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Melvyn Tan

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Everything posted by Melvyn Tan

  1. The behaviour of the fishes have been observed - they all appears to be normal, appetite are just as good. Colours still as vibrant. One difference, when i feed my fishes with mysis using my fingers they all come nibble on my fingers, the hardest nibbler is the sohal
  2. Yesh bro, feed it more infact - everyday w/o fail nori, pellets (kent formula 1 & 2) and 4-6 cubes of mysis + garlic juice quantity of feeding spread out both in the morning + evening. Understand from sunny that henry's food is superb and awaiting to get some leh...
  3. This thread is not implicit in any way to any lfs selling clown fishes with darker black at a higher price although many will find that there is a link (can't help it then). The truth of the matter is there are other lfs who sells their true percs (or irian jaya as others will call it) the same price whether there are more black blotch or less black. If these lfs sells them the same then hasn't that tell hobbyist somthing? the cost of these are the same irregardless of the quantum of black? I reckon the same to flame angels and there are some stupid lfs who pass out indo sailfin as red sea sailfin which i find some education is necessary in the types and grades (if any). Cheers
  4. Wow !!! thats another good consideration - a digital piano, sounds like a good alternative.
  5. By the way, photo editing is such a sensitive thing nowadays, nonetheless i need to tell all who read this that no form of editing is done, nor cheating or lying in the results....reading all the pages of debates between different factions within SRC in "debates" gives me the creeps. Anyway...fish and reef on...
  6. Made a measurement today for the denitrator's output and tank. The measurement for the tank is at 20ppm
  7. Tigger, daimy068, gouldian, sunny03 -ok
  8. Tentatively at 8pm with sunny03, cannot get tigger and the rest no response yet.
  9. Pls make yourself available sunny03....tigger joining? Gouldian? Have been waiting for some time to call on Roidan...anyone else? sunny03 will buy each a cleaner fish hehehhehe for turning up
  10. Thanks Marinedisc...so the 1.2m is called the upright...can the brand new mini or baby grand make it at S$20k? For knowledge. But it must be big right? space will be a problem !!!
  11. up for you...if chui comes collect it, can eat popiah together...
  12. Maybe can try Beaufort Spa & Resort...nice & romantic place as told.
  13. So the keeping and maintaining of temperature and moisture is important as mentioned - thanks thanks
  14. Yes yes...piano will be for my little girl. Tried playing the guitar...just can't muster it no flair. Tried the piano whilst in primary school for a short while, dun even rem or have any recollection about it, but still do rem the lovely piano teacher though. Really must thank all for responding as it had helped me understand the strength of the various brands and the important aspect in getting a piano like the height must be 1.2m at least - believe its got something to do with the length of the strings? Ok yamah U series, ellington, steinway & sons (always thought it was good since it sounds like a piano heheheh) kawai (sounds like a lfs) pardon me for i always like to joke when i am ignorant on certain things. Whats the difference between the mini grand and the at least 1.2m height piano? How much does a piano cost anyway? My wife's friend just got for her kids a piano that cost S$10k !!! wow can buy alot of things for the tank man !!! Can the budget of S$10k buy a good piano? Gouldian - the saliva thingy in the harmonica irks me bro !!!
  15. Yes they are talking about the various ways to rid nitrite and nitrate, and the sulphur way of denitrification is one experimented and tested success method of denitrification. Thanks for the good info bro !!!
  16. Wish list can become wanted list, see the review from zarkon, a good one. You have blue hamster, i dun even have hamster, infact during that time of emergency, your hamster save my tank man ! Thanks again Bro !!! Will make popiah for you again...
  17. Oh its you !!! You are such an expert and have been reefing for a very long time so gotta to you Yes it'll be great to discuss and learn more from you when the time permits.
  18. Hi All, I had pretty bad/angry/tu lan week and was wondering anyone wanna chill out and have coffee at Jln Kayu tomorrow evening?
  19. ermmmm....ok point noted any Yamaha teacher around?
  20. Then can all bros co-operate to buy more "less black" true perculas so that the prices can be restored to equilibrium? I mean lfs should not take such opportunity leh....
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