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Click through to see the images. In a study published this week in the scientific journal Royal Society Biology Papers, University of Frankfurt researchers uncovered an interesting and unexpected reproductive behavior employed by male Atlantic Mollies (Poecilia mexicana) to increase their sex appeal. Non-dominant male mollies will engage in homosexual acts to make themselves more attractive to onlooking females. The scientists discovered female mollies will develop preferences for males they normally wouldn't be attracted to (smaller, less colorful males) if the females see males sexually interacting with other mollies, even if the sexual advances are towards another male. Male Atlantic Mollies are known to nip the genital area of females to demonstrate their fitness to mate. Voyeuristic female mollies develop sexual preferences for males seen performing this mating ritual - a phenomenon described as "mate choice copying." But the new study found that females still developed the same attraction to males who performed this courtship act on other males. Said the researchers: "P. mexicana females increase their preference for initially non-preferred males not only after observing those males interacting sexually with females, but also when having observed them initiating homosexual behaviour." View the full article
Click through to see the images. Each mini-aquarium contains live Cladophora (Aegagropila linnae), a green algae. A.linnae grows in the shape of a ball, which the Japanese refer to as Marimo (translated as "ball seaweed'). When Alliah saw her first Marimo balls in an aquarium, she instantly fell in love with the "cutest little things" and began crafting miniature habitats for "baby" Marimo balls. She now sells her ring aquariums at Etys (an e-commerce website for handmade arts and crafts) for $11.99. The mini aquariums are available in two different glass designs. Who would have ever imagined ring aquariums? Who would have ever imagined falling in love with little balls of "cute" algae?! Here are a few more mini-Marimo aquariums crafted by Alliah. Visit her blog to see more of her creative works centered around this unique artistic medium. View the full article
Click through to see the images. From the University of Georgia: Fish Have Enormous Nutrient Impacts On Marine Ecosystems, Study Finds Fish play a far more important role as contributors of nutrients to marine ecosystems than previously thought, according to researchers at the University of Georgia and Florida International University. In a pair of papers in the journal Ecology, they show that fish contribute more nutrients to their local ecosystems than any other source-enough to cause changes in the growth rates of the organisms at the base of the food web. Jacob Allgeier, a doctoral student in the UGA Odum School of Ecology, and Craig Layman, associate professor at Florida International University, led the study, which took place in the waters of a large bay on Abaco Island, Bahamas. Most tropical coastal ecosystems are nutrient limited, meaning that the system's primary food sources such as algae and seagrass need to have enough nitrogen and phosphorus-in the right proportions-to grow and thrive. "We've been thinking about the role of fish and the nutrients they're excreting in these ecosystems for a while now," Allgeier said. In marine food webs, fish are usually thought of as predators, he explained, consuming microorganisms, plants and smaller animals. But fish have another important, although often overlooked, role in the system. Through excretion, they recycle the nutrients they take in, providing the fertilizer sea grass and algae need to grow. To determine the impact of nutrients from fish, the team needed to compare sites with fish populations of different sizes. Knowing that fish tend to congregate around reefs-the larger the reef, the more fish it attracts-they built a series of artificial reefs of two sizes, large and small, and selected a number of control sites with no reefs at all. Over the course of two years they surveyed each site periodically to record the number, size and species of fish present. Allgeier created models to estimate the supply of nutrients from all species of fish at the various sites. The researchers also measured the nutrient content and growth rate of seagrass. They weren't surprised that seagrass at the large reefs grew faster and contained more nutrients than seagrass at the small reefs and control sites-but they were surprised at the magnitude of the difference and the extent to which it occurred. "The rate of daily seagrass growth ranged from 37 square millimeters at large reefs to 10 square millimeters at control sites-nearly a four-fold difference," Allgeier said. "Fish are putting an enormous amount of nutrients into this system-it appears to be even more than all other sources, including runoff from golf courses and all other human caused impacts, combined." The effect extended for roughly three meters around each large reef. The fish were contributing more nutrients than the seagrass could take in, allowing the excess nutrients to drift further away from their source, fertilizing seagrass and algae in ever-widening areas. The researchers anticipate this effect to extend further with increased time. Allgeier described the large reefs as "biogeochemical hotspots"-areas with particularly high rates of chemicals cycling between organisms and the environment. "The reefs are nodes within the ecosystem matrix," he said. "They're increasing productivity around the reefs by orders of magnitude. If there are enough of them (reefs), then they may be increasing productivity at the ecosystem level by orders of magnitude as well. That's something we're going to be looking at next." Allgeier said the team's findings further point to the importance of maintaining a healthy fish community, explaining that different types of fish contribute different amounts of nutrients. "Even if you have large numbers of fish, if they're dominated by one species, they're filling just one nutrient cycling niche in that ecosystem," he said. "That's not how these systems are used to being fed nutrients." The papers' coauthors were Lauren Yeager and Elizabeth Stoner of FIU. Funding for both studies was provided by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, with logistical support from Friends of the Environment, Abaco, Bahamas. View the full article
Click through to see the images. Maintaining coral coloration is the goal of many reef hobbyists, but is often a source of frustration. Most hobby literature I've seen concerning the maintenance of coral coloration in captivity involves lighting (an important consideration!) but there is more to the story. This article will examine (according to latest theories) why light promotes coloration and how to increase your chances of success in maintaining these colors. This time, we'll look at colors of some of the most popular reef aquarium corals - Acropora species (Family Acroporidae). There is a considerable amount of relatively new information presented in this article. Figure 1. The structure of a fluorescent protein -it is the basis of our understanding of how various factors can affect coral coloration. Drawing by the author. I have found that, in general, there are two types of hobbyists. One group - the majority, in my opinion, wants an easy answer to how to maintain color, and doesn't particularly care about the 'why'. On the other hand, a few have an insatiable appetite for every morsel of minutiae. Hence, I get comments about a particular article I've written ranging from 'too technical' to 'not enough details'. If you're in the former group, skip to the 'In Closing' section at the end of this article (although I would hope that you would at least scroll through the bullet points and should certainly be familiar with the Glossary contained within Step One, below). If you're of the latter group, the details contained below will fall into place, and you'll have a good understanding as to 'why' and 'how'. The Fluorescent Protein Our understanding of coral coloration begins with the basic unit - the fluorescent protein. Originally isolated from the jellyfish (Aequoria victoria), the group of Green Fluorescent Proteins (GFPs) has expanded and now includes a number of taxa, many of them Anthozoans. However, the basic structure of the protein remains remarkably similar (see Figure 1, above). Bands (called staves) of proteins form a protective barrel around a fluorescent nucleus (called a fluorophore, shown as a green internal structure in the drawing). If the protein is not fluorescent (or very weakly so), this nucleus is called a chromophore. The individual amino acids forming these proteins usually number around 250. Some of these amino acids are charged, and these very weak 'magnets' tend to hold the structure intact. However, various factors (pH, light, ultraviolet radiation, infrared radiation, metal ions, etc.) can alter the relationship between the charge of amino acids and the fluorophore/chromophore, thus causing it to twist (called a 'hula twist'). In some cases, this causes an irreversible color change (perhaps from green to red), make the chromophore become a fluorescent fluorophore, cause fluorescence to vanish completely (in at least one case), and so on. The concept that the protein structure can be altered by external stimuli is an important one. Our journey through the jungle of details begins. Glossary The following terms will be used in this article: Absorbance Ability of a solution or layer of a substance to retain light without reflection or transmission. Absorption The process in which incident radiation is retained without reflection or transmission. Clade For our purposes in this article, a grouping of pigments based on similar features inherited from a common ancestor. Pigments from corals includes Clades A, B, C (including sub-clades C1, C2 and C3), and D. Clades can refer to living organisms as well (clades of Symbiodinium - zooxanthellae - are a good example.) Chromophore The colorful but non-fluorescent portion of a pigment molecule. In some cases, chromophore refers to a granular packet containing many pigment molecules. Emission That light which is fluoresced by a fluorescent pigment. Excitation That light absorbed by a fluorescent pigment. Some of the excitation light is fluoresced or emitted at a less energetic wavelength (color). Fluorescence Absorption of radiation at one wavelength (or color) and emission at another wavelength (color). Absorption is also called excitation. Fluorescence ends very soon after the excitation source is removed (on the order of ~2-3 nanoseconds: Salih and Cox, 2006). Fluorophore A fluorescent portion of a pigment molecule. 'Hula Twist' A bending of a pigment molecule resulting in a change of apparent color. Molecular bonds are not broken; therefore the pigment can shift back and forth, with movements reminiscent of a hula dancer. Photobleaching Some pigments, such as Dronpa, loss fluorescence if exposed to strong light (in this case, initially appearing green and bleaching to a non-fluorescent state when exposed to blue-green light). Photobleaching can obviously cause drastic changes in apparent fluorescence. In cases where multiple pigments are involved, the loss of fluorescence (or energy transfer from a donor pigment to an acceptor pigment) could also result in dramatic shifts in apparent color. Photoconversion A rearrangement of the chemical structure of a colorful protein by light. Depending upon the protein, photoconversion can increase or decrease fluorescence (in processes called photoactivation and photobleaching, respectively). Photoconversion can break proteins' molecular bonds (as with Kaede and Eos fluorescent pigments) resulting in an irreversible color shift, or the molecule can be 'twisted' by light energy (a 'hula twist') where coloration reversal are possible depending upon the quality or quantity of light available. This process is known as photoswitching). Threshold or Coloration Threshold The point at which pigment production is sufficient to make its fluorescence (or in the case of non-fluorescent chromoproteins, it absorption) visually apparent. The term threshold generally refers pigment production, although, in some cases, it could apply to a light level where a pigment disappears (as in the cases of photobleaching, or photoconversion). Up-regulation Genes containing information such as coloration can sometimes be turned on (up-regulated) or off (down-regulated) by external stimuli such as light. Step One: Identify fluorescent proteins To start, we will examine different ways of identifying fluorescent proteins. The most obvious way is to classify them by color. In the genus Acropora, there are four basics types of colorful proteins. These are: Cyan, Green, and Red Fluorescent Proteins and Non-fluorescent (or very weakly fluorescent) Chromoproteins. For our purposes, the coral glows when illuminated with an actinic lamp or blue LEDs, the protein is fluorescent. If not, it is a chromoprotein. To further define these proteins, we'll use these definitions: Cyan Fluorescent Protein (CFP): Blue-green pigments with fluorescent emissions in the range of ~477-500nm (a definition used by researchers, although proteins with emissions into the violet portion of the spectrum have been noted). Cyan and green pigments share a similar chromophore structure. See Figures 2 and 3. Figure 2. This cyan fluorescing protein absorbs blue light and fluoresces in the blue-green portion of the spectrum. The shape of the emission is fairly typical for a cyan fluorescent protein. Figure 3. Cyan fluorescence of an unidentified Acropora. A bit of green fluorescent protein is also present. Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP): Fluorescent pigments with emissions of 500-525nm. See Figures 4 and 5. Figure 4. A Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) from Acropora tenuis. Note the double peaks in both excitation and emission wavelengths. Does this protein change color from blue-green to green as it matures? See Figure 21 for another example from an Acropora specimen. Not all GFP emissions have these double peaks. After Papina et al., 2002. Figure 5. Green fluorescence of the 'Bali Slimer' (Acropora yongei). See details about this coral's GFP below. Photo by the author. DsRed-type pigment: A type of red fluorescent pigment with a single primary emission bandwidth at 574-630nm. Originally found in the false coral Discosoma, many other corals (including Acropora species) may contain orange/red DsRed-type proteins.See Figures 6 and 7. Figure 6. This red fluorescent protein is excited most intensely by yellow wavelengths. Does this explain why some light sources seem to promote red coloration better than others (i.e., T5 lamps over LEDs)? Figure 7. Red fluorescence of a DsRed-type protein in an Acropora (A. millepora?). Photo by Justin Miedwig. Chromoprotein pigment (CP): A non-fluorescent but colorful pigment. These pigments appear colorful because they preferentially absorb some portions of the spectrum and reflect others. For example, a chromoprotein with a maximum absorption at 580nm might appear purple because it reflects blue and red wavelengths. Generally, chromoproteins are purple, blue, mauve, or pink. 'Pocilloporan' is a generic term for non-fluorescent coral proteins. See Figures 8 and 9. Figure 8. The purple-blue coloration in this Acropora is due to the presence of a non-fluorescent chromoprotein. Zooxanthellae within the polyps apparently lack colorful proteins and protection from excessive light. Photo by the author. Figure 9. Recall that chromoproteins absorb some wavelengths and reflect others. In this case, a violet Acropora absorbs some green, yellow, orange and a few red wavelengths. It strongly reflects violet/blue and far-red light, making it appear violet. Step 2: Compile a List of Known Acropora Proteins (listed by absorption for chromoproteins, and emission for fluorescent proteins). See Reference list of about 160 at the end of this article. CP = non-fluorescent protein. CFP = Cyan fluorescent protein. GFP = Green Fluorescent Protein. DsRed = Discosoma Red- type fluorescent protein. Table 1 Emission/Abs Host Type CP-580 Acropora aculeus Chromoprotein CP-580 Acropora aculeus Chromoprotein CP-500 Acropora sp. Chromoprotein CP-578 Acropora digitifera Chromoprotein CP-578 Acropora digitifera Chromoprotein CP-579 Acropora nobilis Chromoprotein CP-580 Acropora hyacinthus Chromoprotein CP-580 Acropora hyacinthus Chromoprotein CP-584 Acropora nobilis Chromoprotein CP-584 Acropora pulchra Chromoprotein CP-586 Acropora sp. Chromoprotein CP-588 Acropora formosa Chromoprotein CP-588 Acropora millepora Chromoprotein CP-588 Acropora millepora Chromoprotein CP-591 Acropora nobilis Chromoprotein P-400 Acropora horrida CFP P-409 Acropora nastua CFP P-445 Acropora aspera CFP P-476 Acropora aspera (orange band I)* CFP P-478 Acropora aspera (orange band II)* CFP P-480 Acropora aspera (green band)* CFP P-480 Acropora tenuis (green band)* CFP P-482 Acropora nastua CFP P-482 Acropora secale (green band)* CFP P-483 Acropora nastua (green band)* CFP P-483 Acropora pulchra CFP P-484 Acropora millepora CFP P-484 Acropora secale CFP P-485 Acropora horrida CFP P-485 Acropora tenuis CFP P-486 Acropora nobilis CFP P-487 Acropora cervicornis CFP P-489 Acropora millepora CFP P-490 Acropora aspera CFP P-490 Acropora digitifera CFP P-490 Acropora millepora CFP P-490 Acropora nobilis CFP P-495 Acropora digitifera CFP P-495 Acropora nobilis CFP P-495 Acropora sp. CFP P-497 Acropora millepora CFP P-500 Acropora aspera GFP P-502 Acropora aculeus GFP P-504 Acropora millepora GFP P-511 Acropora nobilis GFP P-512 Acropora millepora GFP P-512 Acropora millepora GFP P-513 Acropora aculeus GFP P-514 Acropora aspera GFP P-515 Acropora eurystoma (now A. tenuis) GFP P-515 Acropora tenuis (Alieva listed as A. eurystoma) GFP P-517 Acropora tenuis GFP P-517 Acropora yongei GFP P-518 Acropora cytheria @ Waikiki Aquarium GFP P-518 Acropora digitifera GFP P-590 Acropora digitifera DsRed P-593 Acropora millepora DsRed P-597 Acropora millepora DsRed P-625 Acropora horrida DsRed P-630 Acropora aspera DsRed Step 3: Expand Available Information to Make It Easy to Use Now, we'll add additional information to our list. Researchers have analyzed protein structures and then classified coral proteins according to their common ancestors. A group of individual proteins sharing a common origin is called a clade. In Cnidaria, there are 7 colorful clades (A, B, C1, C2, C3, D and Chromo-red). Acropora species are currently known to contain clades B, C2, and C3. See Figures below for a visualization of the relationship of individuals within clades. The phylogenetic trees below are from Alieva et al. (2008). I have modified the list by adding additional information garnered from various sources. Figure 10. Clade B includes non-fluorescent chromoproteins found in many Acropora species. Figure 11. Pigment Clades C2 and C3 are of interest when studying Acropora coloration. Note how closely the Acropora proteins are related. Step 4: Add Clade Information To Our List Note all non-fluorescent Acropora chromoproteins are in Clade B. Table 2 Emission/Abs Host Type Clade CP-588 Acropora formosa Chromoprotein B CP-579 Acropora nobilis Chromoprotein B CP-584 Acropora nobilis Chromoprotein B CP-591 Acropora nobilis Chromoprotein B CP-580 Acropora hyacinthus Chromoprotein B CP-580 Acropora hyacinthus Chromoprotein B CP-578 Acropora digitifera Chromoprotein B CP-578 Acropora digitifera Chromoprotein B CP-588 Acropora millepora Chromoprotein B CP-588 Acropora millepora Chromoprotein B CP-584 Acropora pulchra Chromoprotein B CP-580 Acropora aculeus Chromoprotein B CP-580 Acropora aculeus Chromoprotein B CP-500 Acropora sp. Chromoprotein B CP-586 Acropora sp. Chromoprotein B P-487 Acropora cervicornis CFP C2 P-486 Acropora nobilis CFP C2 P-490 Acropora nobilis CFP C2 P-495 Acropora nobilis CFP C2 P-511 Acropora nobilis GFP C2 P-517 Acropora yongei GFP C2 P-400 Acropora horrida CFP C2 P-485 Acropora horrida CFP C2 P-518 Acropora cytheria @ Waikiki Aquarium GFP C2 P-490 Acropora digitifera CFP C2 P-495 Acropora digitifera CFP C2 P-518 Acropora digitifera GFP C2 P-484 Acropora millepora CFP C2 P-489 Acropora millepora CFP C2 P-490 Acropora millepora CFP C2 P-497 Acropora millepora CFP C2 P-504 Acropora millepora GFP C2 P-512 Acropora millepora GFP C2 P-512 Acropora millepora GFP C2 P-445 Acropora aspera CFP C2 P-490 Acropora aspera CFP C2 P-500 Acropora aspera GFP C2 P-514 Acropora aspera GFP C2 P-480 Acropora aspera (green band)* CFP C2 P-476 Acropora aspera (orange band I)* CFP C2 P-478 Acropora aspera (orange band II)* CFP C2 P-483 Acropora pulchra CFP C2 P-515 Acropora eurystoma (now A. tenuis) GFP C2 P-485 Acropora tenuis CFP C2 P-517 Acropora tenuis GFP C2 P-515 Acropora tenuis (Alieva listed as A. eurystoma) GFP C2 P-480 Acropora tenuis (green band)* CFP C2 P-484 Acropora secale CFP C2 P-482 Acropora secale (green band)* CFP C2 P-409 Acropora nastua CFP C2 P-482 Acropora nastua CFP C2 P-483 Acropora nastua (green band)* CFP C2 P-495 Acropora sp. CFP C2 P-625 Acropora horrida DsRed C3 P-590 Acropora digitifera DsRed C3 P-593 Acropora millepora DsRed C3 P-597 Acropora millepora DsRed C3 P-630 Acropora aspera DsRed C3 P-502 Acropora aculeus GFP C3 P-513 Acropora aculeus GFP C3 Step 5: Classification Veron (2000) has classified Acropora species into 38 groups. Appropriate information is now added to our list. Table 3 Emission/Abs Host Type Clade Group P-487 Acropora cervicornis CFP C2 6 CP-588 Acropora formosa Chromoprotein B 6 CP-579 Acropora nobilis Chromoprotein B 7 CP-584 Acropora nobilis Chromoprotein B 7 CP-591 Acropora nobilis Chromoprotein B 7 P-486 Acropora nobilis CFP C2 7 P-490 Acropora nobilis CFP C2 7 P-495 Acropora nobilis CFP C2 7 P-511 Acropora nobilis GFP C2 7 P-517 Acropora yongei GFP C2 13 P-400 Acropora horrida CFP C2 14 P-485 Acropora horrida CFP C2 14 P-625 Acropora horrida DsRed C3 14 P-518 Acropora cytheria @ Waikiki Aquarium GFP C2 19 CP-580 Acropora hyacinthus Chromoprotein B 19 CP-580 Acropora hyacinthus Chromoprotein B 19 CP-578 Acropora digitifera Chromoprotein B 22 CP-578 Acropora digitifera Chromoprotein B 22 P-490 Acropora digitifera CFP C2 22 P-495 Acropora digitifera CFP C2 22 P-518 Acropora digitifera GFP C2 22 P-590 Acropora digitifera DsRed C3 22 CP-588 Acropora millepora Chromoprotein B 25 CP-588 Acropora millepora Chromoprotein B 25 P-484 Acropora millepora CFP C2 25 P-489 Acropora millepora CFP C2 25 P-490 Acropora millepora CFP C2 25 P-497 Acropora millepora CFP C2 25 P-504 Acropora millepora GFP C2 25 P-512 Acropora millepora GFP C2 25 P-512 Acropora millepora GFP C2 25 P-593 Acropora millepora DsRed C3 25 P-597 Acropora millepora DsRed C3 25 P-445 Acropora aspera CFP C2 26 P-490 Acropora aspera CFP C2 26 P-500 Acropora aspera GFP C2 26 P-514 Acropora aspera GFP C2 26 P-630 Acropora aspera DsRed C3 26 P-480 Acropora aspera (green band)* CFP C2 26 P-476 Acropora aspera (orange band I)* CFP C2 26 P-478 Acropora aspera (orange band II)* CFP C2 26 CP-584 Acropora pulchra Chromoprotein B 26 P-483 Acropora pulchra CFP C2 26 P-502 Acropora aculeus GFP C3 28 P-513 Acropora aculeus GFP C3 28 CP-580 Acropora aculeus Chromoprotein B 28 CP-580 Acropora aculeus Chromoprotein B 28 P-515 Acropora eurystoma (now A. tenuis) GFP C2 29 P-485 Acropora tenuis CFP C2 29 P-517 Acropora tenuis GFP C2 29 P-515 Acropora tenuis (Alieva listed as A. eurystoma) GFP C2 29 P-480 Acropora tenuis (green band)* CFP C2 29 P-484 Acropora secale CFP C2 33 P-482 Acropora secale (green band)* CFP C2 33 P-409 Acropora nastua CFP C2 34 P-482 Acropora nastua CFP C2 34 P-483 Acropora nastua (green band)* CFP C2 34 CP-500 Acropora sp. Chromoprotein B ? CP-586 Acropora sp. Chromoprotein B ? P-495 Acropora sp. CFP C2 ? Step 6: Add comments We have now sorted Acropora species according to color, clade, and group. There is a last step - add comments and sort by species in order to facilitate use. Table 4 Emission/Abs Host Type Clade Group Comments P-502 Acropora aculeus GFP C3 28 2 spp., distinct from other groups P-513 Acropora aculeus GFP C3 28 2 spp., distinct from other groups CP-580 Acropora aculeus Chromoprotein B 28 2 spp., distinct from other groups CP-580 Acropora aculeus Chromoprotein B 28 2 spp., distinct from other groups P-445 Acropora aspera CFP C2 26 Distinct unit, but related to 25 P-490 Acropora aspera CFP C2 26 Distinct unit, but related to 25 P-500 Acropora aspera GFP C2 26 Distinct unit, but related to 25 P-514 Acropora aspera GFP C2 26 Distinct unit, but related to 25 P-630 Acropora aspera DsRed C3 26 Distinct unit, but related to 25 P-480 Acropora aspera (green band)* CFP C2 26 Distinct unit, but related to 25 P-476 Acropora aspera (orange band I)* CFP C2 26 Distinct unit, but related to 25 P-478 Acropora aspera (orange band II)* CFP C2 26 Distinct unit, but related to 25 P-487 Acropora cervicornis CFP C2 6 * P-518 Acropora cytheria @ Waikiki Aquarium GFP C2 19 * CP-578 Acropora digitifera Chromoprotein B 22 * CP-578 Acropora digitifera Chromoprotein B 22 * P-490 Acropora digitifera CFP C2 22 * P-495 Acropora digitifera CFP C2 22 * P-518 Acropora digitifera GFP C2 22 * P-590 Acropora digitifera DsRed C3 22 * P-515 Acropora eurystoma (now A. tenuis) GFP C2 29 * CP-588 Acropora formosa Chromoprotein B 6 * P-400 Acropora horrida CFP C2 14 * P-485 Acropora horrida CFP C2 14 * P-625 Acropora horrida DsRed C3 14 * CP-580 Acropora hyacinthus Chromoprotein B 19 * CP-580 Acropora hyacinthus Chromoprotein B 19 * CP-588 Acropora millepora Chromoprotein B 25 Distinct unit, but related to 26 CP-588 Acropora millepora Chromoprotein B 25 Distinct unit, but related to 26 P-484 Acropora millepora CFP C2 25 Distinct unit, but related to 26 P-489 Acropora millepora CFP C2 25 Distinct unit, but related to 26 P-490 Acropora millepora CFP C2 25 Distinct unit, but related to 26 P-497 Acropora millepora CFP C2 25 Distinct unit, but related to 26 P-504 Acropora millepora GFP C2 25 Distinct unit, but related to 26 P-512 Acropora millepora GFP C2 25 Distinct unit, but related to 26 P-512 Acropora millepora GFP C2 25 Distinct unit, but related to 26 P-593 Acropora millepora DsRed C3 25 Distinct unit, but related to 26 P-597 Acropora millepora DsRed C3 25 Distinct unit, but related to 26 P-409 Acropora nastua CFP C2 34 * P-482 Acropora nastua CFP C2 34 * P-483 Acropora nastua (green band)* CFP C2 34 * CP-579 Acropora nobilis Chromoprotein B 7 * CP-584 Acropora nobilis Chromoprotein B 7 * CP-591 Acropora nobilis Chromoprotein B 7 * P-486 Acropora nobilis CFP C2 7 * P-490 Acropora nobilis CFP C2 7 * P-495 Acropora nobilis CFP C2 7 * P-511 Acropora nobilis GFP C2 7 * CP-584 Acropora pulchra Chromoprotein B 26 Distinct unit, but related to 25 P-483 Acropora pulchra CFP C2 26 Distinct unit, but related to 25 P-484 Acropora secale CFP C2 33 * P-482 Acropora secale (green band)* CFP C2 33 * CP-500 Acropora sp. Chromoprotein B ? * CP-586 Acropora sp. Chromoprotein B ? * P-495 Acropora sp. CFP C2 ? * P-485 Acropora tenuis CFP C2 29 * P-517 Acropora tenuis GFP C2 29 * P-515 Acropora tenuis (Alieva listed as A. eurystoma) GFP C2 29 * P-480 Acropora tenuis (green band)* CFP C2 29 * P-517 Acropora yongei GFP C2 13 * We now have a small database for comparative purposes and hence make some educated guesses about the relationship of colors among Acropora species and their functions (I've consolidated much information already) - this has been relatively easy. This listing is rather small, containing about 60 entries of corals in one genus. The entire database (not shown) contains over 300 entries spanning about 50 genera. There is one other database I've compiled that is of use when examining the effects of light on corals, and this list is of different sorts of symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium species, or 'zooxanthellae') found in corals. A coral (called the host) may contain one of more types of zooxanthellae (also divided into groups called clades). Note that the groups of zooxanthellae clades might share the same alpha-numeric name with a fluorescent protein clade. This is strictly coincidence and a coral with Clade C1 zooxanthellae can also contain a colorful protein called C1. It is also possible that a coral with an alga belonging to Clade D can contain a fluorescent color of Clade B. Whatever the case, the zooxanthellae clade list consists of about 2,000 entries and is much too long to re-post here. See here for further information about coral zooxanthellae: http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2011/4/aafeature Step 7: Review literature and compile known information about Acropora colors, possible functions, and other data This information has recently become available in the last few years. After this quick review, we'll attempt to synthesize the data and try to make some sense of it. Acropora yongei (commonly called the Bali Green Slimer by many hobbyists): Veron's Acropora Group 13. Contains zooxanthellae clade C3 and Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) with an emission at 517nm (most likely of Protein CladeC2). Acropora millepora: Veron's Acropora Group Group 25 & Zooxanthellae Clade C3*. Fluorescent Proteins described to be found in A. millepora are cyan (with emissions at 484, 489, and 497nm, a green fluorescent protein with a fluorescence peak at 512nm, and at least red ones (emission at 593nm and 597nm - all the cyan and green fluorescent proteins are of likely of Clade C2 while red is probably from Clade C3). There is also a blue non-fluorescent protein with a maximum absorbance at 588nm; Protein Clade . *According to reports, Acropora millepora most often contains Clade C3 zooxanthellae (a Generalist Clade), but may also possess these clades as well (listed in descending order): C1 (also a Generalist Clade), C2, C4, C3k, and D. Acropora pulchra is of Veron's Acropora Group 26 - closely related to those Acropora species of Group 25, such as A. millepora, above) & Zooxanthellae Clade C3. This species is known to contain a fluorescent cyan protein (emission at483nm, and a non-fluorescent protein with a maximum absorbance at 584nm). The cyan protein - based on best available information -is likely of Protein Clade C2, and the non-fluorescent one is Clade B. We see remarkable similarities: Although we can't be sure that all these Acropora corals contain the Generalist Zooxanthella Clade C3, it would be a good bet to make. This is an important factor. Zooxanthellae of Clade C3 are not as tolerant of high light as some other zooxanthellae clades, but they are highly adaptable to a wide range of illumination. The best information we currently have says the Protein Clades are B, C2, and C3. If we believe these assumptions are correct, we see trends evolve. Role of Fluorescent and Non-fluorescent Proteins: Kawaguti (1944) made remarkable observations and believed coral colors were natural sunscreens. Roth et al. (2010) have confirmed this in a tangential sort of way. The latter scientists subjected Acropora yongei (the Bali Slimer Acropora, if you will) fragments to various light intensities using T5 fluorescent lamps. PAR values were categorized as follows: Low Light (30 µmol·m²·sec), Medium Light (300 µmol·m²·sec) and High Light (900 µmol·m²·sec -a remarkable feat considering the light source). They observed the green fluorescence under all lighting conditions. In low light conditions, the density (number) of zooxanthellae fell to very low levels, as did the level of GFP. This is contrary to what many hobbyists believe - that zooxanthellae numbers would increase under low light (causing a 'browning' of the coral thus masking the GFP). These researchers believe the loss of zooxanthellae might be in an effort to avoid self-shading of the dinoflagellates, or perhaps due to a reduction in volume of coral host tissues. GFP content increased substantially at 300 µmol·m²·sec, and increased by 1.6X at a light level of 900 µmol·m²·sec. See Figure 13. Figure 13. This green fluorescent protein (GFP-517) becomes more apparent at higher light levels. After Roth et al., 2010. These researchers clearly linked Acropora pigment concentration and fluorescence intensity to light intensity. Other reports reached the same conclusion. D'Angelo et al. (2008; 2011) light intensity played a part in the corals' productions of fluorescent pigments from Acropora pulchra and A. millepora. Broadband blue light (as opposed to green and red light) was most effective in promoting fluorescence in Acropora pulchra proteins (a cyan protein with emission at 483nm and a chromoprotein with maximum absorbance at 584nm) as well as those fluorescent Acropora millepora pigments (emissions at 484, 497, 512 and 597nm). See Figures 14- 17. Figure 14. Cyan (blue-green) fluorescent proteins are down-regulated at higher light intensities. After D'Angelo et al., 2011. Figure 15. This GFP (green fluorescent protein or GFP-512) is expressed as light levels increase. After D'Angelo et al., 2011. Figure 16. This RFP (red fluorescent protein) increases with light intensity. After D'Angelo et al., 2011. In addition, a non-fluorescent chromoprotein (CP-584) from an Acropora millepora also demonstrated an increase in concentration with increasing light intensities. See Figure 17. Figure 17. This chromoprotein increases with light intensity. It makes the Acropora appear purple-blue. After D'Angelo et al., 2011. As aquarists have long observed, there is often an increase in coral coloration when light intensity increases, especially when the light spectrum is skewed towards the blue portion. But why? Palmer et al. (2009) examined the relationship of several fluorescent and one non-fluorescent proteins' concentration and anti-oxidant capacity. Several have speculated about this ability, but this is the first experiment I'm aware of that examines this. Only one Acropora chromoprotein was examined - that of an Acropora millepora -but there was clear evidence that an oxidant (hydrogen peroxide, or H 2O2) was destroyed by the protein. See Figure 18. Figure 18. More damaging hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is scavenged (removed) as the amount of non-fluorescent protein increases. The same happens with coral fluorescent proteins. From Palmer et al., 2009. This is important -H 2O2 is produced by the coral animal but especially so by its zooxanthellae. Hydrogen peroxide is destructive to living tissues and there are metallic enzymes that can 'detoxify' it. However, under conditions of high light and/or high temperature stress, the coral animal can produce natural defenses - fluorescent and/or non-fluorescent chromoproteins. Palmer et al. () also examined the antioxidant capacities of fluorescent proteins as well as the non-fluorescent chromoprotein. When the pigments were isolated from the coral and purified, the chromoprotein had the highest antioxidant capacity, followed by cyan, red, and green fluorescent proteins. However, the amount of fluorescent proteins varies within corals and when these researchers looked at in vivo anti-oxidation capacities, cyan FP did not have and hydrogen peroxide scavenging due to low content. On the other hand, GFP has a relatively low ability to deal with oxygen radicals but is found in high concentrations, thus it is able to deal with H 2O2. The red fluorescent protein was quite effective in vivo, but the non-fluorescent choromoprotein was most efficient. The pieces are finally falling into place. D'Angelo et al. (2012) offer more evidence for the role of corals' coloration. They hypothesize that the usually non-fluorescent chromoprotein found in fast-growing (or recently damaged) tissues are generated by the coral animal in response to high light levels (where the white coral skeleton is free of zooxanthellae and strongly reflects light, thereby maximizing intensity). These researchers also found growth markers in tips, margins and damaged areas where growth is quickest. Effects of Temperature Temperature has a major impact on many biological functions, and the expression of fluorescent proteins within corals is no exception. Down-regulation (lack of production) of RFP-593 in Acropora millepora occurs at temperatures of 32 - 33 (89.6 - 91.4). Some Anthozoan fluorescent proteins mature faster at temperatures 30C (86F; Terskikh et al., 2002.) Upregulation of a blue chromoprotein (CP-588) in Acropora millepora specimens has been noted during a natural bleaching event on Australia's Great Barrier Reef when temperature plateaued at 32C (89.6). Effects of pH Papina et al. (2002) found no significant variations in the fluorescent signatures of proteins from several Acropora species at pH values ranging from 5 to 8. Light Intensity Figure 19 shows average light intensities used to maintain variously colored Acropora specimens. These were collected by me over the years while visiting hundreds of hobbyists. They kindly allowed me to take these measurements with a Li-Cor quantum meter. Figure 19. Average light measurements of variously colored aquarium Acropora specimens (species based on best guess). All are based on at least 6 PAR measurements using a Li-Cor quantum meter. Many of these measurements were of Iwasaki 6500K 'daylight' metal halide lamps and Very High Output (VHO) actinic and daylight fluorescent lamp combinations (quite popular in the 1990's). So many miles, so many living rooms… Light Spectral Quality Hobbyists have long made anecdotal observations linking coral coloration and blue light. D'Angelo et al. (2011) investigated the effects of broad bandwidths (blue, green, and red) on coral color generation using metal halide lamps and theatrical light filters. Blue light best promoted green and red fluorescence in Acropora millepora specimens. Green light promoted green fluorescence and marginal red fluorescence. Red light did not produce noticeable results. Riddle (2003) tested the effects equal light intensity from red and blue LEDs on a Pocillopora meandrina. See: http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2003/11/aafeature (Synopsis of this article: The blue LED caused the expression of a pink chromoprotein, while the red LED bleached the coral.) Verkhusha and Lukyanov (2004) found infrared radiation would cause DsRed to become green. Metals Certain metals can alter the charge of the protein barrel of DsRed pigments thus changing fluorescence intensity. The effect is called 'quenching' when fluorescence decreases. In Acropora specimens, orange or red colors are due to DsRed-type proteins. In Figure 20, we see chromium, iron, and manganese will slightly increase fluorescence while copper, cobalt, and manganese will quench it. Other metals (shown) had no effect. Resist the temptation to haphazardly dump any metal into your aquarium! Figure 20. Reduction in fluorescence is called quenching. Some metals quench fluorescence of Acropora DsRed-type pigments while others do not. In Closing Fluorescent and non-fluorescent proteins are found in many Acropora specimens (those genetically predisposed to express them). The specimens cover a wide range of Acropora groups (as described by Veron) ranging from tabletops to corymbose bushes - no relationship between coral morphology and coloration was established. Description of GFP-like protein clades allows us to visualize their relationships. Thus we can make assumptions and make generalizations as to how these proteins would react to various stimuli. We seem to finally have an answer for several of the roles of coral coloration. The ability of the coral to produce colored antioxidants (in the form of hydrogen peroxide scavenging fluorescent/non-fluorescent proteins) has ramifications - a lighter colored coral absorbs less heat than a brown coral (Fabricius, 2006). Some of the absorbed light might be fluoresced away from the portions of the spectrum absorbed by zooxanthellae for photosynthesis. Light reflected lessens that absorbed by photosynthetic pigments (Mazel, personal communication). While the contribution of each of these factors might be in and of itself small, the overall effect might be significant. Perhaps of more importance to the hobbyist is the realization that we can manipulate the lighting environment in order to create and/or maintain color coloration. It has long been my contention that we should concentrate on minimum light levels to achieve the desired results. The thought of using 1,000 watt metal halide lamps over shallow aquaria now seems so wasteful (worse yet was the thought to use the Fusion Sulfur Lamp capable of producing a PAR value in excess of 20,000 µmol·m²·sec - one magnitude brighter than the sun at noon on a cloudless day). Of the Acropora species examined here, most likely contain 'generalist' zooxanthellae clades C1 or C3. These clades are highly adaptable to light intensity if allowed to acclimate slowly (weeks) and are found in a number of coral taxa. Some Acropora might contain zooxanthellae clade C2, or one of the C3 sub-clades (clade C2 is found almost exclusively in Acropora specimens. The Great Barrier Reef and Taiwan are listed as collection sites. Another paper reports Pocillopora specimens to contain C3. Clade C3i has been found only in about 10 Acropora species at relatively shallow depths of 1-10m (~3 feet to 33 feet). Clade C3i is believed to have descended from zooxanthellae Clade C1. Atlantic Acropora species (A. cervicornis and A. palmata) contain zooxanthellae of Clade A. What does it tell us about the amount of light required by the captive dinoflagellates when their host generates protective colorful proteins in order to protect itself from harmful by-products of photosynthesis (such as hydrogen peroxide)? Acropora specimens, as a general rule, are thought of as 'light-loving' by many hobbyists. Does this concept hold water when the coral produces protective pigments at light levels of, say, 200 µmol·m²·sec? Cyan FPs' contents peak at less than 500 µmol·m²·sec, and then decrease (at least in CFP- 483, 484, and 497). Researchers have determined that this is due, in some cases, to down-regulation - it is in the coral's genes to do so. We cannot be sure that all cyan proteins react in the same manner, and another possibility exists. The double peak excitation and emission shown in Figure 21 suggests photoconversion is possible (possibly a conversion of cyan protein to one that fluoresces green). We know the chromophores of at least some cyan and green fluorescent proteins are similar - it could be this excitation/emission is the result of an incomplete separation of cyan and green pigments during testing through electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE or sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to be exact). Figure 21. The double peaks seen in the excitation and emissions of this Acropora cyan protein suggests photoconversion is possible. Or is this an artifact of testing? After Papina et al., 2002. At least two green fluorescent proteins (GFP 512 and 517) will continue to increase at light levels higher than normally seen in aquaria - 700 and 900 µmol·m²·sec, repectively. Red fluorescence (in Acropora millepora FP-597) will continue to increase at high light intensity (700 µmol·m²·sec). However, 'greening' has been noted with some red proteins (mostly those from corals living a depths greater than 40 meters , or 130 feet - in other words, not many). Greening occurs when the red protein is selectively destroyed (photobleached, perhaps by infrared radiation) making the green fluorescence more apparent. A non-fluorescent chromoprotein (CP-584) from Acropora millepora will also increase as light intensity increases. Chromoproteins have the highest per unit antioxidant capacity of all GFP-like proteins and have been shown to be produced experimentally by the coral at light levels up to 700 µmol·m²·sec (and up to about 1,000 µmol·m²·sec in aquaria). Temperature excursions (particularly those to 32C and above) can cause color shifts even if the event is short-lived. Yet, light alone is not enough to maintain coloration. Water movement of velocity sufficient to keep the coral cleansed of sediments is essential. Proper temperature and water chemistry cannot be overlooked. In short, it will take some dedication to maintain an aquarium with glowing Acropora specimens. However, there is no denying that light can be the deciding factor when all other conditions are correct. There are some factors beyond practical control of the hobbyist, such as the chemical content of artificial seawater where an impurity (such as a metal) might be high (or low) in a batch of sea salts. When all factors are correct, Acropora corals will as much as 15cm (6 inches) in a year. Their color is a sign of good conditions, where the coral maintains its health in an artificial environment. Note: I suspect most hobbyists use an Apogee PAR meter to make measurements. These work fine when measuring sunlight and metal halide lamps but they are challenged when used to estimate light output of LEDs. Opinions vary on how to correct the Apogee's readings. I'll offer results of some rather tedious testing and suggest correction factors as well as lux-to-PAR conversions. We'll also examine effects of light on those corals containing Clade D proteins. But those are other stories. More soon. References The following 7 references are cited in this article, in addition to the 158 listed below. D'Angelo, C., E. Smith, F. Oswald, J. Burt, D. Tchernov, and J. Wiedenmann, 2012. Locally accelerated growth is part of the innate immune response and local repair mechanisms in reef-building corals as detected by green fluorescent protein (GFP)-like pigments. Coral Reefs, 31:1045-1056. Palmer, C., M. Roth, and R. Gates, 2009. 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Click through to see the images. Are you Interested in data about how our hobby impacts the worlds reefs and associated communities? Today a thought-provoking paper published in the journal Conservation Letters about our hobby. The article titled "Long-term trends of coral imports into the United States indicate future opportunities for ecosystem and societal benefits," by Dr. Andrew Rhyne digs deeply into coral import data and highlights specific trends, market segments, and long-term sustainability considerations for both source countries and associated reefs. The data in this article is compiled from a massive amount of CITES trade data from 1990 to 2010 using the World Conservation Monitoring Center database and gives a very in-depth view of how our hobby has changed over the course of 21 years and it's social and economic impacts on our world. In past blog posts, we have also reported on trade data discussing coral, fish, plants, live rock, and live sand volumes in addition to digging into the numbers of different fish species imported as well, which in conjunction with this article, provides a lot of data for proper debate on the subject. This article could also lend support for PIJAC as it seeks help in defending the aquarium trade. This study also published on the heels of the NOAA proposing the addition of 66 corals for endangered and threatened listing, which could in effect directly impact communities that depend on the marine aquarium trade for their livelihood as this paper highlights. Unfortunately the article is not open access; however I will list a number of highlights from the article which will hopefully start the discussion rolling: Trade Trade in coral reef animals increased over 8% per year between 1990 until the mid-2000s, and has since decreased by 9% annually 50 million coral reef animals (coral, fish, invertebrates) are sold to an estimated 2 million hobbyists worldwide Over 40 countries export livestock to feed the hobby The Philippines and Indonesia represent about 85% of trade volume The United States is a major destination of live coral reef products importing 68% of all live corals reported in CITES with the EU importing 24% Certain species can enter the trade and quickly become heavily traded (example: Banggai cardinalfish) Species that have been traded at a low level for decades can suddenly become a new fad and experience a sharp increase in exploitation (example: Ricordea mushrooms) The significant decline in Acropora spp. imports to the United States (figure below) is a result of the switch in production from wild capture to aquaculture (Top) Total number of individual corals imported into the United States. (Bottom) Acropora sp. imported into the United States. White bars are from wild harvests,while black bars indicate those corals from captive culture (CITES source codes F, R, C). If one queries the CITES database for Acropora spp. corals exported from INDO for 2010-2011, an even more startling trend is observed with respect to wild vs. maricultured corals. Wild corals accounts for only 15% of the exports whereas maricultured accounts for 85%! Acropora exports from INDO for 2010-2011 from the CITES trade database. Note the large difference in wild harvested vs. maricultured coral! Markets Retail prices of all corals averaged US$56.29 per piece ranging from US$5.00 to US$499.99 Prices appeared more dependent on perceived market abundance and not the actual supply as indicated from CITES records Perceived rarity will also affect price, as often unusual colors command greater prices than common color Number (individual items unless otherwise indicated) of corals imported into the United States over the past 21 years by trade type (top) for live species grouping (middle) and by% composition (bottom). Top six genera of stony corals imported as “live,†in individual units, for trade into the United States over the past 21 years. Sustainability Considerations The surge of aquaculture amongst SPS corals indicates that these fast growing corals would be ideal candidates for localized habitat restoration programs Efforts need to be made to understand the impact of this centralized production on small rural communities in exporting countries We need to promote the small communities that have been the historically important harvest locale It is important to continue the financial benefits of the trade to the small collector communities as Fijian communities that harvest corals for the aquarium trade have a higher median income from this harvest when compared to traditional fishery products It is critical to have economic benefits of ornamental species production (fishery or aquaculture) remain in the original source communities and this should be a priority for a responsible global trade All things considered, environmental "stressors including global climate change, unsustainable global market demand (e.g., shark fin, Napoleon wrasse, Chinese traditional medicine), development of coastal and aquatic resources, ... and commercial overfishing" are likely much more damaging to coral reefs than aquarium collection. Hopefully armed with this new data we can move forward with a better understanding of how we as a society can work together in a more responsible, sustainable manner, for coral reefs and their associated societies. If you would like more information about the study, please contact Dr. Andrew Rhyne using the below contact information: Andrew L. Rhyne, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Biology and Marine Biology Roger Williams University One Old Ferry Road Bristol, RI 02809 arhyne@rwu.edu View the full article
PIJAC seeks your help to defend aquarium trade
Harlequinmania posted a topic in General Reefkeeping_
Click through to see the images. PIJAC is a Washington DC nonprofit advocacy group whose stated mission is to "promote responsible pet ownership and animal welfare, foster environmental stewardship, and ensure the availability of pets." PIJAC is reaching out to the aquarium industry and enthusiasts for financial support in its fight against looming anti-aquarium legislation, including: NOAA's proposal to list 66 species of stony corals as endangered or threatened, which could result in the prohibition of ownership and trade of these corals, including captive propagated fragments. Like clockwork, Hawaii's new 2013 legislative session will assuredly include numerous HI Senate and House Bills that seek the outright ban of aquarium collection. The Hawaii Department of Land & Natural Resources (DLNR) is presently considering adding new marine ornamental fish regulations in addition to amending existing regulations. Environmental groups are campaigning for clownfish and damselfish to be listed as endangered or threatened. Such a listing under the US Endangered Species Act would not only mean the prohibition the trade of wild clownfish and damselfish but also captive-bred fish as well. Advanced Aquarist does not officially endorse PIJAC but we encourage aquarists to learn more about their organization to see if it is cause you would like to support. Advanced Aquarist understands a balance between industry and conservation is difficult to strike but believes the two are not mutually exclusive nor must they necessarily be at odds with one another. Advanced Aquarist appeals to lawmakers to make their decisions based on scientific data, not public emotional appeals; Conservation and resource management are, after all, scientific issues. While much work remains, the marine ornamental trade has made great strides in responsible and sustainable trade and husbandry. The marine aquarium hobby has adopted cooperative models with many Pacific coastal communities, encouraging stewardship of their natural resources by providing much needed economic incentives for conservation. Our hobby is responsible for many captive breeding advancements of both corals and marine fish, with research initiatives (supported by the aquarium industry) such as the Rising Tide Conservation learning to breed an increasing number of reef fish species for the first time in history. Conservation organizations like the Coral Reef Foundation have credited aquarists for the propagation techniques they use to restore Atlantic reefs with staghorn corals. And aquariums, both public and private, have taught multiple generations to appreciate sea life. Aquarists are under no illusion that our hobby has zero effect on coral reefs. But to demonize aquarists as unconscionable pillagers of nature is not only unfair but the furthest thing from the truth. We ask for less demagoguery and more dialogue. Let's analyze the data and allow the facts to guide our decisions. View the full article -
Need advise on tank equipment setup.
Harlequinmania replied to Nickel's topic in New to the Marine Aquaria Hobby
Go for a tank with sump if possible. You will see a lot of benefit of having one later.. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2 -
Click through to see the images. In less than one year, R2R member Trex's 65 gallon reef aqarium transformed from this: into this: View the full article
Click through to see the images. The lighting that FiveDiveGear manufacturers makes the marine world come alive with fluorescence during night dives. Colors that you would not see during the day jump out at you as you explore the night reef. Take a look at the video below and their Youtube channel for great examples of what these 6 watt units can do. What is fluorescence? Adam Blundell, M.S. writes about 'The Seen and Unseen World of Coral Fluorescence' in Advanced Aquarist's June, 2005 issue: Fluorescence is a process whereby a matter of energy is absorbed by a substance, and then released by that substance with less energy. In this case a light source of high energy (lets say blue light) is absorbed by a substance (a coral) and then released with less energy (i.e. green light or red light). Dana Riddle writes what may be the most comprehensive series of articles on coral coloration & fluorescence: Coral Coloration: Fluorescence: Part 1 Coral Coloration, Part 2: Fluorescence: Pigments 510 - 565 and Notes on Green Fluorescent Proteins Coral Coloration, Part 3: Pigments Responsible for Coral Coloration, Part 4: Red Fluorescent Pigments, a Preliminary Report of Effects of Various Environmental Factors and Color Mixing Coral Coloration, Part 5: Non-fluorescent Chromoproteins (CP-480 to CP-562) Coral Coloration, Part 6: Non-fluorescent Chromoproteins (CP-568 – CP-610) And A Newly Discovered Colorant Coral Coloration - Part 7: Coral Reflectance, Chromoproteins and Environmental Factors Affecting Non-fluorescent Pigmentation Coral Coloration, Part 8: Blue and Green Coral Fluorescence: Environmental Factors Affecting Fluorescent Pigmentation Coral Coloration, Part 9: Tridacna and Other Photosynthetic Clam Coloration, With Observations on Possible Functions Our thanks to Brandon Arroyo for bringing this dive video to our attention! View the full article
Click through to see the images. The lighting that FiveDiveGear sells makes the marine world come alive with fluorescence during a night dive. Colors that you would not see during the day jump out at you as you explore the night reef. Take a look at the video below and their Youtube channel for great examples of what these 6 watt units can do. What is fluorescence? Adam Blundell, M.S. writes about 'The Seen and Unseen World of Coral Fluorescence' in Advanced Aquarist's June, 2005 issue: Fluorescence is a process whereby a matter of energy is absorbed by a substance, and then released by that substance with less energy. In this case a light source of high energy (lets say blue light) is absorbed by a substance (a coral) and then released with less energy (i.e. green light or red light). Dana Riddle writes what may be the most comprehensive series of articles on coral coloration & fluorescence: Coral Coloration: Fluorescence: Part 1 Coral Coloration, Part 2: Fluorescence: Pigments 510 - 565 and Notes on Green Fluorescent Proteins Coral Coloration, Part 3: Pigments Responsible for Coral Coloration, Part 4: Red Fluorescent Pigments, a Preliminary Report of Effects of Various Environmental Factors and Color Mixing Coral Coloration, Part 5: Non-fluorescent Chromoproteins (CP-480 to CP-562) Coral Coloration, Part 6: Non-fluorescent Chromoproteins (CP-568 – CP-610) And A Newly Discovered Colorant Coral Coloration - Part 7: Coral Reflectance, Chromoproteins and Environmental Factors Affecting Non-fluorescent Pigmentation Coral Coloration, Part 8: Blue and Green Coral Fluorescence: Environmental Factors Affecting Fluorescent Pigmentation Coral Coloration, Part 9: Tridacna and Other Photosynthetic Clam Coloration, With Observations on Possible Functions Thanks to Brandon Arroyo for bringing this dive video to our attention! View the full article
I would like to take this opportunity to thanks all those SRC members helping us out on this event especially Karlyau and Reddevils which was there everyday helping out. Really Kudos to you guys in helping us making this event successful !! Also all the supporting commercial members and partners of SRC for their freebie and support toward this event.
Click through to see the images. After two years of research, scientists from Taiwan's National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium in collaboration with Meiho University have developed a line of topical body lotions (a moisturizer, anti-wrinkle cream, skin-whitening cream and makeup-removing lotion) using a chemical extracted from soft coral cultivated at the National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium. From our investigation, Advanced Aquarist was unable to determine either the species of coral from which the chemical is extracted or the name of the chemical itself. The packaging for new skin care line (above) offers some clues, although there are two seemingly different species pictured. View the full article
Click through to see the images. After two years of research, scientists from Taiwan's National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium in collaboration with Meiho University have developed a line of topical body lotions (a moisturizer, anti-wrinkle cream, skin-whitening cream and makeup-removing lotion) using a chemical extracted from soft coral cultivated at the National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium. From our investigation, Advanced Aquarist was unable to determine either the species of coral from which the chemical is extracted or the name of the chemical itself. The packaging for new skin care line (above) offers some clues, although there are two seemingly different species pictured. View the full article
U can try checking with Vincent from aquarium artist. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Nano Competition (cont't)
Harlequinmania replied to bellinayu's topic in SRC Contest and prizes section
Congratulations to all winner! See u at the prize presentation tomorrow. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2 -
Good price for a 3 day old tank! Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Click through to see the images. According to Garrett, these phone cases are the only ones that are specifically tailored to the marine aquarist. They come in a range of themes and styles which should suit almost all reefkeeper tastes ranging from fish to coral to invertebrates. Garrett explains the process by which these cases are created: "Each high resolution image is processed and compressed using special imaging software before being overlaid in full wrap around style onto the case using a special chemical bonding process which impregnates the image into the case material. The case is then coated again with a secondary tough scratch resistant ultra high gloss finish to protect the image from the daily rigors of phone use." "'Barely There' cases by Casemate are made from an ultra-lightweight but exceedingly durable impact resistant material that gives great protection from the daily abuses your phone or tablet will encounter. Additional protection is afforded the screen by providing a small lip on the outer front edge of the case that protrudes just above the screen face, meaning that your screen will kept away from any surface that might cause it damage should the phone be placed face down." Garrett states that the Reefer Pro cases are a step above the DIY kinds of cases as they have better image quality and more well-defined colors. They are currently available for £29.95 ($47.95) and are made for the IPhone 3 / IPhone 4/s / IPhone 5 / Samsung Galaxy S2 / Samsung Galaxy S3 / HTC One X / HTC One S / BlackBerry 8520/9300 / BlackBerry 9900 / BlackBerry 9350/60/70 / IPod Touch with IPAD and other tablet covers on request. View the full article
Talks & Seminar Held on 08th Dec 2012
Harlequinmania replied to Harlequinmania's topic in SRC Contest and prizes section
Yes of course every src members can take part. Come over to our booth at, around 2.30 to collect the lucky draw ticket Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2- 8 replies
- lucky draw
- fish carnival
(and 2 more)
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