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Melvyn Tan

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Everything posted by Melvyn Tan

  1. Yes it is true, which is why you will need to boost it up to equilibrium before returning it back to the water - usually by way of coral sand to buffer the water.
  2. Believe its not for serious drinking.... Any of the New World wines will be ok...try South African...between i will recommend Red Wine rather than white for the occassion, more choice of combi with foods.
  3. Yo Xin24, if you win the bid be sure to pop by my place for Tom Yum soup and tell me about the smell of the sunflowers...
  4. Interested, can post a pic of the Asfur?
  5. marinebetta, do you know where to get the super red ones - very interested to get them.
  6. In order to put a definition of the Onyx (assuming what RC mentioned is the acceptable universal definition) then i suppose the definition of the True percs for that comparison must be exacting. What the purpose of this thread intend is to identify and put consumers in teh position of awareness so that a more informed decision can be made prior to purchases. It is easy to always to put in the sentence "willing buyer, willing seller" but do take note and be warned against exploitation.
  7. Yes i do agree with you, actually my point is that some people have grade it accordingly and price it more expensively when there are more black bars. The article posted indicates that True percs have all black interconnecting black bars...so how to grade A, B or C
  8. If so good (as of now, why i say that? look at Japan when the world shun their products) then i will buy a few Franck Muller watches man...
  9. Melvyn Tan

    Chengai Wood

    That'll include some marine ply and lacquer material also
  10. Nice article....so how would the Grade A, B & C falls under these guidelines since the normal True Percula has black connecting 1st & 2nd bars...hehhehe
  11. Put in item 8) for your sohal & clown tang - there are similarities and people do sometimes get confused.
  12. Sometimes some things may look the same but is different eg. True Swiss-made master watch makers vs look alike made in china watches (they seriously are identical but 1/2 the price).
  13. 6) Naso ###### vs Naso (regular) - the ###### Naso Elegans the regular Literatus
  14. 5) Red Sea Sailfin Tang vs Indo Sailfin Tang Zebrasoma Veliferum Zebrasoma Desjardini Difference in price and to some people the Red Sea version looks more palatable. There are some dishonest or incompetent (if they are confused) lfs who tries to sell the cheaper for the more expensive (ask Tigger and he'll let you know over prata at Jln Kayu). Another pic of the Red Sea version Red Sea
  15. 4) True Percula vs False Percula - difference in price False True there is also one "type" which the foreigners called it the Black Onyx True Percula Black Onyx which has more of the black patch and is being sold at a higher price (the price in the website is quite ridiculous)...Anyway, i suppose it is what some lfs who decidedly term as Grade A (so if you wish to part with that kind of money be sure it looks like the one in the photo - there are other lfs that sells it for S$12) There is also another called the Black Percula, which will not be mentioned here.
  16. Hi All, In view of the concerned newbie (like myself) and those who may not be very au fait with fishes and may be confused with "look-alike" fishes, let us do our bit to put-up the names of the fishes that have that close resemblence for the benefit of all. 1) Royal Gramma vs Bi-colour Dottyback - great difference in price 2) French Angel vs Grey Angel - price similar and of similar origins See Here (note: the spelling for the Grey Angel in this website is wrong) 3) Common Cleaner Wrasse vs False Cleaner Wrasse - the latter is a blenny that chomps on the meat of fishes See Here
  17. tsk tsk tsk... Maybe you can tell us which lfs...
  18. Must be sunny03 telling people to seed their tank with coralline algae tsk tsk tsk
  19. Melvyn Tan

    Chengai Wood

    Its quite a difficult wood to work with due to its density and physical properties, a note to you if you want to diy. The raw materials for say a 4 ft tank will set you back about 150-200.
  20. Cause polling only allow up to 10. Anyway, these listed are the most popular...
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