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Everything posted by Harlequinmania

  1. If u are using iPad or iPhone , u can only post photo if you using tapatalk or forum runner apps.
  2. Click through to see the images. The female weedy seadargon (Phyllopteryx taeniolatus) laid close to 100 eggs in June 2012, depositing them on the spongy underside of the male's tail; As with seahorses, the males carry the eggs to term. This week, the first eggs began to hatch! " height="383" style="width: 640px;" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640"> "> "> View the full article
  3. A Japanese research team has identified a structural change that confers pressure-resistant properties on a particular protein found in bacteria. View the full article
  4. Click through to see the images. Sponsored by the Japanese Space Agency, or JAXA, this habitat is a closed-water circulatory system, which provides a new facility option for station research. Scientists will use the habitat to study small, freshwater fish on orbit. For the first investigations, they plan to examine the Medaka (Oryzias latipes) fish. Scientists have multiple studies planned to look at the impacts of radiation, bone degradation, muscle atrophy, and developmental biology. The investigations could last up to 90 days and provide data that may lead to a better understanding of related human health concerns here on Earth. "We think studies on bone degradation mechanisms and muscle atrophy mechanisms are applicable to human health problems, especially for the aging society," said Nobuyoshi Fujimoto, associate senior engineer at JAXA's Space Environment Unitization Center. Medaka fish are ideal specimens for many reasons. They are transparent, making it easy to view the inner workings of their organs. They also breed quickly and easily in microgravity environments, enabling multi-generation studies. Researchers can take advantage of a variety of genetic modifications to these fish, as well. Finally, scientists already have all of the Medaka genome identified, which makes it easier to recognize any alterations to the fishes’ genes, due to factors like space radiation. The habitat will reside in the Japanese Experiment Module, or JEM, which is also known as Kibo, or "hope" in Japanese. It will attach to a multipurpose small payload rack for power and housing. The AQH launched on July 20, with the third Japanese H-II Transfer Vehicle, or HTV cargo vehicle flight, also called Konotouri. This facility includes an improved water circulation system that monitors water conditions, removing waste while ensuring proper pressure and oxygen flow rates. The system’s design upgrades are based on lessons learned from previous habitats that flew on space shuttle missions STS-47, STS-65, and STS-90. "In order to keep water quality in good condition for the health of the fish, we had to do many tests on the filtration system, especially the bacteria filter," said Fujimoto. "The special bacteria filter purifies waste materials, such as ammonia, so that we can keep fish for up to 90 days. This capability will make it possible for egg-to-egg breeding aboard station, which means up to three generations may be born in orbit. This would be a first for fish in space." This habitat will provide automatic feeding for the fish, air-water interface, temperature control, and a specimen sampling mechanism. There will be two chambers for habitation, each sized at 15 by 7 by 7 cm, holding about 700 cc water and a stabilized area for oxygen that will enable fish to "peck" air. LED lights will simulate day and night cycles, while two video cameras record images of the fish to downlink to the ground, upon request. The air-water interface design also makes it possible for the AQH to potentially house amphibians in future studies, though currently planned investigations only use fish. Small plastic plates at the upper side of each aquarium use a grid structure to trap a small amount of air, injected by the crew at the start of an investigation. The design, which was tested using parabolic flights, prevents the water from escaping into the microgravity environment. When researchers are ready for the fish to participate on orbit, they will travel in a special transport container to the station, where the crew will then install them within the habitat for observation. While the AQH is not specifically an aquarium, hopefully the crew will enjoy a sense of relaxation in viewing the fish as they go about their duties aboard the orbiting laboratory. (press release NASA) View the full article
  5. Until now it was thought that fin whales in the Strait of Gibraltar and the Alboran Sea made up part of the distribution of this species of whale in the Mediterranean. However, scientists have just discovered that their population has been overestimated by including specimens from the Atlantic that visit at certain times the western Mediterranean, where the noise generated by human activity affects their survival. View the full article
  6. While aquariums provide a relaxing pastime for humans on Earth, recreation is not the goal behind the new Aquatic Habitat, or AQH, aboard the International Space Station. Instead, researchers will use this unique facility to look at how microgravity impacts marine life. View the full article
  7. While aquariums provide a relaxing pastime for humans on Earth, recreation is not the goal behind the new Aquatic Habitat, or AQH, aboard the International Space Station. Instead, researchers will use this unique facility to look at how microgravity impacts marine life. View the full article
  8. 0.3 ppm would be the ideal dosage. Try to maintain it at this level At least for 7 day.. Meanwhile monitor your ph and ammonia level as it maybe affected.
  9. Click through to see the images. Last month we covered how scientists found a previously unknown protein in phytoplankton that grabs essential but scarce Vitamin B12 from the water. This month, a team led by scientists at USC have uncovered zones of Vitamin B deficiency in the oceans using a new analytical technique. Their research is published in the latest issue of The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences under the title "Multiple B-vitamin depletion in large areas of the coastal ocean." The article is an Open Access article meaning you can read the research in its entirety online for free. "This is another twist to what limits life in the ocean," said Sergio Sañudo-Wilhelmy, professor of biological and earth sciences at the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences and lead author on a paper about the vitamin-depleted zones that will appear in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on July 23. B vitamins are organic compounds dissolved in the ocean and are important for living cells to function. Zones poor in B vitamins may inhibit the growth and proliferation of phytoplankton, which are tiny microorganisms at the base of the food chain in the ocean. "An important result of our study is that the concentrations of the five major B vitamins vary independently and appear to have different sources and sink," said co-author David Karl, professor of oceanography and director of the Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and Education (C-MORE) at the University of Hawaii. "This could lead to complex interactions among populations of microbes, from symbiosis to intense competition." In addition to being food for the tiniest sea animals, phytoplankton also absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, an important process when levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels are the highest they have been in half a million years. The team developed a new method of concentrating water samples and then analyzing them using a mass spectrometer, which identifies and measures the quantity of an unknown compound in a given sample by first ionizing and breaking-up the compound and then quantifying the fragmented ions or molecules produced. (Mass spectrometry is also used to identify steroid use in athletes' urine samples.) In their PNAS article, the researchers are sharing their technique with their colleagues around the world to help advance related research. "The most important thing is that everyone with the right equipment can do it," Sañudo-Wilhelmy said. Next, Sañudo-Wilhelmy said he plans to investigate what causes varying amounts of B-vitamins in different regions of the ocean, and try to determine exactly how that affects phytoplankton blooms. This includes a comprehensive set of experiments in the North Pacific Ocean as part of C-MORE's ongoing Hawaii Ocean Experiment. Periodically, phytoplankton experience population explosions known as "blooms." In the case of certain phytoplankton that produce toxins, these blooms become toxic, such as the so-called "red" tides. Temperature, sunlight and nutrients in the water all appear to influence these blooms, but the exact causes have yet to be pinned down. One hypothesis is that vitamins B7 and B12 may act as triggers. "It's crazy that after 100 years of study, we still don't fully understand what controls different phytoplankton blooms in the ocean," Sañudo-Wilhelmy said. View the full article
  10. Click through to see the images. Grosberg is interested in how new species arise in the ocean. On land, groups of plants and animals can be physically isolated by mountains or rivers and then diverge until they can no longer interbreed even if they meet again. But how does this isolation happen in the wide-open ocean? Grosberg and colleagues studied two closely related "cushion stars," Cryptasterina pentagona and C. hystera, living on the Australian coast. The animals are identical in appearance but live in different regions: Hystera occurs on a few beaches and islands at the far southern end of the range of pentagona. And their sex lives are very, very different. Pentagona has male and female individuals that release sperm and eggs into the water where they fertilize, grow into larvae and float around in the plankton for a few months before settling down and developing into adult sea stars. Hystera are hermaphrodites that brood their young internally and give birth to miniature sea stars ready to grow to adulthood. "It's as dramatic a difference in life history as in any group of organisms," Grosberg said. The researchers looked at the diversity in DNA sequences from sea stars of both species and estimated the length of time since the species diverged. The results show that the species separated about 6,000 to 22,000 years ago. That rules out some ways new species could evolve. For example, they clearly did not diverge slowly with genetic changes over a long period of time, but were isolated quickly. Over the last 11,000 years, the boundary between cold and warm water in the Coral Sea has fluctuated north and south. A small population of the ancestral sea stars, perhaps even one individual, might have colonized a remote area at the southern end of the range then been isolated by one of these changes in ocean currents. Other authors on the paper are: Jonathan Puritz and Robert Toonen, University of Hawaii; at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada Michael Hart and Carson Keever, who earned her undergraduate degree from UC Davis; Jason Addison, University of New Brunswick, Canada (previously a postdoctoral researcher at UC Davis); and Maria Byrne, University of Sydney. The work was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation to Grosberg and Toonen, a former UC Davis graduate student. J. B. Puritz, C. C. Keever, J. A. Addison, M. Byrne, M. W. Hart, R. K. Grosberg, R. J. Toonen. Extraordinarily rapid life-history divergence between Cryptasterina sea star species. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2012; DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2012.1343 [via UC Davis] View the full article
  11. For the first time, scientists have identified tropical and subtropical species of marine protozoa living in the Arctic Ocean. Apparently, they traveled thousands of miles on Atlantic currents and ended up above Norway with an unusual -- but naturally cyclic -- pulse of warm water, not as a direct result of overall warming climate, say the researchers. On the other hand: Arctic waters are warming rapidly, and such pulses are predicted to grow as global climate change causes shifts in long-distance currents. View the full article
  12. For the first time, scientists have identified tropical and subtropical species of marine protozoa living in the Arctic Ocean. Apparently, they traveled thousands of miles on Atlantic currents and ended up above Norway with an unusual -- but naturally cyclic -- pulse of warm water, not as a direct result of overall warming climate, say the researchers. On the other hand: Arctic waters are warming rapidly, and such pulses are predicted to grow as global climate change causes shifts in long-distance currents. View the full article
  13. Letting go my Harlequin shrimp which i have been keeping for many months. Adult size is about 3cm. Looking at $ 10.00 Collection at CCK ave 3.
  14. Latest update with new items added 1) Tunze wave box 6215 ( Come with original box ) - $ 350.00 ( Price reduce ) - come with controller and magnet - Power adapter just replace not long ago still with warrenty from RD. 2) DD Multi Test kit set ( mg , ca, KH ) - $ 40.00 - KH and ca left about 50% , MG still have about 90% since just replace. 3) ELOS Potassium Test kit - $ 25.00 - still have about 80% , use only few time. 4) Salifert P04 test kit - $ 10.00 - about 50% left - will throw in Sera N02 and ammonia test kit 5) Kent marine dosing box - $ 15.00 6 ) Deltec MCE 600 Hangon skimmer - $ 200.00 ** Recently got it from another reefer but due to change of plan, not using it anymore..
  15. Click through to see the images. Vincent chose his medium with care. Longer ago, fish hooks symbolized our intimate connection with nature with fish hooks found as far back as 42,000 years ago in East Timor. Today, to Vincent fish hooks symbolize the ravaging of the world's oceans using long line fishhooks in unregulated international waters. According to the artist's website: With his sculptures, Vincent explores the relationship between our identity as a human species and our place on this planet. The increasing number of endangered species suggests that we have become disconnected from nature and misguided about our responsibilities towards our natural environment. This neglect is none more evident than within the shark family. For more than 400 million years, sharks have determined the natural balance in the oceans as apex predators, dominating the water even before life on land flourished, and being a crucial part of the selection process for life of the future. Now these ancient, iconic fish are in danger of becoming extinct. Vincent crafts these predators in their pure organic shape out of the very fishhooks that are threatening their existence, hoping to draw awareness to our place within and responsibility towards nature. Take a look at some of the awe-inspiring sculptures that Vincent has wrought: A hammerhead shark. Top view of the hammerhead shark sculpture. Side view. An example of the mesh of hooks that Vincent creates. For every 1000 hooks set at Cocos Island, 10-14 turtles are caught. A sea turtle. (via Project Aware) View the full article
  16. How quickly can new species arise? In as little as 6,000 years, according to a study of Australian sea stars. View the full article
  17. A mangrove is a forest consisting of various species of mangrove trees growing with their bases submerged in water, at the interface between land and sea. They cover more than three quarters of tropical coastlines, that is to say almost 200,000km². In New Caledonia, they accounts for almost 80% of the island's western coastline. They act as a buffer zone between the lagoon and the mountain mining areas, rich in metallic elements (iron, manganese, nickel, chrome and cobalt, nearly all toxic pollutants). View the full article
  18. In a context of overfishing of aquatic resources, marine protected areas (MPAs) are tools for protecting biodiversity. These defined marine areas are subject to preservation measures to save habitats necessary for fish reproduction and juvenile growth. What role do they have to play in the management of halieutic resources? View the full article
  19. In a context of overfishing of aquatic resources, marine protected areas (MPAs) are tools for protecting biodiversity. These defined marine areas are subject to preservation measures to save habitats necessary for fish reproduction and juvenile growth. What role do they have to play in the management of halieutic resources? View the full article
  20. Few people realize that all life on earth evolved from microorganisms in the sea. Microorganisms, or microbes, are those organisms too small to be observed by the human eye and they are everywhere, often in huge numbers. Just one litre of coastal seawater contains up to a billion microbes including thousands of different types. View the full article
  21. Click through to see the images. Bottom-dwelling ambush reef predators rely on camouflage and patience to catch their dinner. Their body forms are ill suited to chase down even the slowest of fish. To catch their meal, frogfish and scorpionfish blend into the substrate by pretending to be algae or sponges and patiently wait for unsuspecting prey to swim by. This video was shot by Maxim Tretyakov in Tubbataha reefs and Puerto Galera, Philippines, May 2012. View the full article
  22. Get a copper test kit. Too less the level, copper is not 100% effective, too much the fish will die so it's worth every dollars of it.
  23. The coral are stinging each other, try to frag the coral which is touching if you cannot shift it.
  24. Researchers have discovered that the plankton species Alexandrium tamarense -- prominent in harmful algal blooms -- contains not one, but two deadly toxins, with potential consequences for marine food chains. View the full article
  25. Researchers have discovered that the plankton species Alexandrium tamarense -- prominent in harmful algal blooms -- contains not one, but two deadly toxins, with potential consequences for marine food chains. View the full article
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