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Everything posted by Ooozone

  1. Hi, Healthy Finger Leather Coral PM
  2. Hi i am looking for golden clove coral Please pm price and photo
  3. Selling due to increasing bio load Triggerfish White Wrasse
  4. Hi, i am looking for RBTA Pls PM if you have any for sales Thanks
  5. Ooozone

    Nori Seaweed

    Surplus Nori seaweeds for trades if there is interests Currently feeding my angel fishes and tangs with this type of nori seaweed and i would like to trade with coral or livestocks if any reefers are keen. PM
  6. Ooozone

    Wtg- chaeto

    Looking forward to your next harvest
  7. Looking to get a spare good condition 2ft tank. Pls PM me if you wish to let go. Thank for viewing
  8. Ooozone

    Orange Yuma

    I am keen. Still available?
  9. Look for flame hawk. Pls PM if u have
  10. Nice Tank! Care to share your tank parameter?
  11. I am planing to upgrade and getting 3ft tank with sump. Any reefer knows where i can get a deal as i am ok with 2nd hand marine tank from fellow reefers PM me if you have recommendation Thank you very much
  12. Fishes collected.. Pls closed thread. Thanks
  13. Selling pellet feeding blue eye anthia and zebra damsel for $15 Interested pm me.
  14. Selling pellet feeding blue eye anthia and zebra damsel for $15 Interested pm me.
  15. Ooozone


    Letting go on fat Zebra Damsel Self collect at Yishun (Chong Pang) PM Me Priority given those who can collect ASAP.
  16. Can you share photos of your sump?
  17. Looking for stable yellow tang small size
  18. Looking for stable blue eyed anthia fish
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