Stoop so low? hehhehehe
Looks like muar chee has the same frequency ......
Even for a guy also ask him to turn around and bend down ah... hehhehehe
On a more serious note, it is true that if you lend money be prepared not to even take it also happens to me many many years back, a few k somemore, owe and never return. Till a few years later managed to chased it back man...then the unfortunate thing happen, a few years ago he died many things train through my thoughts thereafter, life is so fragile and it thought me to look past things that are worldly. I spend more time with friends and help them (those that need help) in their problems so that they will not borrow money from me (i am not rich) and other friends - they need to overcome their problem.
On a joking note - Shoelevy you can also ask her to repay you by working for you