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Melvyn Tan

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Everything posted by Melvyn Tan

  1. If you keep the purple and flame together, you may get inter species breeding and result in Helfrichi Firefish...you should try...
  2. Anyway its a treasure and whoever interested should go down and grab man !
  3. Boss ask me wanna reserve now or not pay on the spot (when i was there noon - when u called) i no money leh
  4. 10 Yellow-eyed Kole and 2 Chevrons. Should have Helfrichi too...
  5. Thats a good one hehhehehe.... Tigger dun worry, already ordered Black Tang from uncle sam for you...steady right?
  6. wata-nabei ! Turn around and bend means to give a good smacking lah what you guys thinking man sei le eh dao hehehhehehe
  7. Most gobies are short lived species ie. short life span. The flame and purple dartfish or firefishes falls in this category. Cleaner gobies are shortlived species too...
  8. Stoop so low? hehhehehe Looks like muar chee has the same frequency ...... Even for a guy also ask him to turn around and bend down ah... hehhehehe On a more serious note, it is true that if you lend money be prepared not to even take it back...it also happens to me many many years back, a few k somemore, owe and never return. Till a few years later managed to chased it back man...then the unfortunate thing happen, a few years ago he died many things train through my thoughts thereafter, life is so fragile and it thought me to look past things that are worldly. I spend more time with friends and help them (those that need help) in their problems so that they will not borrow money from me (i am not rich) and other friends - they need to overcome their problem. On a joking note - Shoelevy you can also ask her to repay you by working for you
  9. Is it the girl you met at Reborn that you fell so madly in love?
  10. Maybe you can ask her to pay in some other ways? Perhaps via installments
  11. Wah little army boys...enjoy yourself while you are out man !
  12. A overall pic will be nice, current pic a little too big.
  13. Heres the link Book on Angels
  14. For Angels lover check out his Book on Angels !
  15. KL drive car must put seat belt meh? hahahhahah i have been doing that for thousands of time in the front seat when driven around by my manager when i managed a project in KL hehehehhe....also never get caught...
  16. Jln Bt Bintang every 5-10ms got pimps along the streets. Not sure about now, kinda bothersome when you walk - it'll be an eye opener to our dear BH In KL maybe you wanna drive to Mutiara Damansara where you can see the new shopping centre The Curve, Ikea (biggest in asia) Tesco.... There is also a steakhouse (a very big one) in KL thats serves steak and seafood - forgot the name
  17. Nitrate production will be inevitable, so leave your denitrator to maybe faster flowing, whenever there are nitrate available, it will "cleanse" it. The bacteria population will adjust itself according to the tanks' needs.
  18. Coralline already started to grow already...at times consume by scrapping fishes and others. H&S product good what, all same pattern and design concept looks good and works well...
  19. New toy, Calcium Reactor rated for 800 litres. Workmanship a piece of art.
  20. My sulphur filter is now dripping at about 4-5 drops per sec and i took a measurement about last week and it measures 5ppm of nitrate. It is working hard to remove the nitrates produced by my big angels and fishes. I have a big colony od sps (acropora) procured about 1 month ago (brown with slight green tint) to date it has the green tint almost throughout the branches. The dead exposed skeleton area are all almost rejuvenated by the living tissues. So although not conclusive, but indicative that the sulphur filter is doing its good work and seems beneficial to the coral.
  21. Let me know what you want - i have a carpenter doing these, will be cheaper than what you get outside.
  22. Whoah...AT you have been MIA for a long time...
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