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Everything posted by M&M

  1. Hi can someone confirm if this is white spot??
  2. Hey I think my fishes are coming down with white spot. But I don't really have a Quarantine tank, so I will have to mix my medication in the main tank that has corals (anemone, mushrooms, polyps, seacub, fan corals, brain). Does anyone know of a brand that is safe for corals?
  3. Yes it would help a lot. Unfortunately my tank is near a window and sunlight hits it every morning
  4. Got purified water, mix salt, new live sand and rocks and started cycling the water. To start of the cycling, I added bacteria tablets, a dead prawn and half of my bio balls from my 32L tank. In all it took 3 weeks for the whole cycle to complete. So I added my 4 chromis and left them there for a week just to be sure. And they survived =)
  5. Continue.... So after my clowns were gone, all I had were 4 chromis and the invertebrates and corals. But at the same time I found a really great deal for a 200+L tank with a chiller... So I bought it.
  6. Such a nice set up of the rocks. I wish I had done that to my tank. Too late now
  7. Most crabs don't lay their eggs in a line. They tend to keep the eggs under their belly or clump them all together. So did u manage to remove it?
  8. My box fish is Still open for trading if anyone is interested. Can trade with anything that interest me.
  9. Besides the 2 clowns and the 2 invertebrates. I added 2 coral (flower pot coral and a star burst polyp) two weeks after the cycling was completed and 4 chromis and 1 yellow watchman goby and 2 tube worms. However, the clowns was being cheeky and kept disturbing the flower pot till it was showing signs of stress. So I got a long tentacle anemone got them... And annoyingly they didn't use it. Instead both clown had ich and died
  10. My second tank was a 32L skimz tank. This time I cycled the tank completely and transferred all my surviving creatures over, the 2 clown, 1 fireshrimp and 1 hermit crab before I decommissioned the 1st tank.
  11. Just realised this is a double post. Can be removed tks
  12. My 1st tank. Now a tetra tank. Don't have pictures of it when it was Marine. It would be too embarrassing to post.
  13. Got my first Marine tank at the end of last year, a 14L rainbow tank. Being foolish I was too impatient to wait for the water to cycle fully. So I added 2 clowns, 1 wrasse (not sure what species), 1 bicolour dottyback, 1 fireshrimp and 1 hermit crab. A few months into the tank,Algae started growing like nobody's business and the Nitrate was crazy high. Fishes started dying 2 months in starting with the wrasse which jump out, followed by the dottyback. Surprisingly the clowns and invertebrates survived. Desperate for a answer. I found out that the tank was not cycled properly (dur) and a small tank is hard to maintain. So I decided to decommission the tank and got a new tank. The tank is now a freshwater tetra tank.
  14. Hey, just wanted to share my journey on how I started keeping Marine and how the tank has evolved.
  15. Hey, just wanted to share my journey on how I started keeping Marine and how the tank has evolved.
  16. Did you do a water change? How long was your cycling?
  17. Ya great. My algae is slowly disappearing thanks to my snails and tangs
  18. M&M

    WTG Sea Urchin

    I think he has given it away to the farm.
  19. Currently I'm using a pink and a blue on my light set. I can still add 2 more light tubes but decided not too. Everything seems to be going fine.
  20. Once the Ammonia drops the Nitrite increase. Once the Nitrite drops ur on the home run.
  21. I've tried Googling but can't seem to find a match. You could remove it into a small container and see what hatches out from it few weeks later. And you can let us know.
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