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Everything posted by Vili_Shark

  1. What happened to the fins? who kicked his a$$? I'm looking for a Blateus....nobody have them and they're not rare.....
  2. Hi, Anyone knows if I can get a Cirrhilabrus blatteus in S'pore?
  3. Yeah it's a good reflector. Very expensive though. Most of the good reflectors are coming from the home grown plants industry which is apparantly bigger than the reef tank industry. DIY? I saw some who were trying to copy it, but when you test with a lux meter, it'll tell you where's the Diamond and where's not. Anyway, ya got good reflectors that gets close to the LA-3, but not even half the price.
  4. That's very cheap and only cause the Taiwanese guy didnt want to carry them back. I remember that booth he had many fish, Maco as well, very high quality. Actually that's the highest quality Blue line you can get, in ase he will bring them again and sell for the same , it'll be a good oppurtunity to get this fish at this quality and price. By the way, he dont have many Blue Lines, so he even dont sell to everybody who wants (wholesale) .
  5. Hello my friends, I dont know the policies of this forum as I'm only a guest here, so I wont post links to some European online shops. However, turn on your (search) engines, and look for the Deltec skimmers, your price is good. And one thing, I guess it's common for reefers worldwide to complain about prices, indeed it aint a cheap hobby, and indeed some of the prices are crazy plus you got some crazy LFS owners worldwide that take advantage on innocent customers, but one thing is there...if you're not planning to invest money, dont go in this hobby, Cichlids are nice as well (and I say this will all the respect, they are magnificent fish) , and when you do invest the money, invest it wisely, first and most important one single piece of equipment is your skimmer. By the way....I really like your forum...
  6. Well, still nothing like Europe that have 16-22%VAT. The mark up by European dealers is higher as well. That's why Singapore is regarded as shopping heaven by many shoppers, for clothing ,electronics etc.
  7. The APF-600 is a superb skimmer. It is much better than many of the competition that I tested. Your prices is S'pore are very good as well. 1.2K for AP-850 and 800 for APF-600 are very low prices compare to Europe and America. Must be that your importer mark up low, and you have only 3%GST.
  8. AT , 1st April. but I wonder what made the cuts in the dude's back anyways.
  9. DELTEC, have a couple of them in two of my tanks. Superior skimmer, never seen anything that get close, I'd like to test it head to head with the Royal Exclusiv though.
  10. Hi let me know if any swap in May? I'll be in S'pore in May. Otherwise I can wire u some money and you'll have a self service and go buying your derasa yourself ??? Pls let me know. Tks.
  11. Hey Dispar, Ya got a good tatse my friend. My most wanted list: 1.Debelius Angel 2.Hotumatua (had two that died). 3.Resplendens The Debelius is really hard to get, the other two I can get, just a matter of time. I also want a Rhomboidalis to complete my wrasse collection in my reef tank.
  12. Usualy Monti caps wont need too much light. they're strong enough to live at a bottom of a 70-80 cm height tank, and will get used to it, if you got some strong metals. As scarab mentioned flow is very important, they might grow like crazy , but then STN from the center out, if not enough flow. Scarab, you have a piece for sale out of that purple cap? PM me if interested. Tks.
  13. Strong direct current are not good. The clam will show you it dont like it and wont open. Strong currents in the tank are good to maintain high oxygen levels in the water and to keep the water quality high, however clams wont like any stream or turbelle or any other strong power head to heat it directly from a close range. For feeding, small clams really like nanochloropsis, which you can grow your own. Good luck.
  14. Ohhhh my what a Monti, can ya get those in S'pore???
  15. yeah Squamies grow extremely fast when they have fair conditions. I just received a call yesterday from my friend who found a site in the Red Sea "that nobody knows" with a group of largest blue spotted squamies he ever saw. I plan to go down there soon and hopefully I can post some pics.
  16. Hi I'll be in S'pore in May. Can ya get a Rhomboidalis in S'pore?
  17. Hi This is a beautiful blue spotted squamie. It's quite common in the red sea, and also other places have it. I dont really think it should be expensive. Cool clam though.
  18. Can ya get a close up please?
  19. Thats probably the best looking clam I saw online. My friend who saw it in real told me this clam is much better looking than in the pic.
  20. WOOW Achilles, ya got some amazing echinos. Is this coral common in S'pore? I'd like to buy some pieces, like the first ones you've posted. I think some of the later posts are Acanthastreas though.
  21. Roidan Ya got some insane Scolimya, woow. Also some nice Blasstos and the Yuma is a beauty.
  22. I read a Knop article, there are pictures of many clams out of the water, which are sold for food. When I speak to Phillipinos who lives next to the ocean they all know clam as food. They all eat it, but when it comes to taking one from Phillipines abroad, Knop says they wont let you even take one, and stop ya at the airport. Kinda weired. I'm also wondering what are they doing there with their clams farms. If you read the book Giant Clams by Knop, ya'll see he's refering there clam hatcheries in Phillipines, but in all my years in this hobby I never encountered a Clam for the Phillipines cultured or wild....strange.
  23. You guys in S'pore have pretty nice clams out there, you're also paying much less in average than what ppl in America pays, and thats probably due to lower freight costs. 200S$ per an Ultra Max is a fair price if the clam is really nice. I'd pay much more for the mega clams , for example a Blue Squamosa. When I visit S'pore I always see some world class quality clams.
  24. The black with blue stripes you are refering is quite common. It's coming alot from the Clam farm in Marshall islands. The "real" black that is harder to find, is the deep black (not deep brown, deep purple etc.) with white stripes. For the price, it's all depends on the grade. While Maximas in general are not so common in the trade, for the past year, as the Croceas, they are also captive bred, but the farms can not keep up with the demand. There are no good and steady flow of high quality Ultra Max. For a good Ultra Max I'd pay 3 digits numbers.
  25. Really depends on the grade of the clam There are some amazing Croceas coming out of Solomon, and if yu're first in the V'nam shipments, u should be able to put your hands on 1-2 jaw dropping specimens.
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