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  1. Anybody have a stable and healthy powder blue tang letting go? I'm keen if you are. Thanks.
  2. I have a RW8 which I only use for 2 weeks for sale at $45, as picture shows. I have another RW8(spoilt) to give (FOC) to the person who gets the above too(if he wants), the 3pin plug is useable to replace the new set's adaptor plug.
  3. Anyone has a medium size yellow tang to let go?
  4. I contained all the lights in my DIY black room, so that no excess lights in my sump, as such no free-growing algaes elsewhere.
  5. Hi Guys, sorry for all the late updates. I had tried out my DIY scrubber, and under the guidance of Bro Xiggie, it works well for me! No more need to entertain those red slimy cyanos and blah blah algaes anymore. No more trapped bubbles on the rocks problems anymore! Today I saw that the scrubber's algae tipping out from my DIY hatch and I decided to "harvest" it! Throw the first generation algaes all away, so there is space for new generations to grow. Here're the pictures:
  6. I normally do WC once a week but just that minor bit(one standard red pail). It's for replenishing the trace elements like what Bro Xiggie has mentioned. I haven't try not changing yet, but I'm only having LPS and fishes. But doing water change is a easy task for me, 20mins from start to stop, because now no need to rid algae from Display tank saves me so much time! As for options 1, 2, and 3. I will go for number 2, since I had tried the upflow(no.3) now, with the light source from the outer of glass. I realized that, what Bro Xiggie said was right, more air generate more algae inducement. But for an up flow, the surface area is too small so it restricted the algae growth. The larger the surface area, the more algae growth possibility, but that also means you must have ample light on them. That is why Bro Xiggie had two side by side.
  7. Lucky it wasn't the Great White. Anyone knows if all the four Pasir Ris fish farms are opened this Jubilee long weekend?
  8. Hi Bro Xiggie I had been using for past 1 month, and the Algae is growing! Long long algaes, just like those in your pictures. However, I then realized what you said was right! An upflow Algae Scrubber is indeed not as efficient as the floating scrubber. I felt that the growth has been restricted somehow. But I do have to give the DIY scrubber the credit, as it has significantly reduced all those red slimes and green algaes in my display tank, and all the trapped-air-bubbles problems are gone too! *Phew* What a relieved! I will be modifying the upflow scrubber into a so-called floating scrubber once the 5-7 x3W driver reaches me! But most importantly, I have to thank you very much for your guidance and advises that I no longer need to stretch my hands into the display tank every evening to clear all those unsightly red slime and trapped air bubbles! Thumbs up, Bro Xiggie! And thanking SRC too for the platform for us to learn from the seniors continuously!
  9. Any diamond watchman gobies seen? Or any gobies that can clear my sandbed
  10. Hi Bro nywk153, do you know how much Ah Beng selling for Midas Blenny and Red Scooter Blenny? Can PM me the price if you know? Thanks.
  11. Got my Flame Angel finally from Pacific Reef, thanks to Bro CookieCrunch for the update. If anyone see a purple tang at LFS, or letting go a purple tang about 2.5inch, please let me know. Thanks.
  12. Hi Bro CookieCrunch, do you know how much CF selling the Flame Angels? Can PM me if you know? Thanks.
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