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Aung Thu Ice

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Everything posted by Aung Thu Ice

  1. With me about a year price 50$ collection @ woodlands can pm me or whatsapp me at 91893224
  2. Life stocks are updated here. blue leg hermit crabs, snails and pistol shrimp is not in the photo. a few zoan frags, tomato clown, gsp and ultra gsp. anemone . should be one small luminous anemone inisde the rock. keep hiding... 2 rocks and xmas trees , i cant take photo of them. I will wait awhile for full sets offer.
  3. Quitting the hobby due to cant catch up with WC and cleaning . As i have rabbits at home also Details 24x24x10 shallow tank Inclusive of live stocks , Fishe, corals , pumps chillers And other accessories like refractor , test kits All inclusive 450 Without the light ( can be nego ) Whatsapp.me at 91893224 for more details about life stocks Planning to sell all at one go package. Transport arrange on your own. Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  4. Zoan rocks and Hammer collected. the new pics havent managed to take yet since i reach home late night. price revised 1. 80$ - 70$ 3. 35$- 30
  5. Soon have to move house so, trying to reduce my loads. will slowly update the stocks. I stay at woodlands drive 14, ( i am working day shift now 9am-9pm ) u can collect anytime my friends will be at home . please bring your own container. u can PM or contact me at whatsapp 91893224 ( cheers ! ) 1. size abt 3-4 inch. open up about a disc size. (80$) 2)I bring back from Myanmar so dont know the exact price and name but find online exactly looks like this (http://www.oceanarium.com.au/item.toy?iid=534535 ) when open up abt 3-4 inch ( 80$ ) 3) 35$ 4) Also bring back from Mynamr so I dont know the name and price here !! (and there is a coin size baby brain ) size is about palm size (50$) 5)3 color Zoan rock (50$ )
  6. I have a 2ft x 2ft x 10in Shallow tank with sump. ( Made by AA vincent , tank is used less than 1 year, ( last year april made it ) ( with light stand ) WIth return pump + skimmer + reactor +UV lamp willing to let go at 400 but i still have livestocks and rocks and softies. ( I have back up tank to put if u need it rush ) reason is because i have to move house by end of March. Thinking of remaking a new set up. ( which is why decided to keep my Vega light + chiller ) contact me at 91893224 for pics and info
  7. Price revised !! 850 with tank set + chiller and live stocks !
  8. wts @ 1300 or (1150 without chiller ) price can nego with me (hydra light is not included.)i am selling as full set ( including livestocks , pumps skimmer and reactor )(reason moving house)tank is made by Vincent (AA and use less than a year )for more info, can ask me from chatbox. (for seperate sale i might consider it later when i cant sell out the whole set.I am not a fish man so mainly my livestocks are clam ,hermit crabs, anemone crab , shrimps and snails. ( and have average grade christmas trees x 2 rock )have variety of zoans and zoan garden rock. and other softies as u can see in pic.Chiller power button is spoiled so i short circuit myself and its plug and play mode. ( set point at 26 and is working well other than cant switch on and off ) if u are not keen to take chiller i will give u @ 1150u can contact me @ 91893224
  9. Fire&Ice please !! where and when to collet
  10. 1) Yptmzy 2) Leejwa 3) uws 4) Thgng 5) FaLong 6) Djnellaf 7) Norman19 8) AungThuIce
  11. Comment here to get noti ! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. lookig for a small ios nano tank with complete system ( filter + pump and light ) ( sth like Dymax IQ5 ) cuz i need to have a temp tank for my frags before my new tank cycling done. please pm me or leave ur offer here ( budget range is about 50 since i will only use for like 1-2 weeks , cosmetic damaged items are welcome too ) some cheap resin rocks or dead rocks ( its gonna be 2ft x 2ft x 10in shallow tank , looking ffor the size about 4-5 inch max ) and some live rocks for my sump and cheato or some algae plants best if nearby woodlands area
  13. total black out period. off the light for 1=2 days. i thikn that might solve that problem
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