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Everything posted by daveyy

  1. Anyone know does biopellet replace nitrate reactor (sulphur)? All discussion pertaining to sulphur reactor stop around 2010 and was wondering why is it so. It totally eliminates the needs of changing water (or rather, very very low frequency of water changes). Any insights would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. bro, you can try crushing the pellet and feed them. put in a bag and pound them. hahah
  3. Careful with that UV, china made one right? I saw one that melted the inner casing caused by the heat produce by the bulb. when the casing melt, it will release toxin into the tank. For purigen, to recharge it, i put it out in the sun for a week, look almost like brand new after that. haha bro check with you, where u buy that red ATS light? (The one u hang over a pvc piping one.)
  4. Very nice yuma bro! May I know where did you purchase them from?
  5. sibei smart! bro, how often do you change water (weeks/month) ?
  6. Interesting looking clapping shrimp. Do u happen to know the cost ? Sent from my Potato using Tapatalk
  7. Anyone know roughly How much would the pipe organ cost? Sent from my Potato using Tapatalk
  8. Hi, not considering separate sale? If yes, do let me know. Thanks.
  9. Late news, saw 4 Blue Ring Annularis at Coral Farm on sunday. Bought the smallest one, left 3 (about 1 fully extended palm size) as of 12/07/2015.
  10. Eel, Trigger might bite at them. Tang wont disturb them. If you really want, can consider keeping a maroon clown inside, if it host it, might have a chance of it defending the anemone .
  11. Gd gesture!! Sent from my Potato using Tapatalk
  12. Bro, your lemon peel is angelfish or tang?
  13. Bro! I pm-ed you in the morning (7am+), let me know if the tank is still available? My number in the PM
  14. What a beautiful tank! Initially I ordered this tank from EOA, but their supplier ###### up in the end i cancel the order. Non the less, very promising setup side note, your bottom left rock abit too big?
  15. ahh, hmm, maybe my pm full thats why cant send. thanks anyway.
  16. bro, can i know where you buy the spiny star astrea? try looking at LFS but can't seems to find them.
  17. Bro. Think your pm full. Pm me? Thanks.
  18. very nice! will post my tank thread soon. still adjusting here and there!
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