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Everything posted by JMW

  1. man, this zoa looks exquisite!!! What morph is this? The colors are insane! Great photography too btw haha
  2. Hi guys, have some frags of digi to swop for zoas - blue digi (about 2") - green digi (about 1") am open to topping up should the value of the trade differ... pls PM for pics exchange, deal in west. Thanks!
  3. hmmmm interesting! there's noticeable effect on the nitrate & phosphate levels, could be the BB at work too? I don't know if it makes sense to dose coral food, monitor the levels then, & then one day later... That can also tell how much they are cleaning your water? Will that work? otherwise is just monitor for more days with no skimmer & food to see if they can reduce the levels even further.. Bro your clams are your tank's natural skimmer
  4. I see.. As long as secure & your future livestock won't move things around
  5. Nice blue zoas frag sitting on your substrate! What zoas are they?
  6. Btw how are you securing them rocks in place? Or you just interlocking them?
  7. I know what's missing..... CORALS!! bro your center piece looks fine, IMO it's gonna look complete once you start putting frags there & they grow out to be colonies
  8. Hi Neutral, can share how you noticed that the clams improved your water quality? You verified by testing for nitrates & phosphates? I'm interested in their effectiveness as natural filters
  9. Hi guys, looking for frag of this. Deal in west. Pls PM if available.. Thanks!
  10. That's great info xiggie, a calcium reactor really seems to be the most automated & reliable form of dosing both Ca & KH, without having to worry overdosing in wrong proportions... btw is it possible to monitor how much Ca does your stock takes in daily?
  11. can share how you are maintaining your Ca levels for your clams in a nano? Frequent wc or dosing?
  12. Thanks for replying.. I will stick to rowaphos
  13. You might be able to maintain Ca levels with that with appropriate dosing, but how about your KH? That has to be in balance with Ca if you are looking to maintain stable levels... why not dose kalk? Btw just curious as to what are your current Ca levels & stock?
  14. Wow, your coral growth is exploding!!! Nice!
  15. oh wow, this PAR sensor thingy is damn cool man, can display until like that. Power!
  16. Bro, what light are you using for your tanks? Looks like clip-on
  17. Hi guys, noticed there was a whole lot of air bubbles at the bottom of my orange digi.. after using the turkey baster to gently get rid of the bubbles, saw that the flesh had receded.. anyone can help suggest what might be happening here?
  18. wow the lumi blue frag looks great! really poisonous haha
  19. Oh wow bro I really like the 3 tank side by side look! Very inspiring! Can scape until each tank looks distinctly different from the others.. Then the look will be very impactful IMO
  20. Cfm dead, the mantle is recessed all the way in man.... Srry to hear about it tho
  21. same!! I was quoted the same on mon too.....
  22. hey bro, the pics I took last week. Srry if pics not very clear, best I can do with phone cam
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