Julian Sprung, and expert breeder Tal Sweet. There will be over 40 vendors including: Marineland, Seachem, A Reef Creation, Drs. Foster and Smith, and Pacific East Aquaculture. Last, but certainly not least, they will have an amazing array of prizes to be won in a Mega Raffle. Our very own staff blogger Jon Carvallo (along with many others) will be attending- hope to see you there! View the full article
  2. Click through to see the images. Tanked's sophomore season is slated for 10 episodes. For more information about 'Tanked', visit Animal Planet's website. View the full article
  3. Scientists have completed an innovative study of the effects of climate change on bird species of greatest concern. This novel study prioritizes which birds are most at risk and will help guide conservation measures in California. Endangered species and wetland birds are two highly vulnerable groups. View the full article
  4. Freshwater ecosystems in northern regions are home to significantly more species of water fleas than traditionally thought, adding to evidence that regions with vanishing waters contain unique animal life. View the full article
  5. Shark fins are worth more than other parts of the shark and are often removed from the body, which gets thrown back into the sea. To curtail this wasteful practice, many countries allow the fins to be landed detached from shark bodies, as long as their weight does not exceed five per cent of the total shark catch. New research shows that this kind of legislation is too liberal. View the full article
  6. Shark fins are worth more than other parts of the shark and are often removed from the body, which gets thrown back into the sea. To curtail this wasteful practice, many countries allow the fins to be landed detached from shark bodies, as long as their weight does not exceed five per cent of the total shark catch. New research shows that this kind of legislation is too liberal. View the full article
  7. The world's oceans may be turning acidic faster today from human carbon emissions than they did during four major extinctions in the last 300 million years, when natural pulses of carbon sent global temperatures soaring, says a new study. The study is the first of its kind to survey the geologic record for evidence of ocean acidification over this vast time period. View the full article
  8. Probing the largely unexplored question of what characteristics make a leader among schooling fish, researchers have discovered that by mimicking nature, a robotic fish can transform into a leader of live ones. In early experiments aimed at understanding how a robot could potentially lead wildlife from danger, the researchers were intrigued to find that their biomimetic robotic fish could not only infiltrate and be accepted by the swimmers, but actually assume a leadership role. View the full article
  9. Probing the largely unexplored question of what characteristics make a leader among schooling fish, researchers have discovered that by mimicking nature, a robotic fish can transform into a leader of live ones. In early experiments aimed at understanding how a robot could potentially lead wildlife from danger, the researchers were intrigued to find that their biomimetic robotic fish could not only infiltrate and be accepted by the swimmers, but actually assume a leadership role. View the full article
  10. The majestic leatherback turtle is the largest sea turtle in the world, growing to more than 6 feet in length. It is also one of the most threatened. A major new study of migration patterns has identified high-use areas -- potential danger zones -- in the Pacific Ocean for this critically endangered species. This new understanding could help inform decisions about fishing practices to help reduce further deaths of this fragile species. View the full article
  11. Click through to see the images. Need proof that reefkeeping is truly international? Last year, we shared videos of eight reef aquariums from around the world: Hong Kong, Latvia, the UK, Kuwait, Chile, Thailand, Greece, and Germany. Now it's Poland's turn. First up is a lovely mixed stoney reef. We don't have much information on this tank except that it is 570 liter (150 gallon) and employs NP Reducing Bio-pellets. What a beauty! " height="408" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="680"> "> "> Next we have Krzysztof's 750 liter (198 gallon) reef tank, which has been featured on many websites such as H20plusomething.com (read details about Kryzsztof's aquarium). This is another example of a tank utilizing Bio-pellets and Zeovit methodology to produce sparkling clean water and incredible stoney coral growth and pigmentation. Krzysztof's tank is one of the most colorful reef displays we've ever seen ... no doubt the envy of reefkeepers throughout the world. " height="408" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="680"> "> "> View the full article
  12. Click through to see the images. In our first TED talk, oceanographer Paul Snelgrove shares the results of a ten-year project with one goal: to take a census of all the life in the oceans. He shares amazing photos of some of the surprising finds of the Census of Marine Life. And in our second TED talk, we learn about the troubling trend of downward-shifting "standards." The ocean has degraded within our lifetimes, as shown in the decreasing average size of fish. And yet, as Daniel Pauly shows us onstage at Mission Blue, each time the baseline drops, we call it the new "normal." At what point do we stop readjusting downward? We'd like to thank Dave Moulton for sharing these videos with Advanced Aquarist. View the full article
  13. Sea turtles have long and complex lives; they can live into their 70s or 80s and they famously return to their birthplace to nest. But new research suggests this isn’t the only big migration in a sea turtle’s life. View the full article
  14. Sea turtles have long and complex lives; they can live into their 70s or 80s and they famously return to their birthplace to nest. But new research suggests this isn’t the only big migration in a sea turtle’s life. View the full article
  15. Click through to see the images. Marine Fish Quarantine: The Abridged Version There's no two ways about it: Quarantining new fish is not optional. Simply put, serious aquarist quarantine their new fish. When you bring home fish, you also bring home the responsibility of giving them the best possible care. Fish dying of infectious diseases is unnecessary ... and preventable. Fish are exposed to a wide range of diseases along their entire chain of custody (collector, wholesale, retail): marine ich, marine velvet, flukes, intestinal worms, Brooklynella, bacteria, et al. No matter how diligent the best wholesalers and retailers are about quarantining and treating their livestock (and this is the exception, not the norm), chances are their fish will still carry disease. It is extremely difficult for large, rapid-turnover operations to rid all diseases from their fish due to the sheer number of fish that pass through their systems. And once the disease enters your aquarium, it is a nightmare to cure and can cost the lives of all your fish. Fortunately you can do something about it by quarantining new fish at home for 3-4 weeks. For aquarists who are not regularly performing quarantine, I will provide a simple and affordable guide. I will go so far as to say if you can’t afford this these equipment and if you don’t have patience for this process, you should seriously consider changing hobbies. Disclaimer: This is not intended as the most comprehensive quarantine procedure. My goal is to provide straight-forward, affordable quarantine instructions to encourage every aquarist to quarantine their new fish. This article is a "living document." I welcome any suggestion or criticism in the comment section at the end of the article. Here is the ten basic equipment you will need for your quarantine system: Quarantine tank: A cheap 10 gallon (40L) glass aquarium is sufficient for most small and medium sized fish. For larger fish (> 4"/15cm), consider a 20 or 29 gallon aquarium. Heater: Any small, reliable submersible heater will suffice. Thermometer: A cheap mercury-in-glass thermometer will do. Filtration: Quarantine systems do not require complicated filtrations. In fact, you do not want to run advanced filtration that may interfere with potential treatments. All you need is a simple sponge filter driven by a cheap air pump. If you have a canister filter or hang-on power filter laying around, feel free to use it (without activated carbon). Refractometer: I know many hobbyists still rely on swing-arm hydrometers to measure specific gravity. Do yourself a favor and purchase a refractometer. You will get far more accurate salinity measurements (required for some treatments). Test kits: The two basic test kits you will need during the quarantine process are ammonia and copper. I would also recommend Seachem Ammonia Alert to provide addition warning of ammonia spikes. Ammonia poisoning is a very real threat to fish in small/new QT tanks and can kill quickly. Medications: There are many medications available for treatment. I would consider the following three medications which are the essentials ; Prazipro, Cupramine, and Maracyn Two. These three medications are gentle, effectively combat most diseases, and work well together. I will explain more on their usage later in the article. Decorations (for shelter): A variety of PVC pipes/fittings is all you need. Since you will treat your tank with medication, do not use live rock. Light: No need for anything fancy. Even a desk lamp (preferably on a timer) will work as long as it does not overheat the water. Salt mix and good (e.g. RO/DI) freshwater. Premix 5 to 10 gallons to have on hand for emergency water changes. And here are the ten steps to receiving and quarantining new fish: Place your sponge filter in your main tank or sump so that it cultivates nitrifying bacteria for a minimum of 2 weeks (the longer the better). There is no need to run the air pump during this "seeding" time. When you're ready to place an order for new fish, first prepare your QT tank. Fill the QT tank with saltwater to match the salinity of your display tank. This water can be partially or fully comprised of water from your main tank. Move the sponge filter from your display tank to your QT tank. Run the air pump at this time. Install the heater and thermometer; Match the temperature to your main tank. Add the decorations. Drip-acclimate your new fish with water from your QT tank. Add your new fish to your QT tank. Let your fish rest for a day. You can attempt very light feeding several hours after introduction, but don't be alarmed if your new fish does not immediately feed. On day two, medicate with Prazipro. Follow the manufacturer's directions. Prazipro is pre-solubilized praziquental, a proven gentle medication that will cure fish of flukes and worms. On day seven, perform a 25 to 50% water change with new saltwater only. Make sure the new water is the same salinity and temperature as your QT tank. Begin your Cupramine medication after the water change. Cupramine is the gentlest copper-based medication on the market and will cure fish of ich, marine velvet, external parasites, and a number of other diseases. Again, follow the manufacturer's directions. This is particularly important for Cupramine because overdosing copper is deadly to fish. Test for copper levels to make sure you have dosed the right amount. You can also re-dose Prazipro at this time. A single dose of praziquental may not kill some fluke species or flukes incubating in eggs. This is one of only two times you can safely break the manufacturer's directions (the other will be cited next). Seachem discourages the use of other medications when administering Cupramine because they do not want to be liable for any adverse interactions with all the medications available. However praziquental has been proven safe to use in conjunction with Cupramine. Some aquarists rely on Cupramine to take care of stubborn "leftover" flukes, but I recommend a second dose of Prazipro since praziquental is safe to use with Cupramine. Observe your fish over the next two weeks while the two medications are doing their job. If you see any signs of bacterial infection such as fin rot or cloudy eyes, administer Maracyn Two. Maracyn Two is a broad spectrum antibiotic that is safe to use with the other medications. 21 days after you first introduced your new fish to the QT tank, if the fish appears healthy and feeding, congratulations! Your fish is now ready for its new home in your display tank. Net your fish into a specimen container. Drip-acclimate from your display tank to the specimen container, then add your new fish to your display tank. Do not add water from your QT tank to your display tank. Important additional notes: During the entire quarantine process, make sure you are testing for ammonia and measuring specific gravity daily. Top off the water as needed and perform water changes if ammonia levels begin to rise to dangerous levels. Never add neutralizers like Amquel or Seachem Prime to detoxify ammonia because they can greatly increase the toxicity of Cupramine. You will have to administer more Cupramine whenever you perform water changes; Add Cupramine in gradual increments and test copper levels so you don't overdose. This article is intended as a basic quarantine guide. There are many methods to deal with diseases, and some fish require more special consideration than what I've outlined here. For example, clownfish are prone to Brooklynella which can be treated with Formalin baths. These alternative methods and species-specific treatments are beyond the scope of this article. But if all aquarists adopt simple quarantine procedures such as the one I described, captive fish will live longer and thrive in the home aquaria. For anyone who's never quarantined before, you will be stunned by how much healthier your fish look and behave without worms, flukes, and ich. View the full article
  16. Click through to see the images. Download your free copy today. This issue features the following articles: Marine expert Aaron Sewell discusses tropical damsels for the marine and reef aquarium. Cichlid Guru Mo Devlin’s fantastic fish room is on show again, this month we bring you Amphilophus hogaboomorum – an odd name for a magnificent fish! Sara Mavinkurve discusses her favourite faviids. Redfish Staff bring you a round up of those remarkable Malawi Cichlids from the genus Nimobochomis. How to fantail forever, a guide to long term success with that old favourite: the fantail. View the full article
  17. From gannets to seagulls, puffins to penguins, all seabirds suffer the same drop in birth rates when the supply of fish drops to less than a third of maximum capacity. Below the critical level of one third of the fish biomass, the birds — and the stability of the entire ecosystem —- come under threat. View the full article
  18. From gannets to seagulls, puffins to penguins, all seabirds suffer the same drop in birth rates when the supply of fish drops to less than a third of maximum capacity. Below the critical level of one third of the fish biomass, the birds — and the stability of the entire ecosystem —- come under threat. View the full article
  19. Click through to see the images. University College London News Release Familiarity with your partner is usually thought to promote teamwork, but new research has found that on coral reefs at least, female cleaner fish are more cooperative with unfamiliar males than their breeding partner. Published [February 22] in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, UCL researchers found that the unusual result was down to the power dynamic between male and female cleaner fish, with physically dominant males often punishing females in order to keep them in line. Unfamiliar males are more aggressive towards their female work partners, leading to more submissive, cooperative behaviour. In comparison, males who work with females they also breed with tend to treat their partners more leniently, leading to selfish and risky behaviour from the female fish. Dr Raihani, lead author from the UCL Research Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment, said: “The fact that males were more aggressive to unfamiliar females meant that females were most likely to ‘cheat’ if they were paired with their familiar male partner. This led to the slightly counter-intuitive result that familiarity with a partner results in decreased cooperation in this species.” Cleaner fish (Labroides dimidiatus) live on coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific Ocean and provide a service to other fish living on the reef - known by biologists as ‘clients’ - by removing bits of dead skin and parasites. Although cleaner fish prefer to dine on mucus, feeding on living tissue is harmful to their clients. Called ‘cheating’, eating mucus can cause the client to swim off, losing the cleaner fish their dinner. Punishment is actually quite rare in nonhuman animals – it has been conclusively documented in marine cleaning mutualisms and a just handful of other species. Dr Nichola Raihani Dr Raihani said: “If one cleaner cheats, by biting the client, both of the cleaner fish will experience the cost of the client swimming off. In this situation, males aggressively chase females if females cheat and cause the client to leave. “Females are better behaved after a male punishes them – they are less likely to cheat the client again. This is good for the male because it means that there is less chance of the client making an unexpected early departure and that means the male can carry on eating parasites for longer,” said Dr Raihani. Male cleaner fish have a vested interest in the wellbeing of their female breeding partner - they don’t want to harm her too much - as ultimately the male might harm his own reproductive success. But that’s not the case with unfamiliar females where reproductive interests do not coincide. “Punishment is actually quite rare in nonhuman animals – it has been conclusively documented in marine cleaning mutualisms and a just handful of other species. However, it is quite commonly used by humans, with various forms of punishment used to enforce cooperation in a range of different situations,” said Dr Raihani. The research was funded by the Royal Society, and a John and Laurine Proud fellowship. Media Contact: George Wigmore View the full article
  20. Scientists recently discovered that land-based plant material, such as tree trunks, leaves, and kukui nuts; and coastal macroalgae indirectly support the increased abundances of bottom fish in submarine canyons, like those off the north shore of Moloka'i. View the full article
  21. Scientists recently discovered that land-based plant material, such as tree trunks, leaves, and kukui nuts; and coastal macroalgae indirectly support the increased abundances of bottom fish in submarine canyons, like those off the north shore of Moloka'i. View the full article
  22. After 35 years, a giant fossil penguin has finally been completely reconstructed, giving researchers new insights into prehistoric penguin diversity. View the full article
  23. A new study has found traces of the bacteria listeria in ready-to-eat fish products sold in metro Vancouver, Canada. View the full article
  24. A study of the tropical coral reef system along the coastline of Kenya has found dramatic effects of overfishing that could threaten the long-term health of the reefs. View the full article
  25. A study of the tropical coral reef system along the coastline of Kenya has found dramatic effects of overfishing that could threaten the long-term health of the reefs. View the full article
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