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Melvyn Tan

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Everything posted by Melvyn Tan

  1. Thanks Weileong & damien, i know that shipping cost and rarity (also difficulty in collection) do play an important role in the cost of the fishes, but what i don't really understand is some fishes of the same origin are being charged at different cost leh...eg. True Perculas (Amphirion Percula) are true perculas, some may have darker black patch some lesser, so does fire clowns, clarkii etc. But i don't see fire clowns, clarkii and the rest have this differentiation as the True Perculas. Ocellaris also dun have leh. Another example is the flame angel - some are darker or deeper in orange, some lighter, some with more black bars some lesser, but i dun see then being charged differently? One less black bar less S$10? Strange ! Are the darker black patch True Perculas having a different scientific name or of a different species of clowns altogether? I recently went to a lfs and notice some irian jaya (true clowns coming from there with black patch) are sold at the same price irregardless of how dark the black patches are, so why is it so that some places sell it more expensively? Maybe i need to examine my French Angel to see if the yellow body scales are more golden and can sell at S$2000/-
  2. No one plays the piano or have knowledge on piano ???
  3. I think the product in terms of its design for performance and workmanship is good so buy lah... I suppose the most important thing would be the support, knowledge and service which is pretty much unsurpassed. Anyway, since you have the calcium reactor, would you mind telling me more about it or perhaps a review? I am seriously thinking of getting a good calcium reactor.
  4. Hi All, Appreciate the assistance of all who are musically and instrumentally inclined to educate me on Pianos. I would like to know what is reasonably good, lasting (if it applies), maintenance requirements and cost. Thank you in advance.
  5. I noticed some fishes are sold at a higher price because it kinda look better or have more of a certain colour. Can anyone tell me should there be a price differentiation? I do know that Purple Tangs (PT) from Red Sea differs from those of Indonesia origins due to the colour differences but should PT from Red Sea or Indo still require further gradation if they are of the same batch? Another example would be Emperor Angels from Redsea, Micronesia, Maldives, Christmas Island....
  6. 4 big angels in a tank may require a 6ft tank unless they are all juv. The order of introduction is important too as Angels are agressive (except French which is gentle).
  7. You are too modest, the result calls for dedication and passion....
  8. Amazed on your skills and husbandry to maintain such a tank, and better still with a Prizm Skimmer !!! So who says Prizm is not good enough ???
  9. So i reckon it is the same comparison to lovers point of view in being fast and furious (short satisfaction) vs slow but sensuous (long and continuous satisfaction) ???? Typical of Americans and Europeans hahhahahaha
  10. Skimmate waste looks good to me, not sure why you derived on the "feel" that beckett gives more waste?
  11. Tigger might get a good price for the unit though...seems like the Jag has a liking for cute looking things
  12. Still think its better to check with Sealife, the cost includes all medias + misc. accessories.
  13. Not too sure whether the pricing part is good to be mentioned here, but as far as the product and design itself to me serves its purpose, i believe the price point justifies it. Some of my own thoughts, since everytime the cost issue inevitably comes up. We do have many venturi, needle wheel based product and even some local DIY equivalents which do have some unmistakably "look alike the original" type of skimmers, but if the price point is not any lower than 50% of of the originals eg. ###### Becketts or H&S or deltecs or Schurans, then it might be better off buying the originals - not forgetting patent rights which may sooner or later be caught up with (we do have some occasional examples in here sometimes whether in instances of products or illegal lifestocks hehehe). To reef responsibly also amounts to act responsibly if we want to have a more sustainable hobby in years to come. Sometimes i think that if keen competition from "copies" acts in a way that eventually kills off originals, will the price of such "copies" adjust itself, upwards or downwards? Also not forgetting constant research improvements which the copies am sure are not doing that. I look forward to receiving upcoming supports and services in the money i pay for each and every product, and till now is satisfied with it. So feeding the Jaguar is one thing (since i can afford the Jaguar) but in return i will expect the same Jaguar treatment when i need it. Anyway lets move on in reviews. In my deliberation in deciding for the H&S i understand that Aquamedic too do have similar sulphur based denitrification one model comes with 2 cylindrical unit (sulphur and carbonate) another one is a combi (not sure of the design though) and the patent one is with the deniballs. I did consider it at some point, but i also weigh design performance vs aesthetics not that i have anything against Aquamedics - i sometimes have weird tastes
  14. Top part of the unit, adjustment of the effluent drops. Additional tubing required for discharge to appropriate sump compartment.
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