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Everything posted by shy88devil

  1. Ok noted. How much is recommended I need to dose for my tank as I maybe goin to fresh n marine to get it. Best need to off or leave the skimmer on ?
  2. Will look to invest a reactor in future. Dosing Reef biofuel can help to maintain No3 n Po4 ?
  3. So it's still recommend to run a reactor for a 2ft tank ?
  4. Need advice from you guys, my Po4 reading is ard 0.25 to 0.5 right ?
  5. Opps never read the instructions properly hahaha.
  6. Oh no .. I think my nitrates reading is 25 to 50 on salifert test kit.
  7. Currently I have a 10 to 20 reading from the API test kit .. will getting a salifert no3 & po4 test kit tonight to confirm. any place to recommend for the best price ?
  8. Nice upgrade !!! hope to see more update with fish, corals and lps. I'm using WG-308 too, any review for this skimmer ??? im just started few weeks ago.
  9. Hi all , I read up that quite a number of reefer are using Brightwell Mircobacter7 and Reef biofuel for their tanks. Its it recommend for my tank ? I haven't dose anything in yet. Kindly advise Thanks =D
  10. Kindly update us does it really help to lower down n maintain Nitrates in our tank .. hopefully able to hear good news from you haha
  11. Can I dose in QT and keep the clownfish for how long inside the QT ?
  12. Ok noted. Means that I just put my newly brought clownfish into the QT after I dose interpet no. 7 in it then catch out to put in the DT ?? kindly advise hahahaha thanks lots
  13. Nice tank ! can share what's the equipment , media and what you dose in the water ?
  14. I place it in a external breeder tank. I not too sure, as I collected from a nice reefer here.
  15. Hi all, I have added chaeto & caulerpa for the tank. Read up that it will help to reduce nitrates ?
  16. Thanks bro for your info. Will buy this and dose it in the QT when cycling.
  17. Oh ok .. so i still need to cycle my DT tank till i get a lower nitrates first before i set up a QT.
  18. The water for Quarantine tank (QT) where do i use from ?? or i need to cycle a Quarantine tank (QT) too before adding live stock ?
  19. Ok noted will keep a look out for 1 big 1 small haha
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