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Melvyn Tan

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Everything posted by Melvyn Tan

  1. Try a Chevron Tang - nice red fish and algae eater...
  2. Is your designer friend in interior design or graphic design ?
  3. Hang on for the anemone and clown fish for the time being. If you can successfully keep an nano tank, a larger tank will be much easier to manage...go on, get the biggest you would like. Currently your tank looks cramp with the boxes behind the rockworks.
  4. Will be interesting to see your next tank...
  5. Require your experience, those that have kept the Chevron Tang...
  6. Pm you on the pinpoint ph meter.
  7. A little quite in Sengkang/Punggol/Hougang/Buangkok...
  8. What is your intention for the nano tank? fish based tank, corals etc...
  9. Wah not many people comment...
  10. Good for you and look forward in seeing your reef establish !
  11. Looks good ! set me thinking - hmmm...should have a smaller tank with all the good equipment like you have !
  12. Interesting ! a review on the tunze reef pack will be nice.
  13. Nice gentle sloping tank ! You might want to consider stocking up more slowly....good for your wallet and overall longevity of the stocks. A good balanced tank.
  14. Don't get me wrong, not offended in anyway although my statement seems pretty sacarstic - practising my english as i am attending english class to improve my english - english F9 lah Lets not build our impression in haste on one another through our words in forum(s) - for i am one lovable person with no ill-intent.
  15. You mean to say until now you realised i am talking about stock listing report? alamak sorry ah...my english isn't really that good and ask for your kind pardon. Anyway 3 separate listing for a week, no big deal as the combined will be the same as one loooong listing...
  16. Not asking to list the pricing.... But to categorise the stock listing so that immediately people can zoom in to hunt for stocks...people like me so poor no car cannot go to LFF so sometimes pointless to go through the entire list - may be convenient to just go to LFS listing and straight away know where and what can be gotten... Also, nobody would want to be listed in LFM, this will hopefully "upkeep" the standards whoever LFS/LFF that can be considered in that LFM category plus, newbie will know and not kenna con - good for the hobby. I deem long term and sustainability as the way forward for both LFS/LFF and the Hobbyist...am i in the right direction?
  17. Maybe your girlfriend is stunning - that they got stunned and so goes the pricing?
  18. Not to make things difficult, 3 threads so people can zoom in readily mah ! You want to buy fish market variety then check out the LFM, you want to buy good stuffs but at lower cost (need to travel) check out the LFF, if you want convenience then check out the LFS, this is to ease newbies and also i find it not as convenient having to read through the entire thread...
  19. Hi, I am of the opinion that the LFS, LFF and LFM ought to separate its listing for easy finding in the stock report. The prices usually vary since they are suppose to be different with their quality, travel distance (convenience) which determines the cost of livestock (different rental cost also). Local Fish Shop - usually more conveniently located, higher rental cost, supposedly better quality with their higher cost. Local Fish Farm - usually cheaper (or should be since they are located in god known places and i always wonder why they are now similiarly priced as LFS - when they are cheaper years back), lower rental cost, should have wider variety. Local Fish Market - can be LFS or LFF since they dump prices, provide lesser treatment and quality seems to be of the lesser sort in terms of health and variety for the lifestocks. They are what i called Fish Market cause like the market i use to go, the lifestocks are supposed to be dead anyway...sheeesh ! I liken contributors to be true hobbyists in commenting and vested interest personnel to get lost, what do you guys think?
  20. The bus service is crap ! for a very long time.... What i hate most are the seats....so damn small and narrow - they think singaporeans are still in the fishing village time where everyone is small sized. Maybe they know about it and communicated to the burger chains and now all the burgers are getting smaller ! The biggest blood suckers are the landlords, price high and to make ends meet, burgers and products and services have to be small...
  21. I particularly like the dirty green montipora, it is unique and it spreads to the white cross-section we chopped off hhehhehe...almost entirely grown over.
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