Currently I have a 10 to 20 reading from the API test kit .. will getting a salifert no3 & po4 test kit tonight to confirm. any place to recommend for the best price ?
Nice upgrade !!! hope to see more update with fish, corals and lps.
I'm using WG-308 too, any review for this skimmer ??? im just started few weeks ago.
Hi all , I read up that quite a number of reefer are using Brightwell Mircobacter7 and Reef biofuel for their tanks. Its it recommend for my tank ? I haven't dose anything in yet. Kindly advise Thanks =D
Ok noted. Means that I just put my newly brought clownfish into the QT after I dose interpet no. 7 in it then catch out to put in the DT ?? kindly advise hahahaha thanks lots