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Everything posted by Vili_Shark

  1. Hello S'pore! I saw this unit in the Interzoo, very nice unit. It got few problems though. It is not supposed to be put in a tank with a side over flow at the side , there is a very big difference in the water level from one side to the other. In the fair they put the wave box with the Tunze plastic over flow which was put in the middle of the tank. Marinebetta for this kind of sand bed patters you will need a very thin sand bed. It did not create this pattern in the show, it did in the catalogue. I spoke with Tunze's technical Manager, and he said that this wave box is design to mimmic Lagoon biotop, means the sandy area just before the reef slope, as we all know there are no SPS there. Tunze still reccomends the Stream or Stram and Turbelle combination for SPS only tanks. I hope to get a wave box soon and will report how it is working.
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