I am of the opinion that the LFS, LFF and LFM ought to separate its listing for easy finding in the stock report.
The prices usually vary since they are suppose to be different with their quality, travel distance (convenience) which determines the cost of livestock (different rental cost also).
Local Fish Shop - usually more conveniently located, higher rental cost, supposedly better quality with their higher cost.
Local Fish Farm - usually cheaper (or should be since they are located in god known places and i always wonder why they are now similiarly priced as LFS - when they are cheaper years back),
lower rental cost, should have wider variety.
Local Fish Market - can be LFS or LFF since they dump prices, provide lesser treatment and quality seems to be of the lesser sort in terms of health and variety for the lifestocks. They are what i called Fish Market cause like the market i use to go, the lifestocks are supposed to be dead anyway...sheeesh !
I liken contributors to be true hobbyists in commenting and vested interest personnel to get lost, what do you guys think?