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Ding last won the day on January 23 2019

Ding had the most liked content!

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  1. I have a 4.5 years old DSunY 4ft LED light system with auto timer to let go at only $50 (up$338). I have also upgraded the 2 x power supply adapters (up$75 each) 2 year ago. Light system's condition 7/10. The 12000K LEDs in one of the channels (CH4) of one of the panels is not working. Reason for sale is upgraded to a newer DSunY system. Interested please PM me. Collection at Tanjong Rhu.
  2. is the Pulsing Xenia still available? Where to collect?
  3. Can PM me 96896120 if still available
  4. The most right one is for $10? Im interested.
  5. Hi, still available? Can collect today?
  6. Hi, still hv two small frags?
  7. Hi, still hv two small frags?
  8. HI, still available? the photos showing which one? Can show photos for both?
  9. I have a 2.5 years old DSunY 4ft LED light system to let go at only $98 (up$338). I have also upgraded the 2 x power supply adapters (up$75 each) one year ago. Light system's condition 7.5/10. The 12000K LEDs in one of the channels (CH4) of one of the panels is not working. Reason for sale is upgraded to a newer DSunY system. Interested please PM me. Collection at Tanjong Rhu.
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