Lol.,Technically, 0 psi may be impossible to maintain but if 10-15psi and i can save alot of effort and money, i may just give-and-take. But as a point of interest, I just want to study How technically feasible it is to use tap water.
Case in point, i was in a LFS recently (not suitable to name as don't want to sabo), and we were looking at 2 relatively small tank (2ft and 3ft). When i ask what water, was told they use dechlorinated aged tap water and salt mix. I wasnt too shock as FOWLR and some LPS should be acceptance... until i saw they even have abit sps in the tank. And best part was, when i ask him how often they change water, he told me almost never, Only top up for evaporation. At this point, i was thinking that i want what he is smoking.
But then again, no reason for him to smoke me so drastically as they have a reputation to maintain. And the tank does look alright (ok, i looked closer and may have spotted some diatom among the sand, cannot be too sure but sand has sillica, so may be from there..)