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  1. WTG Six line wrasse BYO pail, Collection at hougang.
  2. Thanks for the help guys. I have a mixed reef tank with KH 7.0-7.7 ca about 420. Doing manual dosing atm but just recently got a dosing pump and some food grade sodium bicarbonate and calcium chloride which im going to establish my dosing regime soon.
  3. Want to consult if any of you guys here uses food grade calcium chloride mix as regular dosing calcium additive? Will there be any adverse effects? Is it true that calcium chloride is good for raising ca levels but not ideal for maintaining stable levels? Any advise is appreciated thanks
  4. I see online sources use F2..but not sure where to get it locally. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. May I ask what fertilizers do you use for the culture?
  6. Thanks, I'm always checking on them for signs of weight loss. Do you culture the pods yourself? or purchase live ones?
  7. Added a mandarin pair and I wish longevity for the both of them . Tried target feeding them but they just wouldnt eat anything other than hunting copepods.
  8. already have a 6 socket extension plug all used up..already scared it might overload the socket
  9. Thanks, will check it out problem is no more power plug socket left for more equipment
  10. I'm also getting this problem everyday, my goby working very hard to clean the bed.
  11. I only do wc once a week for now since parameters don't fluctuate much. Might do a rescape as I feel the current scape inhibits flow in the middle of the island. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Yea just go slow and steady, I too approach it with zero knowledge of anything beforehand and slowly learn along the way. The satisfaction you get from enjoying your tank will be worth the effort.
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