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Everything posted by Iwarna

  1. Gem Tangs are $1800/pc, price remains the same as 1 year ago despite USD rise. This price applies for cash/bank transfer/nets payment only. Additional surcharge for credit card payments. Show size can be available but more expensive.
  2. Gem tangs arrived. All come with optional 2 week quarantine. Quarantine for 1 month possible with 10% surcharge. While stocks last, half already sold.
  3. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.943391059042958.1073741836.123608681021204&type=3
  4. hi all we also have nitraguard and nitraguard titanium
  5. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.928350553880342.1073741833.123608681021204&type=3
  6. Hi, You are most welcome. Feel free to drop by our showroom anytime. Just text me at 90888622 in advance. Cheers, Aquarium Iwarna
  7. Hi, We are dosing 460ml of the Elementz per day, our water volume is about 1500 litres. Each bottle of the Elementz (1,2,3A,3B) is 1 litre, you mix each of them with 9 litres of rodi water. As a guide you should dose equally 10ml of each Elementz per 100 litres of your water. You increase or decrease the dosage based on the Kh, keeping the Kh between 8 and 9. Sps will consume more as compared to lps. Cheers, Aquarium Iwarna
  8. A very BIG THANK YOU to: - Qian Hu and Sgreefclub for organising this Marine Exposition. - all Marine tank compeition participants with thier original ideas in scaping... gave me some very nice new ideas too! - all who sat through and 'brave the storm' to listen to my Triton talk. Such gatherings are great to share new ideas and knowledge for the reefing community and I strongly feel that all hobbyists have an important role to play. Singapore has always been a leading reefing community in Asia and I hope to see more of these events and even draw participants from around the region to attend such exhibitions, competitions and frag swaps! Let us constantly upgrade the standard of reefing in Singapore through learning, sharing and making friends.
  9. Hawaii shipment tomorrow 10am. Flame angels, yellow tangs, achilles tangs, kole tangs, chevron tangs, goldflake angels. Philippines shipment around noon. One stable long term captive golden tahiti maxima clam for sale @ $800 nett.
  10. Tomorrow noon at Iwarna: Australia SPS, captive bred potbelly seahorse, captive bred kuda seahorse, centropyge colini, Pseudanthias ventralis australis (only sells as 1M to 2F), Bodianus paraleucostictus, ecsenius tigris, spider sponge, lennardi wrasse, marginalis butterflyfish, large male scribble angels, juvenile scribble angels, true personifer angels.
  11. Premium LPS just arrive. While stocks last. https://www.dropbox.com/s/m9hh5ljv97viypv/Iwarna%20LPS_November2015.xls?dl=0
  12. Hi, Unfortunately, we do not recommend using the Triton Method without a refugium as the macro algae in the refugium is a very important component for biological nutrient export when using the Triton Method. The daily dosing of the Base Elementz besides replenishing the major elements like Ca, Mg and Kh, it also contains trace elements that will get your tank water as close as possible to seawater properties. These include trace elements that are beneficial to macro algae. Therefore without a refugium with macro algae it might encourage growth of nuisance algae in the display tank.
  13. Another triton user in Singapore (LPS + SOFTIES). Picture from my worker's mobile
  14. From chocolate to strawberry
  15. The icp test is able to let you know exactly what's in your tank, the deficiencies and excesses. You only need a refugium if you are using the Triton method. You do not need a refugium to bring your parameters inline after the icp test. Btw, how are you maintaining your tank; water change, 3-part dosing?
  16. Montipora Digitata and Samarensis growth rates and coloration (1 month interval comparison) New growth are reflected with new pointed heads. A dark brown digi turns to a nice light color with blue polyps.
  17. With many Triton tanks showing great growth and colourations, we have constructed Triton SG showtank in a very public area for all to monitor. Over the years of reefing, Triton method gives me in depth knowledge for the chemistry of our tank water. Preivously I had beautiful SPS tanks that after 3-4 years, starts to show 'old tank syndrome' where old healthy SPS starts discolouring, 'turning old and wither' away. After seeing Ehsan's tank (Triton tank in Dusseldorf)... I believe I have found a cure.
  18. A 7ft by ft by 2ft tank using Lani and running on Triton method (Singapore) - handphone pictures 1st pic - Mixed reef tank 2nd pic - Echinophyllia encrusting onto rocks 3rd pic - ever growing monti cap 4th pic - montipora sp
  19. Triton Tank in Dusseldorf, Germany. From 2011 to 2015 Last picture with the reflection was taken by my iphone when I was there on 09 Sep 2015. There were a lot more pictures online for this tank as it was featured many times in forums, blogs , facebook and magazines. Just google Triton reef tank.
  20. If you are running the Triton method and would like to share your beautiful tank pictures or videos, we welcome your posting in this thread! Not just for Singapore.Let's start with the masterpiece from the master himself...
  21. Why is the algae bed (refugium) the catalyst for the Triton Method? Your maintenance regime is a similar catalyst, a food chain, phyto to zooplankton all the way through the food chain until something dies and the phyto feeds once more on the nutrients such as phosphate & nitrate. Thee algae bed can be seen in the same way, but more condensed, it too will start by growing from nutrients in the water and elements added through triton, as the cycles run in the aquarium, the algae self regulates, growing when nutrients are high and dying off when nutrients drop. These algaes will release aminos, carbs and nutrients back to the tank in a natural format. In many ways they can be looked upon as a concentrated phyto culture.
  22. Can I run Triton method with DSB-system or mud filtration?No, unfortunately TRITON is not compatible with this type of filtering. We strongly advise against it.
  23. Can I also use other products when running TRITON?This is up to the customer, but other products are not quality controlled by us and we do not know what they contain. Therefore, in such experiments you should increase the number of ICP- OES analyzes to make sure that nothing harmful enters the aquarium.
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