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Everything posted by RH8198

  1. Just like to ask with the HS90 inside your cabinet, how is the heat like? It is bearable within the cabinet and whether you can feel the heat from outside? Looks like a solid tank and great planning. Hope to see more updates.
  2. LOL. Reminds me of that Uncle Sim video series for PayWave commercials. "SO SIMPLE... HAHAHAHA"
  3. isn't it very expensive to see the shrimp then? Have to feed one starfish per view. lol
  4. Be careful. From the wording, it seems that almost all soft corals and invertebrates are safe but for the hard coral and some CITES corals, you may need to check the list of CITES on whether you need to apply for permit.
  5. Sorry, did not answer the question. I believe no need health cert, unless you bring in "real animals" like dogs, cats and rabbit which you need go through AVA and quarantine. For fishes, the likes of arowana, koi, (high value items), you will need import permit. Do note this import permit is not same as CITES permit, which additionally applies to certain "endangered animals". if i can find that link, i will post again. Update: check out under ornamental fish as pets.... http://www.ava.gov.sg/explore-by-sections/pets-and-animals/bringing-animals-into-singapore-exporting/animals
  6. i remember reading on the AVA website, invertebrates like starfish and corals really 5 pc and less than 5kg pax. Today at Changi airport, i even went up to ask the officer at the "custom declaration" exit on whether i can just take it through. She also not so sure. so she advise that if i bring anything next round, better to have print out of the webpage or regulations in hand. And better still, the receipt or proof of purchase from whichever shop you bought it from.
  7. Definitely no fight for Singapore. This seems to be the only shop in Yangon according to the guy manning the store and the store is very small. But it seems like if you really want something, they might be able to source just for you. He told me he actually sold 6 baby sharks to some "bigshot" before, for USD300 each!!! The hammerheads look very small and thin, maybe they are young. apparently from Myanmar sea, so something different than our usual indonesian import.Most of what you can find in Singapore are here anyway. As for cost, I think the corals are slightly cheaper, but not that cheap until you will purposely make a trip here to get anything. And I think there is a cap of 5 pieces, totally not more than 5kg for each pax entering Singapore custom provided the invert/fishes are not on the CITES list. But I personally never seen the snowflake moray eel and that fat pink starfish before, so I guess if you are lucky, you might be able to find something exotic. But that applies to all other LFS in Singapore as well.
  8. Visited a Yangon LFS today and saw a few interesting offering. Thought I'll just share them with you guys. Saw a very small snowflake moray eel and one very fat, pink starfish that reminds me of Patrick in Spongebob cartoon.
  9. Thank you for the FTS. Looks very mature tank and can see no "monster fish". Hopefully you can succeed with the algae scrubber. =)
  10. The octopus must have been super happy to enter your tank with all the fishes around it. Rem reading a post in another forum about this guy who bought corals and end up had an octopus as hitch-hiker. He kept it for few months before tank crashed due to equipment failure. Very intelligent and beautiful creature but need to be species tank. =)
  11. Wow.. no water change....really!?!?! You switched to algae scrubber 3 months back. Prior to this, have skimmer or also just refugium? Do you keep any fishes? Would like to see your FTS if possible. Will be good case study.
  12. Bro, has soft coral leh. Changed your mind from FOWLR to at least LPS set-up?
  13. Your high-tech planted tank also scaped nicely. The "pathway" theme. Freshwater aquascape tanks can be very nice too. Definitely not as colorful or exotic as saltwater , but its a different feel. FW is more zen.
  14. Like many bro, I also wonder how I missed out this thread. If looking at the time this thread is started and the scale of this magnificent set-up, the views are very few compared to other threads started around same time. And i realize the reason why. Because the thread title is mostly in chinese characters. If you look at the list of thread, all english and numbers, so very easy for the brain/eyes to play tricks and block out the chinese characters. Even if not block out, some people who cannot read chinese, will also miss it. lol But glad to have found it! =)
  15. The protein skimmer removes "organic dissolved waste" but this does not include nitrate. Can I check what is the best way to remove nitrate from the system, in addition to the water changes. Am toying with a refugium with DSB, like the Berlin Method concurrent with my protein skimmer, but I am now having doubt on the efficiency of this system. Would a nitrate reactor be more efficient?
  16. Yeah. Just like in the movie Alien vs Predator. The ending is always a nuke to clear all pests in the area. But i guess haroldfock bro prefers the Arnold's Terminator method. One on one... Lol
  17. haroldfock bro: Sorry, can I ask again how is the heat from this chiller since you are placing it beside the sofa?
  18. Yeah, i saw the artificial rocks at Iwarna before. Ease of mind aside, the only issue I have is that the artificial rocks are too neat. lol. All the extensions/platforms are positioned so nicely that they scream "put an SPS on me!".
  19. Its really ironic that hitch-hiker pest can be so hardy as to stay alive despite being kept in environment without food, while pretty specimens that we want to keep, are mostly so fragile. I read that people actually sun their live rocks and do freshwater soak, yet still cannot completely rid of hitch hikers.
  20. How is the heat coming from this chiller? what is the hp for this model? you mention that you place it beside the sofa, is it hot?
  21. This baby is reputed to be able to break the tank glass. and also nicknamed "thumb splitters" for a reason. Pls handle with care.
  22. As of now, I am thinking that I will simply start off with a chiller. I will keep it in a compartment with open rear and front. In addition, I will have a tower fan right in front of it, to direct air at the chiller . I think this may help with dispersing the heat generated. Of course, this will also mean additional electrical cost incurred for the tower fan as well, but I doubt it will be very heavy.
  23. Wah bro. KAM SIA! I love your answer and much thanks for sharing. This answer, really money cannot buy!
  24. Very poisonous and inspiring tank.
  25. Red star: tried to PM you but seems you are not able to receive message. If not too inconvenient, are you able to share your experience with Iwarna and whether you will recommend them to a newbie? If good stuff, guess ok to say here, if not so, pls PM me. Hehe
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