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Everything posted by JMW

  1. Xiggie, what's the blue coral in the foreground?
  2. Hi, looking for small frag of this. Pls PM if available, thanks!
  3. Oh I see, well I'm not sure how the theory behind carbon dosing works, but I think now you have thru your dosing cultured a huge bac population, which will need to be fed. So if the dosing stops, that excess carbon(food for them) is gone, so technically do they die off? Not sure if that then causes a spike in the levels which might lead to algae bloom? Not sure at all, hopefully some experts can chime in
  4. Looks like bristlewom, don't think they will endanger your fishes unless they are huge? Some types grow big. Typically this size will go around eating detritus I believe, & yes they are more active when the lights go out.
  5. Yup brittle star, beneficial organism to have in your tank
  6. Wow impressive! Really reduced your nitrates! Good job How to continue from here? Must sustain the dosage right? Otherwise nitrates will start climbing back up again?
  7. JMW


    Think abalone need cooler water to thrive, just fyi
  8. thanks for the replies... I am monitoring the spread, so far doesn't look good, looks like getting worse, took another pic last night @patricklhc, yes it's very hard to see using the NYOS test kit, but it's not perfectly transparent, there's a slight tinge of yellow, that's why I concluded it's 0.07....
  9. Snails sold, thanks for interest!
  10. Hi I have 2 spiny Astrea snails to let go, $4 for them both. Both are about 1" in size, have limpets attached to their shells too, quite interesting to watch PM if interested, thanks
  11. Maybe it's really white star polyps.. Which are a different morph care to trade a small frag for some GSP? I have small frags
  12. Wow! They have gone completely white! Were they green when you first bought them from the LFS??
  13. yes, addition of sugar, vodka, vinegar are various methods of carbon dosing
  14. JMW

    IM 10G

    Ochtodes! Really digging the intense blue/purple on them I think macroalgae in reef tanks bring a different color & texture to the scape
  15. Hi, when using the spin stream, does it generate any noise?
  16. Dose bacteria & let the cycle run its course?
  17. Thanks man, will consider in the future.. Got mine from madpetz already
  18. Yeah heard about leathers & SPS before, but I think running carbon will help absorb the toxins?
  19. Good to know! Looks like carbon dosing worked for you!
  20. Yeah you need to cycle your tank where the bacteria population, once stablized, will break down the ammonia to nitrite, then another type of bacteria breaks down nitrite to nitrate, finally another type does the nitrate to nitrogen conversion, although this is not so common. Most times nitrates is when we export it from our tanks.
  21. Yup as Fragmaster mentioned above, carbonate level you can think of it as the buffering level, where typically, when KH is higher, your water PH will be less susceptible to PH swings.
  22. Hi guys, would appreciate some advice... this morn I noticed some tips of my green stag turning white, polyps are still out though. (photo below taken without lights on, with camera flash) My KH is at 9, maintained with baking soda in ATO. Stag is in high light & moderate flow, in change in position for nearly 2mths... One change to routine is I accidentally overdosed abit too much gbpo4 than my normal dosage.. could the sudden drop in phosphate result in this? My phosphate is normally at 0.07(nyos test kit) Pls help! Thanks....
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